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Everything posted by marzman

  1. I'd be up for the saturday - its my birthday Sunday and am going for an all you can eat chinese - not missing that for the world!
  2. Couldn't agree more - it looks like a million bucks! btw - if you're looking to sell the spacers after you've removed them, please pm me with a price - i may be in the market for some. My cheapo wheels with +35 offsets should be arriving on tuesday.
  3. marzman

    New BMW Z4

    Love it. Apart from the wider kidney grills. Makes it look a bit like a 6-series.
  4. Thats ace. Is that at the motorshow in London? I'll be there next week
  5. No problems from our supplier with the falkens, had 6 sets this week. Phil - PM Sent.
  6. YES! Thats ace!! I hope it goes well for you mate...
  7. Come on - noddy lights - give us more info!! I've attached my noddy lights to my low beam headlights, so they come on at the first stage of headlight - just tapped into the wires.
  8. Nah, i feel for you. Not that anything like this has ever happened to me.
  9. Just getting the Bridgestones on the Rays worn down a bit more so they are just right for some track work of course Good answer
  10. Can you explain to me how its possible to have wheels in your possession for 2 months - and not fit them???? i'll be out there at night, in the rain fitting mine if i have to be...!
  11. I didnt think you had the G anymore? And why's it grey now?
  12. Congrats pal. All the best. I frightened my missus half to death a couple of weeks ago - we were at a massive family do of hers and it was our 5yr anniversary the same day - and i told her i was gonna make an announcement, but i was only joking ...she got all freaked out and started hyper-ventilating with nerves cos she thought i was serious!
  13. Cheers Sarnie - thts pretty much verbatim what the HSBC girl said to me on the phone. Last year they were very quick to phone me when i went a tenner overdrawn after going on holiday, but this time there was no such luck... The only other argument i have is that i had a letter saying they were changing me from 'graduate account' to a normal bank account on the 20th July, and then today (21st) these charges have been applied. I've never been charged before so im guessing its this change which has instigated the charges... but they have charged me for these withdrawals before 20th July - when it was still a graduate account... so i'm gonna argue that in the morning.
  14. Okay, phoned them up and im slightly less irate... of the £200, £75 was 'in error', but £125 still remains. They charge you £25 a day, on days where you withdraw more than £20. So because i paid for petrol on 3 separate days, and 2 bills went out on another 2 separate days, they have charged me 5 times. I asked if, god forbid, i knew i was going to be overdrawn again that if i go and withdraw £500 cash on one day, i'd only get charged £25 once - and she said yeh - you can get round it that way! Unbelievable..!
  15. Right, I've just checked my bank balance online, and i've just been charged £200 by HSBC!! Having had back surgery a couple of months ago i've had to give up my 2nd job, so i knew i was gonna be struggling until the end of July (when my circumstances change - office moves, stop paying crazy insurance prices, annual bonus etc etc). I knew i'd be going over my overdraft this month but i've never been charged before... so i was £160 over, and now im £360 over. I googled it, and someone said you get charged £25 for each transaction whilst overdrawn - so i've been buying my lunch on my card @ £3 a go, and they've charged me £25 for each occasion. Oh My God. Im livid
  16. So they pull you, tell you its wrong, and dont fine you? You just have to swap the plates and take it to an MOT station, and then swap them back? Or do you need to get a new MOT each time??
  17. marzman


    That rear end is so fat!! I like it!
  18. Damn - thats what i was planning to do - N12MO A is the plate, and i wanted the A on the line below... I dont see how this is illegal... It'll look crap as - N12 MOA or N12MOA On the front i've got a UK spec plate so that'll be alright as N12MO A ...i might not bother now then...
  19. Cheers Stew... **goes and gets tape measure***
  20. Hey guys, I found a private plate im interested in but i have 1 crucial question: On a JDM plate, is it possible to get 5 letters/numbers on 1 line? My rear plate is JDM style and has just 4 letters on the top line - but there would be space to fit 5 if the letters were nearer the edges! Has anyone done this or know the legalities/if its possible etc? If not then i wont be bothering with the private reg...
  21. Got to say i disagree, should it be unreasonable to want an awesome car but also want to save a bit of money when running it? See Jay's thread here - i can save money when driving but i've got the power when i need it!
  22. where is he nowadays? Not been around in a while?
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