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Everything posted by Wayne370Z

  1. Even though it doesn`t always workout and last forever, especially in my case, I think it represents far more than a piece of paper and can also be done on the cheap without costing a fortune - the divorces, on the other hand, are a completely different matter ...
  2. Wife no. 1 - 13 years. Wife no. 2 - 2 1/2 years. Wife no. 3 - currently 7years. Wife no. 4 - depends how long no. 3 lasts ......
  3. Obviously I am a fan of some nice stripes and think they don`t look half bad. No 3 is my favourite (and probably the fastest too) so It`s a ......
  4. It`s the sound of dejection ! It knows it is only second best and a compromise choice when having to change the Zed !
  5. Don`t "No win, No fee" adverts usually advertise the fact that you get to keep 100% of the compensation awarded ? And that`s because legal costs are recoverable separately from any compensation from the guilty party insurers ? And if that is correct why would there be any difference between BTF and ATF cases ?
  6. I`d never even heard of it but expect you`d need to be unlucky and parking in risky places on quite a few occasions to make it worthwhile having. When we got a bloke to fix the dents in the door of the wifes Mokka due to some moron in a Tesco car park he only charged £40 (for cash otherwise £45) and for that would do all the dents in any one panel.
  7. Is it my eyes or does that silver 350 roadster look like it`s got no wheels on ?
  8. Got to hold my hands up and admit to how glad I was being in her Mokka yesterday rather than the Zed (and not because I missed a "drink" opportunity). A trip to Heathrow to pick her son up and drop him back in Gainsborough turned into a mammoth 15 hour 570 mile round trip ; 9am leave Manchester for Heathrow - collect son who arrives back from New Zealand with no means of getting back to Gainsborough ..... Leave Heathrow about 2ish travel up past Gainsborough to Doncaster - because he needs to go to his dads to collect some cloths as airline lost his ... Doncaster back down to Gainsborough, drop off his stuff, carry on further back down to Lincoln - wife has just gotten phone call that Grandad is about to pass away. Lucky I suppose that we weren`t back home in Manchester but unluckily he had just gone few minutes before we got there ...... Leave hospital about 8ish call at friends round corner for tea & sandwich - not eaten since sandwich on motorway at lunch time. Leave fiends about 9ish for home -- M180 -- M62 -- motorway closed as jnct 31 ..... Diverted back along M62 for 2 jncts then up to Leads and back to M62 ...... Then, motorway is closed again and diverted off at jnct 26 ...... :rant: :rant:....... back on at jnct 25 and finally get home at mid night - absolutely knackered and the wifes up at 4;45 for work. And in all of the 570 miles (thankfully at 56mpg as opposed to 27 and with room for him and his snowboard) only saw one Zed. A silver/grey 350 at Heathrow.
  9. Yeah, it`s hard to argue 27mpg Vs 56mpg. But on the positive side she can drive home if we go out for a drink whereas she won`t drive mine ....
  10. Cheers. Bit far from Astley to nip over to Lincoln for a tyre place but we do get to Gainsborough regularly to see the in laws - usually in the wifes Mokka, though, cos as I`ve said before, apparently you need 4 seats even if there is only 2 of you in case you have to give someone a lift .....
  11. I recognise that white 370 Wayne was you at ATS the other day? No, not me. Must have been another equally stunning example ....
  12. Love the selfie, cars nice as well.
  13. Wish I was so lucky. My birthday falls in December also but tends to get "overlooked" because everyone`s so wrapped up (skint) with Christmas just over a week away. And this year the wifes niece has arranged her daughters christening on it. How exciting will that be - sitting through a christening on yer birthday ...
  14. As well as the obvious, better looking, better performance, better spec, etc..... If you like the 350 and want the newer model/a newer car (less than 5/6 years or so old) it`s surely the obvious way to go.
  15. The link is not a link to a car for sale.
  16. Performance car ? .. Now if he had done it to a fabia ... Was just going to say how it would struggle around a track against a high performance Skoda.....
  17. Why take a performance car and ruin the performance of it ? as above, it looks as though it was dropped from a height and the suspension collapsed in all 4 corners .....
  18. Looks nice. Don`t the years go past quick ?
  19. So after 5 pages can we now take it that the Fabia VRS has taken the title of 350Z killer away from the Astra VXR ? ........
  20. Welcome. Wish my dad would have had a 350Z, when I was younger, only car I ever managed to buy cheap off him was an Austin Ambassador ....
  21. Never worry about asking these kind of questions Jimmy, it's exactly the kind of thing an owners forum is designed to answer. If you're not sure, you ask, seems reasonable enough to me Got to agree with this. And also the search facility on the forum is useless - never comes up with anything I am looking for when I use it. Also, it`s usually Tesco`s Momentum for me as they`re all over the place and cheap.
  22. Because this forum doesn`t like working properly with IE. Which is also why letters and spaces are constantly missed out and posts don`t make sense - well that and peoples bad spelling and grammar ..
  23. White is definitely the best colour and if you get one with stripes a bit faster as well .... Good luck with the search.
  24. Just right click the quote button then click open tends to make it work.
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