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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Hi all. Some of you by now have probably noticed that your email notifications are not working. This is not the same issue as previously experienced with Hotmail addresses and is in fact a server based issue that affects all our users. We are working on a solution, but please remember the Team are volunteers with families and jobs. Being the weekend, time is valuable and thus it may take a few days to sort out 100%. There is likely to be some forum downtime whilst things are rectified so please be patient. PMs still work as normal, you just won't get an email notification. So if you have items for sale etc then please remember to check back regularly for PMs so that you don't miss a potential sale. Thanks.
  2. Silverline 277860 Flexible Pick Up Tool https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000LFXQ00/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_IMIRxb17C9T8E
  3. The forum Tapatalk version is an old one. We have hesitated on updating as it was generally stable and tapatalk updates have been known to be troublesome. I have the latest one ready to install on the forum, which may solve some issues. But most likely it'll **** tapatalk up completely. The forums own mobile platform is quite user friendly in my experience.
  4. Copyright wise - we won't host it due to all the legalities involved.
  5. That sounds like an idea, thanks. BUT...I'm getting old so what is your Drop Box? I've tried getting to the manuals on the Nico club forum but without success, looks like you may have to register, although I've not found out how just yet. You may then have to pay to get a copy. I posted the link to the manuals up there ^^^^ I can access them from 3 separate laptops and my phone (just tested).
  6. Scratch the above. Updated link here: http://www.nicoclub....ce-manuals.html Only thing is the Hotlinking isn't working, so you will have to hunt using the Index and then the individual directory files.
  7. NICO hosted it free of charge. They also had a vast array of Z32 Tech/How to, as well as 100's of techs for other models. They all disappeared around 6 months ago. I didn't look into it, but I suspect that you are now required to be a signed up (and pay up IIRC)
  8. Hmmmm. He says it's a Cat B which means that the shell should have been crushed. Shouldn't be for sale on eBay (although I admit I am not sure on the legality of selling a shell that should have met the crusher).
  9. PMd you with new password details for your original account.
  10. They'll all want to give you a quote. But they'll also all tell you the same thing - call them up! They need all your personal information which they won't ask you to post on a public forum. Guaranteed way to get your identity stolen. There's a great thread here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/105064-specialised-car-insurance-brokers/
  11. Apologies have been made and liability sorted. As such, I'm locking this.
  12. I've had reason to call out all 3 at one time or another. They're all as crap as each other. Although the AA are particular bad - 18 hours to recover me 86 miles home using 3 different flat beds from 3 different companies.
  13. As the cars get older more and more are being broken for spares. As the standard system for Sales on here would be cumbersome when regarding an almost full car, the Team have created a subframe specifically for cars being broken for spares. Rules are as follows: - Anyone wishing to break a car must sign up as a MEMBER TRADER at £25 per annum. - Limited to breaking a single car per year. - A minimum of one picture of the car in question must be posted (username not required in pics). - This does not effect the Pro Traders who are breaking cars in their own sub areas. Rules may be adjusted as we see how things go.
  14. Locking wheel nuts are a complete waste of time. Anyone who wants to thieve your wheels will not be deterred by a locking wheel nut. They can be removed just as quickly and easily (without the key) as any other wheel nut.
  15. Lexx

    New suspension

    Plenty of traders here you can speak to who can supply a multitude of suspension parts.
  16. Ah. Didn't see the eBay pics. Just the ones in the OP link
  17. No proof of supercharger fitment in those photos. Is it gonna be one of those £5 ebay electric jobs
  18. Metal polish contains abrasives and will remove the burnt effect from the metal. As will any other product with abrasives in.
  19. balls i spent so long typing and reading i missed this. ill get my bags That genuinely made me laugh.
  20. You were warned pages back to wind it in. Keep it on topic or it will be removed. Arguing who or why people vote no longer has relevance since the vote is done and now we deal with the result. Last chance to behave before I lock it.
  21. Mondo just had Infinity make an exhaust for his 300zx. You can find him under Hide n Seat in the Trader area. He's very pleased with it.
  22. Thus far the Team have left this running as it's an issue which effects us all. But we will not hesitate to delete the entire thread if it gets any further out of hand. You're all adults. Please act like it.
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