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Everything posted by Flex

  1. I think there is a lot of delusional people on here, quite clearly black is best and anyone who has not got a black one is clearly jealous of mine. BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Also I think there should be more colours to chose as 'other' is in the lead. As long as you add black for me I'm happy.
  3. BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Great job, everytime I take a photo it looks pants, will definitely have to try harder!
  5. Haha, I wouldn't dare take my Zed on the track, I love it too much! I'll be f@cked at the end of the day, the bike is hard work for sure.
  6. I'm worried about the extra weight from adding all these coins
  7. Welcome! Wont the name be on the new V5 when it comes through in your name or has it changed on the new V5 now?
  8. I just wanted to be heard
  9. It really is quite hostile round here at the moment, I'm not getting good vibes!
  10. I'll reply as I know it's frustrating when you take pics and no one bothers to post. Good job! No pic of the rear though following de badgering?
  11. Just wondered if anyone is going on Monday, I'm taking my bike but will look out for fellow Zedders!
  12. Is the 370 shorter or is just the illusion created by the bumper on the 350? Awesome btw, I want a 370!!
  13. So close to home but not me unfortunately.
  14. PS3 here but currently engrossed in a box set of Battlestart Galactica. PS3 username is flexib too!
  15. Nice one, had you been searching for days for a Zed on gmaps?
  16. Must admit soon far people are rude and it is pricey, I'll soldier on though.
  17. I'm about to replace mine with an ings replica if you can wait for me to swap mine, its got a crack in it but should be an easy fix as its a pretty clean break, I can send pics if you're interested?
  18. Lucky SOB! Totally jealous!
  19. I had a client who's company name was HG Wells, I dont think I'm breaking any data protection rights there.
  20. BTW, my car is awesome and I think you're all envious of me.
  21. 'If you cant take that then talk to the hand cos the face dont wanna know...' Made me laugh!
  22. I got a reconditioned Sony Tablet S for £250 it's brill, even has a remote function so you can use it for TV and other stuff, just need to try and configure it for my PS3. Also, I appreciate this adds nothing but I got a SSD in my new lappy and it really does make a world off difference.
  23. Looks like a beautiful drive ahead of you!
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