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The G Man

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Everything posted by The G Man

  1. Not been on for a while, still getting to grips with the new format, well done on that the admins only update ive got is I've now fitted the JLT intake, Velosa Big Mouth and re-mapped with a Dream Science tune. Not overly massive numbers, probably up around 460-470 on the horses front, increased torque and a big change mid range (seems this is where all the power is transferred to Oh and MPSS all round Been on a triip to Provence last month which was very cool some more 'muscle' Oops, need to look at my image hosting
  2. And the misery caused to 1000's of commuters reliant on the trains to get their job, or even worse, open the doors (excuse the pun) of their business? If the upper echelon have decided one man can push the button, thats their decision, jobs cant be kept just to keep someone employed (like the mines), if their business suffers because of safety etc again thats their business, thats for bosses to decide not the staff. i often wonder how many of these union employees would react if the shoe was on the other foot, i.e if they were running a business, i cant see for one minute they would keep people employed unnecessarily. i fully appreciate workers rights in the working environment, but no one has the right to a job. The misery of the commuter was not apparent before the for profit, Train Operating Company (TOC) decided to change the workings of an already safe environment, to that, that introduced risk. It's the TOC that may be intransigent here, not the employees. By strong representation in a unionised environment and, for no monetary gain, the employees are trying to keep the 1000's of commuters safe, not save costs, with no gain to the commuters. It is necessary to keep employees, if they are keeping the public safe, again, you show scant or little knowledge of public amenities. Would you take your children, or advocate, because you don't use them, that public swimming pools did not have life guards to save costs? But be happy to put more at risk through a misapprehension that guards are not needed. I do hope this is not the case.
  3. Given that I've stated numerous times that the reason Corbyn needs to go is because the UK desperately needs a strong (and stable) Opposition for the government to function properly, I choose to ignore your not-so-subtle dig sir. We do need an Opposition. We don't need Unions. Unions used to be very important back in t' days of working down t' mill, but these days they're useless, toothless, and perfect examples of champagne socialism. The train driver thing serves as the perfect example of this. In more general answers to your questions, if an employer tries to change my contract illegally then I shall take them to court over it for breach of contract, something that has evolved in UK law over hundreds of years. If I don't like more general practices then I'll leave and work elsewhere. Would I work for Sports Direct, given a choice? I've no idea, but in theory I have nothing against them in principle. Do I think they're a stand-up example of an employer? Not at all, but no-one is forced to work there. You're quite wrong when you say that worker's rights are not enshrined in law, and I mean proper statute stuff as well as common law. Employment Right Act 1966, HASAW Act 1974, Working Time Regs 1998: They're the main ones, which are of course backed up by numerous amounts of case law precedents. You do need opposition, unions offer this in the way they finance, at the minute, opposition parties. The reference to working in mills, shows your disregard for your fellow worker and their rights for representation, you come across as someone who has had a bad experience when dealing through a union, some form of grievance that has been rejected. The train driver thing?? This demonstrates a lack of understanding in the safe working of the infrastructure that millions take for granted but have scant or no knowledge. Taking an employer to court. Which is what you advocate, if you were put upon by an employer. You must have an extremely large savings account, please tell me what solicitor would take this on after your 30 minute free consultancy without warning you of the financial risk? The sports direct example was a direct question, would you work there? The three pieces of legislation that you refer to have more protection toward the employer, than the employee, one, written in 1966 is 51 years old, couple of amendments from then, but firmly enshrined in the last century and skewed toward the employer, please read it, as well as the HASAW Act Are you in a union? Have you ever been in a union?, what is your underlying beef with unions? What experience, if any, do you have of being in a union that gives your outlook on them? What disappointed you and why?
  4. Yes connotations are families in misery, no safety of the line, no help for disabled passengers, no safe person to go to in the metal tube that is the train when you are under threat. A soldier is paid what the government determines, not what a union determines. You really must bring that to the attention of your prospective candidate, not me. I served no matter what I was paid.
  5. This is no fault of the tube drivers, obviously strong union positions are at play here. Tube drivers do not determine what nurses are paid.
  6. And, bearing in mind, non of the above has anything to do with a GE, it's all a bit mute
  7. I did that (put my life on the line), but you quite clearly don't know what the connotations are regards the train dispute. My two sisters, daughter, son in law and niece are nurses, I don't see what your point is. I was paid considerably more by the Army than they get, go figure.
  8. Up to you , it's your right . That's the beauty of democracy.
  9. Having no idea of your circumstances regarding your employment (plumber at Stanstead?), who would you turn to if aggrieved at an employers decision you thought was unfair? Would you work for an employer such as Sports Direct, if you had the choice? How would you feel if someone like Philip Green, took over your pension rights and stole them? (employment law? Where was it here?) Your employer, decides tomorrow, that you are now on minimum wage, in a zero hours contract (what employment law protects you from that?) What exactly is your knowledge of 'employment law'? Or is it your perception of employment rights?, the ones that unions fought for since feudal times? There is only one employment law that you, as an employee has, if you are organised and backed by a union, that is the right to strike, withdraw your labour to unscrupulous employers, who will exploit you, for their gain. All this has nothing to do with a General Election (GE), and, I'm glad you've got some youth on your side, hopefully you will never find yourself in a position of trying to take a case to an industrial tribunal against an employer, if you are non unionised, be prepared to have deep pockets, with no idea of the outcome and having, primarily a group of employers deciding your fate, which is uninforceable, as you don't, as a worker, have the right to enforce. Workers rights, are not enshrined in U.K. law. I think we've got the gist of your position on the GE, but don't dismiss the importance of calling any government to heel. Unions, have in the most part have made sure that you, as an employee, are not placed in a position of compromise or danger, right down to the fact that if you have an employee that has returned to work after pregnancy, they are obligated to provide a room, to breast feed a baby if there is provision at that employees workplace. This is an Agreed Code Of Practice (ACOP), not the law, but something that is put in place for those disadvantaged on return to work. If you are not part of a union, good luck to you, but in a union, you are not on your own. It makes my **** boil when the importance of organised union activity, which includes going back to the Tolpuddle Martyres where people were hanged because they wanted employee rights, are dismissed by the far right as not relevant. I have no love for the Prime Minister (PM) or her political party, I've seen the devastation that 50 years have brought to my part of the world through Labour (L) domination and, I have no time for them, but in Westminster, you need some form of opposition, on one side, the priveleaged with their billionaire donators, on the other, an organised working class opposition, who can only rely, mostly, on their Union affiliated donations to operate. Hopefully in the next few years, you'll have what you want and, I'll have what I want. I will tolerate opposition, I'm not sure you, or those like you will. That was a long post, I can't promise that I will respond to any other replies, however hard right they are
  10. Had a fair few mods done over the past week, front lights modified, 'shark teeth' drl's now activated and act as sequential indicators along with a cool halo light (not uploaded pics yet), lower GT grill, Stanginator badge to replace the front Pony and hood vents (heat Extractors as fitted to the US model) along with the MGW XSpec short shifter (again no pics, you would only see a shorter gearstick ) If I do some video of the lights, I'll post up later.
  11. I hear you, they claim counting had already started but the result stands on 12% turnout, truly old Sovietesque. British democracy According to this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election/2015/results 36% gets you to run the government, that was only 36% of those who voted, apathetic voters
  12. Drug companies are pumping the NHS more than any group of employees.
  13. If I said to you and the countless other selfish citizens, pay the £5k taxes you're obligated to and can afford to, rather than £500 to a tax spiv to avoid them and you will have a governance system that works and be proud of, you would rather do the later? Probably sums up some sectors of society quite well, allows us all to moan though eh?
  14. Agree with all this , Morgan driver clearly a muppet and didnt see him or more likely misjudged the speed of the 206 but those Peugeot brakes do seem poor , even after the impact it takes a lot to stop it The pug driver didn't run into the Morgan due to the perceived shortcomings of brakes/tyres on that car, he ran into it because the bellend that was driving the Morgan was, well, a bellend who tried to pull off a dangerous manoeuvre. If the Morgan had waited, or pulled out sensibly, there would have been no impact, 'poor' brakes or not.
  15. i REALLY need to get a dash cam fitted! Yup, me too, I think that these are a necessity these days.
  16. This reminds me of when I was on my way to a dealers to do a trade in deal for a new car. On approaching a Motorway exit that formed a junction with the A road I was driving down, an old bellend in a Merc pulled out from the jct right in front of me, I tried to steer round him while hammering the brakes ( so much in fact I broke the brake pedal sensor under the brake pedal), nope, to no avail, he just kept coming out. After getting out and being somewhat bewildered at his stupidity, I stayed calm and asked if he was ok, his exact words were 'sorry son, I just didn't see you', I felt a bit sorry for him then but fair play he was admitting, to a point, liability. So after all the usual phone calls etc, my car was still driveable, his was dead. He then came up to me and said, again exact words,'I think you were going a bit too fast' I replied, 'So what you're saying is, you thought I was going a bit too fast and then decided to pull out in front of me?, I might have to get the police now as you've just tried to kill me!' 'I suggest you have a think of what you are saying and just inform your insurance of the facts' My car was taken away to be repaired that day, with his insurance admitting full liability:)
  17. On the face of it, not being able to see or know what is to the left. Morgan driver seems to be a bit of a bellend. The road ahead closes down from 2 carriageways, so Pug may have been going at 'excessive' speed to overtake something? Guy in the Morgan was showboating, that was not a normal drawing out of a junction. I like the pug dog BTW, the guy with it looks a bit creepy
  18. Happy Ford Mustang Day! https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/ford-mustang-day/
  19. Apologies to all, these, as it turns out aren't suitable for the 350/370, could an admin/mod please delete the thread
  20. More like 25k, just Spec' done up, 35k, for a runaround, which it seems to be for, why pay nearly 60k? Audi, VW and Porsche will rape you on options, your money though
  21. :cry: :cry: Just under £3k more than what I paid for the Mk1 in 2013, £2.5k more than I paid for my Mustang, it's your money Edit: just spec'd up if I was buying the same car today, £40,485, looks like I got a bargain I'd still buy it
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