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Everything posted by monkeybrain1234

  1. Going with the out of insurance method,both parties need to be good people and amicable. The other party sounds a bit of a trouble maker. I would tell him you have told your insurance and are letting them deal with it, you will need to inform your insurance company too. Either, he will take the £200 (if he is resonable) or go via insurance (in which case you have probably saved yourself some hassle) Idea of free money does werid things to some people.
  2. It's German and diesel!!! Would never interest me.
  3. 3000 - 4000 rpm for normal driving. I can't imagine bumbling along at 1500 rpm. For me it defeats the object of owning a car like this.
  4. Really weird how saw your post only day before and said "see you around no doubt" after writing it I was like, slim chance but hey. Hope to see you around soon. Nice Z you had, looked really cool.
  5. Did I just see you 21:30 ish? Silver Z private plate around crypt school? I was in a red Z behind you,?
  6. Welcome. I'm in Cheltenham. Sure to see you around soon . . .
  7. Good Speakers usually get better with age. Like a fine wine. So no age does not matter.
  8. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/100568-black-hole-before-after-pictures/
  9. So I have never been an engine bay clean up kind of person. Infact I have never wiped down any engine bay let alone making them look as good as many of the bays you see at meets. After posting up my headlight pictures I was laughed at for having a mucky puppy bay! Lol So I decided to clean it up, an hour of elbow grease and now it looks much cleaner. . . . Before - nice and dirty! Bit of cleaning in the sink . . . . After - much cleaner Decided to make it clean also for the what is next on route. . . . . .
  10. Few more updates: Polished up the headlights with some Metal Polish, big difference before and after. . . simple but very effective.
  11. I have the Scorpion, its not very loud at all. Nice sound but not loud.
  12. Who retrimmed your wheel? Looks great!
  13. Nice fighter jet switches - what are you going to connect them to??
  14. Nice mini review. Heard they are great cars. Enjoy it .
  15. Forget the GPS speedo, get a Pogo or speed detector if you really want to prevent being flashed/caught. New detector out last year even unmarked cars are picked up . . . Expensive at £800 http://www.targetblueye.co.uk/
  16. I am like a child waiting for Christmas to see the end result of this epic build.
  17. Looking good mate. And best thing is getting a good price. I love a good old bargain. My only advice - use a reputable body shop or one you know can do a great job. Bumper like that deserves a top finish.
  18. Only used RainX on my windscreen, great product & cheap
  19. Yeah I can see your point Rs200, seems many people book on way home from the event for next year! lol I am not that organised!
  20. Update - So as you all said, the cloudiness is starting to appear again. Not really badly, but you can see it starting to cloud. Need to re polish and then apply UV protection to it. Not sure what to use thats the only issue (I dont really want to keep applying the protection every month)!
  21. Have not checked that Colin. Was serviced 11 months ago and new filter was put in then, but will check for sure. Thinking of air filters, only thing I have added recently is a Carbon fibre cooling panel. For looks nothing else. Surely this would not create the issue. . . .
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