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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Clunk - click - every trip
  2. Maybe, ...fyi, it's two pounds now. Really? Outrageous!
  3. Save your pound - it will go towards the build. Bird in the hand and all that..
  4. It would if only I had it for real and not just in my mind. sad but true
  5. Oh huh.. Dunno.. Might cover it (just)
  6. Would still run the risk of going bang again, ...best way forward then would be a forged rebuild. Built engine... Drool.. Edit.. Next group buy package anyone? God did I just say that?
  7. DE on 2.87 pushed to 7000 RPM.. I'm sure Zmanalex has a quality second hand engine available to fix the certain devastation
  8. I'm glad you are keeping your car and s/c project too - you know it makes sense
  9. Lol - the Yeti hounded the Evo until it's engine went bang! Very fast Yeti. Somewhat scary aggressive driving though - was it a Yeti driving the Yeti?
  10. These are great - I have a V1 Z-speed. You access oil sump, radiator coolant drain and also access your V3 supercharger oil drain without taking it off. They fit over deep sumps (Stillen) and supercharger pipes too. Only things I had to do on mine was to shorten a couple of bolts to stop them interfering with cooler and sump, and bend the end plate a bit to avoid the S/C u-bend. All good IMHO Buy dammit Buy Buy!!! Oh, and extra cooling properties might mean faster for longer
  11. Wowcher! 'Hit the block in fourth'? - so rev limiter in fourth? - he was going like a ballistic missile at that point then! Always amazes me how strong Zeds are in crashes (thankfully)
  12. Nice work Andy Hours of fun to be had distributing cabling
  13. Birth mess.. Thought it was a funny looking flower picture at first, then it clicked.. Eeeeuuuuuwwwww!!!
  14. Gareth, (and I am feeling like I've slapped a puppy here ) as much as I'd like to think you randomly lost TWO caps simultaneously (the caps have retaining spring clips which would adjust for heat/fit - so could only really come off if they weren't put on correctly), I'd guess that you were, unfortunately, struck by a vulture-tea-leaf.. 'stards that they are.. Glad to see replacements aren't too expensive though
  15. Minor update I used one of these to chomp the battery housing (I lined the cut edge with a bit of sticky heat shrink too). Now bump conduits fit nicely under the plastic. On the vague chance I've got a slight air leak in the MAP reference line, I wrapped the FPR nipple to make it fat - the pipe fits really well now Mike_89's Mishimoto hoses came through the post, so I vandalised the fat top hose to fit a coolant port.. Just need a couple of items through the post, then I can mod the intake for a second IAT
  16. Was a surprise to me too.. Will had posting diarrhoea and had many TALL stories, but he never seemed particularly offensive Seemed OK to me
  17. Yep - Dremel, etch-weld primer, Hammerite, hang from tree to dry. Try not to drop it wet or put finger prints in it
  18. That 2 grand for a rebuild option.. will he let you buy some forged stuff and slip it in the rebuild at the same time? Could be the start of something properly cool (and bionically expensive of course). Cheaper engine swap via Zmanalex is probably the way forward if it's well and truely fubar though
  19. Man that sucks! On your way to your wedding venue too.. Scary how things in life can change in an instant.. Strong cars Zeds - she was looking out for you both
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