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Everything posted by AMT

  1. AMT

    Winter tyre advice

    Can you tell us which 'model' as such of the Hankook winter tyre it is?
  2. AMT

    Winter tyre advice

    Agreed stick to the normal 225/25/18 and 245/45/18, no need to change this at all. Wish I had the spare cash to get a set of spare old rays and some winter tyres. MPSS this winter once again! haha
  3. If they fixed the back I'd have one.... (post lottery win lol). Otherwise..this car ..this colour...those wheels Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  4. Oooft this threads jumped forward lol. The more I've seen of it in reviews the more I quite like the front and front angles, most of the side.... but I still hate that arse. Especially if its got the black roof going down - too much going on. And those spindlay alloys... hopefully they make better options.
  5. Oh its a standard exhaust alright haha. Replaced mine in 2014 after only 30 oddK miles... crap OEM. New exhaust time most definitely Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  6. Driving home about 9:40ish on the M8 ...(after a 2 hour shift...that right..2 lol) and was passed by a black 350 ...guy had the roof down on this fine crisp and misty morning lol Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  7. AMT

    OUCH !!!

    Ooooft! What the hell hit that...or did it hit. Thats crazy.
  8. Very nice! I'd still rather leather seats but meh. Rare stuff.
  9. Seen the 370 again, passed me as I was in the 350. Don't think there on here. 11 plate. Looked good in the grey
  10. PM ZMANALEX first before spending 250 incase he has some lol
  11. Your oil pressure sounds good to me, drive a steady 60mph and the pressure should also be roughly around 60 (gd little test). The rumble should be detectable if you aim for a mild bump or divot in the road, aim one wheel at it and listen before the back hits it. Although the compression arms are usually not as constant as in that video (unless your one a really rough rubbly road?) so that makes me wonder what it might be (if anything else). The noise in 1st and 2nd or probably 1st to 2nd, will be the flywheel, they clatter quite a bit and you can also hear it when depressing the clutch the noise should stop. Its all normal, just make sure its not groaning or whining. Some more investigation into your rumble though, try the bump thing slowly to try and find the front or back wheels as the issue.
  12. Was just coming back from Infiniti Glasgow, having dropped her off for its P1 and a red 350Z passed me then a grey 370Z, then as I was in the middle lane the two came past at either side lol. I was in a black Q30. Cars looked good!
  13. Buy the old sporty Twingo, new ones look terrible. However I have heard about Abarth issues from others so, down to the French you go? lol
  14. That is horrific! Yeah don't go to Nissan lol. Mines is fine but I might phone Nissan (for a laugh) when it does come time to see what they quote...so I can choke down the phone. Get a decent independent or do as mentioned above
  15. AMT

    AF Noble

    Meant to be quite good, I would hope so dealing with the GTR's! Never used em' myself, servicing done at Infiniti Glasgow myself. Did test drive a silver 350 HR from AF Noble before I got mine and they were fairly helpful. A bit less so a while later when I requested a 370 test drive when I thought about upgrading, for some reason wouldn't let me just take one of the two used ones sitting out front. Odd.
  16. I must admit I've recently been able to see inside the Tesla models and the interior is just... not that good at all (sorry!). Besides the big screen (which I don't think looks good), they have thin seats and barely anything else, kinda reminded me of cheaper mini hatchbacks from korea the way it looked. It was very...bland and 'empty' of design or ..anything I could never afford one but I don't get the Tesla thing, there fast yes and but inside.... for 'that' kinda money.... Well good thing is you'll be able to swiftly deal with just about anything off the line!
  17. My god just saw those pictures haha. Should be able to grab the bite from there no problem, but it does look like its on a curve and further on it gets into a stupid angle. If all else fails and you've angled it badly, use the 45 profiles...turn it and gently nudge up the kerb, won't do any harm, but honestly looking at those pics I was fearing for the front haha.
  18. Guy at my work thought it was a 2.0... I was like...nnnno lol. Then the usual... whats it got...3.5 v6.. oooh bet thats expensive to run. I do about 17.5K a year in miles, sometimes 2 services , tyres, tax, insurance etc... so I told him approx how much the car is to run for the year... he nearly s*at himself. lol
  19. ....calm yourself over there lol
  20. Def a mule but if its gonna be a high riding slanted rear roof competitor for the likes of the x6 etc...based on current design...its not gonna be a looker lol. Theres a company in the industrial unit I work in and...I'm guessing it could be the owner.. therea a brown panamera. I see it ever day as I pass it going home and always think in the back of my mind. You have that much money and you bought THAT. Each to their own... although hes wrong though and no taste haha. Never a huge fan of porsche but I do like the new GT2's, the 993 Turbos and 959...oh and 944. Other than that bleh lol. Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
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