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The G Man

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Everything posted by The G Man

  1. https://www.jcb.com/en-gb/attachments/shovels/6-in-1-shovel ‘dozing capability’ Used this capability on many a BFI as a POM
  2. FYI JCB blade can be used in a ‘dozer’ mode (3 in 1 bucket)
  3. Off to ‘The Green Hell’ either before the 6hrs of Spa or after, they haven’t published their ‘open’ days just yet, should be in a week or so (according to an email reply). The fast A road advice is spot on, there will be faster cars, there will be faster ‘slower’ cars, the locals have a definate advantage over the ‘occasional’ user, of which, I’m definitely in that camp. just drink up the experience and go for an early, midweek option for an emptier track.
  4. I don’t remember any protests!?! Some public grumbling, vaguely, but no ‘protests’
  5. I don’t do Facebook, so have no idea of your position on it. The fact remains, no one of the Brexit camp has yet to offer or convince that their option is better than the status quo. All the evidence that has been produced on this thread points that way, there’s been no offerable evidence to the opposite. i want a brexiteer to give me the argument that will change my mind on exiting the EU, there has been none offered on here, the opposite has been true of the remain side. The status quo, is what we know of as fact, the rest is pure assumption based on nothing. Have a listen to the video REgards the latest ‘Norway+’ deal and what that bloc thinks. Feel free Dan to support one way or the other, but justify it, don’t just offer platitudes with no input to what we could face as opposed to what we know now. Its a mess, God help us.
  6. So, what is it you want? hard, soft, Norway+, backstop? Back to terrorism in NI, rickets? Kids up chimneys, what? still waiting to hear what your nirvana is and how it’ll benefit the nation? geez a clue
  7. Dear oh dear, still no argument to leave then. The electorate have moved on, you know, just like they do at every general election. You have still to put forward the continued case to leave, given the evidence now. im keeping up, not stuck in 2016
  8. Hugh, I thought better of you
  9. still waiting for your argument to convince remainers to leave. You’re points are continually mute in this discussion. You have no stance other than, ‘leave is gooder’ What is your point?
  10. I’ll try to explain it to jetpilot, the people who felt most disengaged and/or left behind that are the poorest in our rich nation, believed the jobbie that the likes of Farage/BoJo/JRM fed them during the debate, without any form of analysis. now that the analysis is quite clear, using all tools/models that is available, it has become quite clear that Brexit, is a ridiculous and inept path to follow. So much so, that the people who are more disadvantaged are now reviewing how they voted back in 2016, when they were promised nirvana by the brexiteer supporting crowd. Realising now, that it is going to be much, much worse for the poorest, most disadvantaged people in our society, WE, that includes you jetpilot, have a duty to protect them from the ravages of the greedy. your continued referral to the Scottish Independent referendum is not relevant, as before, we get you are no respecter of Scottish politics, trying to deflect your, obvious, non argumentative and clearly, uneducated opinion on Scottish affairs, while offering NO alternative to the remain case, is not helping your cause. try convincing those who support remain, that they should support leave, instead of looking for some reaction on your obvious disdain of Scottish politics and/or Scottish people. This is a Brexit discussion, not a Scottish referendum discussion. If you want to debate that, start another thread.
  11. ^^^ another non statement really, in support of Brexit
  12. like an abusive partner with spiked drink ruining the party i couldnt have put it better myself. Maggz, keep up the good work
  13. Just send me your money, it’ll help you to gauge what Brexit will be like for you dont be so so obsessed with Scottish politics, we get it, you don’t like our politics. I see Amber Rudd is now advocating either Norway + or another referendum! ‘Oh what a lovely war’
  14. Another thread for that please
  15. Can I just say, there’s no embarrassment warranted for voting to exit the EU, you were sold a pup and it’s now led to impending chaos. The only reason that there isn’t chaos (except in Westminster) is the fact that we’re not out the EU yet. Can all Brexiteers, please send me all their money, to shorten the process and ensure I survive post leaving the EU please.
  16. Milk? sorry, you’re being pedantic, I’m sure there’s UK dairy products somewhere in the ingredients of other European products, produced in Europe?
  17. I’ve never seen German milk in any of my local Asda, Tesco, Morrison’s, Co-Op, Aldi or lidl, WTF are you on about. Switzerland survives and thrives because it’s convenient and, there has to be an alternative to where criminals can hide and launder their money, other than London. hope that clarifies?
  18. Stay in the EU it is then The “rabble” that are the conservative coalition (far right, hard Brexit, soft Brexit, no Brexit, half baked Brexit), are doing a fine job of running feck all. Just remain, it’s a no brainer, the ‘jumpers for goalposts’ menagerie of clueless and feckless (feckless, as in the failed ‘negotiators’, clueless as in the ‘lets Get back to when we had an empire’ mob, I have heard many elderly (most of whom have not lived with ‘an empire’,) have had a whinge now, move on, they don’t cut the mustard really. i realise that the above may cause offence, but not half as offended as I and, quite clearly, a majority now feel at the prospect of bungling our way to poverty, but it might be ok in 30 years, being sold to us now, trying to take the nation for mugs for the sake of a few politicians on their own agenda of power at any cost IMHO. im no Corbyn fan, totally not the right person to lead the Westminster government, a laughingstock joke of a politician who scored an own goal the other day when the sitting Westminster government couldn’t win a vote, and he didn’t even mention it. im angry for the Brexiteers btw, they’ve been sold a pup by some dodgy characters, that remind me of a rogue bunch of agent provocateurs, in the worst possible sense, God help us! I despair
  19. Also, in the nicest way, we get the chance every five years or so to change the government, that poor wummin had to call an election, else the leaving party would have been right in the middle of an election, she took a chance, just got a weaker result than expected. ‘end up like Scotland’ you’d do well to
  20. 4.3% tariff from the US direct on car parts (this is a car forum afterall)? Sorry, senior moment probably, but is this on top of the now, 24% VAT/duty? just to be clear, I’m a complete europhile, voted remain, but a possible 4.3% import tariff on a Whipple, May change my mind i know, I’m fickle
  21. Earlier in the convo from someone else, I’ve read all four pages and Maggz is very good and lucid around his arguments
  22. I remember being telt, ‘the only way to stay in the European Union, is to vote remain part of the Union in the Scottish referendum’, Big Dave, Gordo the Mentalist, Menzies the merciless, all ‘Unionist’ politicians. Big Dave was the PM as well That convinced a lot o people tae vote ‘remain part of the Union’ Fast forward two years, and a Unionist party, run by Big Dave, set about a referendum to stay or leave the EU, a very clear majority in Scotland voted remain, coz Big Dave and his mates had said, it was the only way we would remain in the EU, if we voted to remain in the Union, therefore, let’s vote remain! Ah dunno, I’m confused, can I leave the Union of parliaments but remain in the European Union? Turns oot, naw!, neither Moanty ffs Did everyone miss Hammond’s little aside re pension funds in the ‘budget’, something aboot using the profits or taxing them more to meet the challenges ahead, wonder what that is, or was I dreaming that some great debate here, I too have fun asking leave voters what laws they want to change, implement or dream up that will be better than our current crop, that couldn’t be done as a member of the EU currently through the big hoose in London better the devil ye ken, as my auld granny used tae say
  23. Here was one I tried tae post in 2014, however I didn’t have the broadband tae get it through. I’ve been prompted tae post this, as I’m marching in the Centenary Cenotaph Parade, this year tae mark the 100th anniversary since the end of WW1. i couldn’t get it attached as a pm, to an admin earlier in a pm, please support our veterans, I’m one, who thankfully doesn’t need much support, you are all truly in a good place, thanks to our conviction, suffering and dedication. please give generously ta (Just to add, I marched the combined UK force in KAF round to the Remembrance service conducted by Prince Harry and the then, Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, when wearing this, later, I had lunch with Prince Harry )
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