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Everything posted by Flex

  1. There's a 'Karls~Burger' van on the A11, always makes me smile
  2. Fellas, you've been great thank you!
  3. I will have a skyline one day!! Nice one with the purchase mate, sounds like you've got lots of mods in mind. Good luck!
  4. Cheers BulletMagnet, your post has been the most useful so far! Going by plane Michael, we might wander through the red light district but we're all with our partners so can't stare for too long!!
  5. Apart from the red light district can anyone recommend places to eat, sights to see etc in Amsterdam. Short trip/long weekend so not got heaps of time to wander around.
  6. I was hoping he'd have to land back in the chopper, lol.
  7. Flex

    Holiday Romance

    Cool, cheap shot on my behalf, glad you had a good time & congrats!!
  8. Flex

    Holiday Romance

    Awesome but where did your mate sit when the luggage was in the back?
  9. Probably completely out of context but reading the last few posts reminds me of people having arguments over you-tube videos, great reading! Stay cool guys!
  10. I would have one if I had 500k in the bank and no mortgage, until that happens I'm out. Hell might freeze over first.
  11. Definately some bargains out there, but like flexib says you have to wait sometimes. I blew the gearbox up on my R1 the other year and the local garage wanted £1200 to strip the old engine / gearbox out and repair it. I kept an eye on ebay and after 6 months bought an entire very low mileage engine / gearbox for £400. Swapped them over one Sunday morning (about 4 hours work), and hey presto all working perfect. In fact the new engine / gearbox produced more power than the old one. To make things even better, I then sold the damaged engine / gearbox on ebay for £250 for spares, meaning the whole new engine / gearbox only cost me £150! That's totally sweet!
  12. ^^ ebay, my mate dropped his CBR and found the bits he needed for a quarter of the price. Sometimes you just need to play the waiting game but you can set up a search to email you overtime someone lists something of interest.
  13. Flex


    Naaahhh, I'm done for the day (shouldn't really have been working today), and now get to spend an hour and a half in the Zed on the way home DB Good job!! Enjoy!
  14. Flex


    Synthetic engine oil isn't refined from crude like petrol, it's synthesised, hence 'synthetic' DB Ahhhh, some refined crude oil can be classed as Synthetic oil due to the higher temp used to burn off the sulphur, this is a legal loophole that the oil companies can use, and they can call it synthetic engine oil. They've gone very quiet! Yes, well some of us have to work at weekends, lol. I didn't know about that loophole Zugara, I was just making a casual suggestion. I guess mineral and part-synth oils can't get away with being more expensive than fully synth even if the price of crude goes up because they're considered to be lower quality who knows, I'm no expert. DB LOL, I am working too but would be more productive if I spent less time on here!! Now get back to work
  15. Flex


    Synthetic engine oil isn't refined from crude like petrol, it's synthesised, hence 'synthetic' DB Ahhhh, some refined crude oil can be classed as Synthetic oil due to the higher temp used to burn off the sulphur, this is a legal loophole that the oil companies can use, and they can call it synthetic engine oil. They've gone very quiet!
  16. Flex


    ^^ thanks!! Other oil semi and normal is being discounted too. Smart alecs!!
  17. Flex


    How come everyone's slashing oil prices with petrol so high?
  18. Flex

    Gear knob (genuine)

    I know you've said standard so forgive me!! I've got a HKS one I bought off a fellow member, I've decided to keep my standard one and sprice it up. £18 delivered is what I paid and looking for. Again forgive me if no interest to you.
  19. Like I said in another thread, posts by women get all the replies!!! Also I'm offended by this thread as I like men and there was no room in the title for that!!
  20. Surely someone on here will buy it?
  21. Quite handy to have your wallet close at hand as Apple fleece you for every penny with the Apps don't they?
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