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Everything posted by marzman

  1. i'm 27 with the same points and NCB, and i have been quoted £400 fully comp. £530 with my gf (25, 3NCB ). However, i live in the sticks, and if you live in a city that would probably add a lot, especially if its not garaged. Damn... im paying £2550 for insurance this year, cos im under 25 and i've obviously failed in the postcode lottery. I paid £13k for my JDM zed with 34k on the clock - i've done 10k miles in it so far since last October and the only thing i've had to pay for is a set of rear pads. Its unbelievable - i've done 11k in it and its cost me £60 - im very impressed. It need a service though but im skint till next month! i think its probably worth about £9k now though with this recent depreciation! For fuel - i used to get 300 miles out of a £75 tank, but i recently changed my driving style (i.e. took off heavy right shoe) and i now get about 415 miles from a tank!! Just checked the auction - doesn't look like you've won - but keep looking you'll find one! (i actually bought the first one i saw!) ...and to everyone... sarnie's nice-ness is starting to freak me out...! Chris.
  2. Nice plate though... how much is that worth? I'd love a plate like that! ...and to everyone else, my car is an 03 - does that mean i wouldnt be able to put a 53 plate on?
  3. No problems from our supplier with the falkens, had 6 sets this week. Crap. That makes me feel sooooo much better!
  4. Sorry bud. half asleep. Xbox till 2am last 2 nights
  5. Ey up... I've seen a few other threads about tyre shortages... Does anyone know if this is affecting Falkens too? I ordered my wheels 2 weeks ago today, and every time i phone up on the day they should be being delivered, they keep daying "it'll be another couple of days - we're just waiting on 2 of the tyres." They were sposed to be coming again tomorrow (3rd delivery date they've given me), but they've just said again now it'll be Monday or Tuesday next week. This time though, they said the boat should be arriving one of those days... but i dont know if i believe them! Is there any way i can lookup a delivery like that? Probably not but im really frustrated right now
  6. So what, is Rob_Quads having them?
  7. i'll take them my mate!!
  8. http://www.skyscanner.net/ is the best i've used... get great deals on flights.
  9. marzman

    Different z

    I think you'll find that coasting (to quote an online dictionary) is "To move without further use of propelling power.". This means in gear or out of gear is irrelevant. Being in neutral or dipping the clutch, its the same thing and it will cause you to fail your driving test as it is dangerous. Each to their own, but I think its damn dangerous, and you must be very confident of all other road users if you think you can judge when its safe to do, you never know where a danger is going to come from. Try doing some safe slalom in the car when you are in neutral, it behaves differently to in gear, and can be quite unstable. Just letting off the throttle will cut most of the fuel to the engine and is meant to use less fuel than at idle as the momentum of the car moving can pull the engine around a little (with a little help from the engine) but certainly uses less fuel than coasting and letting the car idle while you do it. Why not try both for a month and report back on what you find? Anyway, enough with the rant Fair enough. I spose its a circumstantial thing with it being dangerous. Where i do it on my daily drive im at the same spot on a quiet country road with great visibility. As for keeping it in gear and rolling - i do this frequently, but when im going down a long hill i wont roll as far as when im in neutral! Either way... debate over i think. ..and once again, sorry Jay
  10. Im there on the 1st August... I used the link posted here last week to get free weekday tickets... they've printed out fine and look legit, so hopefully not gonna cost is anything. If we get there though and they dont let us in, its no drama - we should be able to buy some on the door
  11. OH MY GOD!! They sell cookie dough in Costco?? Propper american style cookie dough you can eat raw from the tube?? My Dad lives in the states, and whenever i go over there i always end up eating about 8 tubes of the stuff.
  12. marzman

    Different z

    You know the difference between a hedgehog and a bmw dont you? On a hedgehog - the pricks are on the outside. (from a 3xformer bmw owner).
  13. marzman

    Different z

    I know i know i was just messing. I dont think i'd get another 2 seater (of todays current crop at least) as nothing compares to the zed. ...and ZeddZ - you have some skills there! Only thing is i'd want a red 'O' on the Nismo.
  14. marzman

    Different z

    They do these???? Should i PM Big Phil or is it an across the pond mod from Adam? Sorry for the thread jack Jay... Glad you didnt like the Z4... now go and test a crossfire to humour me
  15. marzman

    Different z

    I seem to have started a debate here! When i say i coast - i am dropping my auto into neutral. Coasting would be remaining in gear with a clutch depressed wouldn't it? Anyway, some of you obviously are assuming im a moron for doing this, and that im going to cause an accident because im oblivious to my surroundings and have no control of my car. Well, suit yourselves... but i only 'coast' when its appropriate to do so - i dont do it if someone's behind me, or at a point where i may need to get on the power etc. And Mr Ming... as for why should i buy a zed if i care about petrol consumption... i dont get to ride around in a plod car all day with my petrol paid for me This is my only car, and i drive approx 375miles a week to work, the price of which has gone up by about £100 a month for me over the last 3 months! I dont know what you police get paid, but i need to start cutting back somewhere
  16. Think it was gun metal... but i was doing a little over the speed limit so only saw it for about 1 seconds
  17. Couldn't believe it... on the opposite side of the dual carriageway to me just going into Nantwich... I'd have turned round and followed it if i could have! I need one of these! Also, yesterday - a rusty-coloured Gallardo just of J16 of the M6... wasnt you Sarnie was it?
  18. Yes, defo look forward to the pics!
  19. i showed this to my mate at work last year, and he said "check this number - its my mums mobile". I was trying so hard not to laugh while it was loading...
  20. marzman

    Different z

    Thought I'd read somewhere that coasting in neutral was not such a good idea as you were still using petrol, where as if you left it in gear, granted it would have to be a high one to coast, the engine shut off the petrol or something like that?..... Even if thats true, i believe it would still be better than leaving it in gear, as the engine braking that occurs would half the distance im able to free-wheel!
  21. Okay, thats a different link. Thats now saying its £440 immediately. Bo11ocks.
  22. Hang on.... this now makes no mention of pre-06 cars going up to £440... that cant be right? I was listening to the radio this morning and they were banging on about it still affecting old cars etc...
  23. The new tax rules are for ALL cars post Sept? 01! - Obivously you have the perfect timing on tax renewal dates I beleive pre-06 cars go to £300 next year, and £440 the year after.
  24. I'll be doing this to pal... the sorn idea should work. Think i might ring the dvla anonymously to find out if its possible before i do it though! http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight=
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