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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Odd that - i really dislike it in carbon on the blade colour - just looks stuck on! Thats why i probably paid more for the frp version! each to their own...!
  2. ... thats coming next month. But i got the intake duct with the eyelids from the states, and got them sprayed together ...and i wouldn't have been able to wait a month without fitting it!!
  3. Hey guys, well, i've been looking forward to today for a while! I had my parts sprayed on Thursday and have fitted them today! I was up at 7am on the dot, and did a couple of hours' work from home, and then got on with cutting my bumper! I ended up making a template myself, and then cutting the bumper with a stanley knife while still on the car. Was easy to do, and took about 25mins to cut the piece out. My bodyshop filled the rivet holes on the intake duct and recommended i glue it on... they gave me a tube of this stuff called sicaflex? Anyway, its nasty stuff - a lot like chewing gum! So i put LOADS of that all around it, and on the car too, and let it go off for 5mins before putting the duct on. Now this was the scary part - the curve of the bumper was too much, so the duct wouldn't stay down in all 4 corners, so i sat there for an hour leaning on it!!!! My arms were killing me!! It appears to have dried now, and stuck mostly - but its not flush. There's about a 1mm gap around the whole thing where the glue is holding it in place... The bodyshop gave me the remaining paint in a can, so depending on what it looks like when i've picked all the dry glue off - i may very carefully paint the white 1mm line around the edge...! As for the eyelids... i know most people wont like them but it is the kind of thing i like (cheap and tacky!)... the fit on them isnt particularly good - but i've used clear silicone sealant to stick them on... the supplied 3m double sided tape was useless! So hopefully that'll do the trick! My wheels are hopefully on the way the week after next, and then i'll be having a break from spending till the end of august! Pics coming shortly after i've picked the glue off...! EDIT - okay sorry for the delay... had to go sofa hunting before the shops shut! ...ordered a nice big leather 3-seater... but there's a 14 week wait Okay, here's the pics.... feel free to give me jip over the controversial eyelids!
  4. Im all for things like this, but i think you need to go with a theme and carry it on through the car... For starters i'd spray the mesh in your bumper black or anthracite to match...? Would be interested to see some more pics though, definitely!
  5. I used personal shipper for the first time this week. Got to say, excellent service. I put in the pickup address at 11pm, and 2 days later they arrived. I had 1x wheel delivered and it was a total of £7.99!
  6. http://www.barmeister.com/drinks/recipe/1916/ "...remove the green ones or it will taste nasty" Stu... i had a jalapeño plant last year and the chillis it produced were not hot at all... i was suprised. Does anyone know where to buy good sized japs from? I buy the tesco's generic chillies but they're not quite right... Anyway, i open them up and stuff with Philadelphia and raw Madagascan king prawns, and wrap in thin bacon.... then on the bbq for about 12 mins and you're away - my favourite side dish!
  7. ...thats a good question - the original method i read for it said to take them out cos they're naff flavours, but i just googled it and this guy is making individual flavoured bottles! http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/msbrackenridge/entry/the_something_random/ And emperor ming - he's trademarked your name. ha!
  8. Thats crazy money! Are you sure they did a propper job? Did they totally smooth it down before painting to get all the existing stone chips out? That is very cheap.
  9. My mates once ordered a jar of "the worlds hottest chilli sauce" off the net and we dared eachother to eat the tiniest amounts... i handled that no problem, but i must have touched my eyes, and they swole up and i couldn't open them for about 45 minutes... it was well scary! So be careful! ...something else to do with vodka - put a large bag of skittles in it (take out the green and yellows though). Leave it for a week and then pour through a sieve when serving.... mmmm - tasty.
  10. Hey everyone... Im fitting an intake duct this weekend, but it didnt come with a template. Does anyone have a template they could scan in and post up? If not, then any suggestions are more than welcome! Also, how did everyone else make the whole in the bumper? im considering melting it with an old soldering iron as its probably safer than drilling as there's no stress in it... i dont want to shatter my bumper! ...and dont laugh - i've used this trusty soldering iron technique many times before!
  11. Nice friendly forum member - you'll go far! I like the c2 mate - i appreciate mods like the door handles etc - nice work! I think they show you as a true car-person as its only something you'd notice - rather than fitting a huge 'look-at-me' bodykit.
  12. Hey all... I went to my local bodyshop in macc today (Whittles - id recommend them to anyone) where i get all my work done, and they said the price of paint has doubled in the last few months... Something about an EU directive to phase out oil-based paints, as they're polluting, and replace them with water-based paints. So they're taxing oil-based paints heavily because of this? The problem with this though is that existing cars still need to be painted with oil-based paints to match though! Anyway, to get my AUT eyelids and my intake duct sprayed, its costing me £100 ...pick them up on friday though so gonna have a nice little saturday fitting them
  13. ...it did hurt... i'd already cancelled my insurance, so i had to pay it all out of my own pocket. (i probably would have anyway though tbh). But when you buy a car you spend all your money at the time - so i had to borrow £1k from a family member to get both cars repaired! Luckily i had got the 3 month grace period before i started repaying my car loan, so i paid the £1k back straight away! Happy motoring fella!
  14. I think on my jdm its a fixed panel - i dont think you can pry it off or anything... am i wrong?
  15. marzman


    Yeh - for the first time im not worried about the decreasing values - for me its a good thing! Im never going to worry about the running costs of a car - and will never buy something run of the mill. Next cars i'll be getting are a range rover sport and a gtr! ...so these falling prices are simply bringing these top end cars within my grasp.
  16. Welcome pal, im in a blade and i work in Nantwich... i see a couple of zeds on the a500 every morning... you going to be near there? Just be careful though - when i got the car before my zed, i was actually on the way to the garage to pick it up after waiting a week, and i drove in the back of someone in my car i was trading in! I blagged the garage - just told them i forgot i was picking it up that day and couldn't make it for the rest of the week cos i was away on business - and i went and got my car fixed! ...and the sound is the best thikng ever
  17. Lexx they look mint! I love them! Vredsteins are a good choice - i had them on my bmw and loved them.
  18. Yeh thats a good shout... you can pick up basic model S-Types for about £4k!!
  19. +2 I'd never leave my car at a train station car park... you have to pay for parking too! And i wouldnt get the train to work either. I hate public transport... i'd rather pay more for petrol etc so i can have my personal time.
  20. You know what, i've not seen any of the new top gears for the last year... i got a new cable box and arranged my 'favourites' - but missed BBC2 out... and didnt realise until about a month ago...
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