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Everything posted by AliveBoy

  1. I'd buy the V8 a couple of years down the line, then the massive hit has already happened and you'll be getting a proper car for a fairly reasonable price. There's tons of carbon fibre trim available from the factory too!
  2. I'll help if you want? You can have 80% of the proceeds?
  3. If I ever have any money I know which people I'm coming to see
  4. I have nismo rep side skirts, but I don't have nismo decals on my car. I do have HKS oil and rad caps, but again I don't have stickers saying HKS...............anymore I know of a zed where it has nismo decals on the standard rays spokes, and on the standard import brake calippers, and on the front bumper, and the rear, and the sides, and the spoiler, and the rear diffuser, and the engine bay and......
  5. Sorry if this has already been said, the silicone couplers on the intercooler look quite short, the pressure might pop them off.
  6. not going to lie... you suck at photoshop I think they would look amazing, what about a red face on them with black backgrounds
  7. That red is awesome! I wonder how easy it would be to anodise a whole car....
  8. and when some little scrote peels it off to take home you won't be too chuffed to have a woman's torso and not much else left on the car
  9. They look amazing! Get them get them! Edit: Thinking about it, isn't it ATS who make a wheel called the "cup" which all the VAG boys (& girls!) go nuts for?
  10. I think your problem will be that it is down to interpretation of the law. whilst 5 out of 10 police officers might laugh and leave it, 2.5 may stick you for it and 2.5 may give you a courtesy full check over for fun. If you got pulled over by feminist police officer, I don't care how legal it is, you'll be done for something
  11. I think the way most poisons work is that they dehydrate the rat whilst killing it, so that they A) leave the house to look for water and die almost dried out so they don't stink and attract more problems. I may be wrong though!
  12. If they sold you the car, surely they would pay off the finance with the proceeds? If they don't then steer WELL clear. If they are going to, then so long as you have proof they have done it, I don't see why not.
  13. Awesome, if you ever need some help with sweeping, holding tools or making tea I'd love to attend! Absolutely love the E-Type, I'll be watching with interest!
  14. It's OK he will here me coming so won't need to get better mirrors @OP Don't worry for just Japfest I was out last time with standard brakes and pads that needed changing before the session - no problems in the short time we were out. Think Buster managed to get a set hot at Japfest but you know Buster he was ........ Granny shifting, not double-clutching like you should The buster's a gearhead....
  15. Jesus, wouldn't like to be this guy: "a worker allegedly forgot to turn on the switch for a system weeding out defective products and parts were improperly stored, which exposed them to humidity."
  16. I think you'd probably need one of those machines which measure insane amounts of torque! Although that would probably just twist the shafts!
  17. My switch wouldn't either. No idea why it works!
  18. Theres a reset procedure, Mine did the same a while ago and hasn't been an issue since I did the reset. Have a search, I can't atm as I'm at work.
  19. One thing I'd suggest is, I'd test on a piece first as the clear coat could fill the pores of the vinyl making it just looking like black until you really look.
  20. I had a whole new heating system including radiators 2 weeks ago after my boiler let go. If you're surrey/london way I know a very good duo who are great on price and are perfectionists too. Get a combi boiler, we had one installed and its amazing, we've gained a full size cupboard from ditching the hot water tank and we've also ditched the cold water tank in the loft. The only bit which was an unexpected issue (other than the boiler letting go!) is that we had to have a new shower as the water pressure we now have is too high for the old electric one we had.
  21. I was mostly being sad that this arrived today instead of a new buddy club exhaust stupid old one had to set itself on fire!
  22. Vividracing.co.uk do some bits, saw an airbox on there made by arc, not sure about caps, but then again I wasn't looking for them so probably missed them
  23. I heard he had his head kicked in by Master Splinter. Cowabunga dudes! (has anyone said cowabunga since 1994?) You fight well... in the old style. But you've caused me enough trouble. Now you face: the Shredder.
  24. What about getting a skin of your roof made in real carbon? Then clean up the damaged area and get the carbon skin bonded on the top. Treat it with kleers carbon protect product and boom, gorgeous roof which is the real deal
  25. plug any holes you have in exterior walls with a wad of wire wool and expanding foam. Rats can chew through a steel drainpipe, but they won't go through wire wool because it gets stuck in their teeth and cuts their gums.
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