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Everything posted by Flex

  1. Nice one mate, wasnt me and I think I'm gonna stop posting in this part of the forum as no one ever replies!
  2. I'm in wymondham, but nice drive to Kings Lynn. I'm 35 is that mature enough?
  3. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    Upto 28 watchers! Sad day tomorrow to see her go, been a faithful car, done 120k of the miles on the clock. I hope she goes to someone wanting to track her so she can full fill her potential.
  4. Dude, I did mine 2yrs ago after putting it off for years. I did an intensive course, I had only ever ridden a 125 once about 15 yrs ago whilst on holiday. So the course took me through CBT to full license over about 2 weeks. I was nervous but I had a great instructor (a bit of a ball ache at times but really made me aware of all the dangers out there and what to look for). So I was worried about my first bike but my mate wanted to sell me his Bandit 1200 and I was like 'but it's a bit big for my first bike' and he convinced me to buy it by saying that I would only want a bigger bike within a few months. I think he was right at the end of the day the bike only goes as fast as you twist that throttle. I took my time and got used to the bike. I love it, it's awesome. Set me back £1200 T Reg with 13k miles on the clock. I'm going to be using it a lot more this year to save the miles on my other baby. So there's my story.
  5. May I be the first to say: Pictures please!!!!!!!
  6. I've worked for a couple like that, that's why I went out to work on my own Best move ever! Good luck bud!!
  7. Awesome, would say more but too jealous to comment!
  8. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    Thanks fellas, still going to be sad to see her go, I do hope she ends up as a track car so I know she's fulfilled her destiny!
  9. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    I know I considered breaking it up myself but as the most I can do is change the oil and plugs so not a job for Mr Numpty. 21 watchers and counting!
  10. Flex

    Roof Bars

    Not sure if anyone would put these on especially with the delicate paint work!
  11. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    Don't apologise! Thanks for looking and advice!
  12. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    Thanks again bud, I thought I'd updated the V5 tick box I'll double check. Again this is where a forum like this really does pay off.
  13. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    All good advice!! Now got 18 watchers, surely this will get to at least £300?
  14. Sweet and the best colour!!
  15. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    Also highest bidder has loads of good feedback and one negative saying he's a scammer but they have nearly 1800 positive, so they should be cool right?
  16. Flex

    Advice on old GTI

    So quick update: Had a PM from another member pointing me to another forum - PM'd thank you! She's now on ebay - 9 watchers so far and £150 reserve met. Some dude texted me this morning and is interested but is going away for 2 weeks. He's a long distance lorry driver so wont be able to pay/collect until a week after auction has ended. Whilst he sounds genuine I think I've got to let it run its course now. He also asked if I had a buy it now figure in mind, what do ya's think? Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170806325243? ... 500wt_1287
  17. Cambridge ring road, seen it before just passed again today so here you go!
  18. CAT-C (in case your not sure what this is .....it doesn't refer to the engine purrrring) http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p Class!!
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