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Everything posted by cmck13

  1. Just keeping this subject live for the group, I think I'm the first to go? RS tuning here I come tomorrow, follow up when I get back.
  2. Nice replies great to see the questions answered, in an informative way, well done guys.
  3. Absoultely brilliant keeping our end up so far away, need to see those photos though? We have the same problems with the temp here 28-34 except our is minus fahrenheit Well done.
  4. Hi Welcome. When you say East Midlands where are you? We are trying to arrange an Eastmidlands meet at Ollerton Notts in March if this your area come along.
  5. Who was the dealer at Wakefield?
  6. the cheek 47 whats that coming over the hill, is it beavis, is it beavis.... Your only as old as the woman you are feeling Thanks guys Must be bloody old then??
  7. This is a flow valve where you shut of the flow when the outside air temp is below 55deg, you would have to remember to open it in our country daily, but in california not so often. Motordyne instructions below. "When installed the valve will be hidden under the air intake tube and will have just enough access for manual adjustment. The valve as shown above is in its closed position. The flow is shut off when the handle is perpendicular to the valve body. Conversely, it is open when the handle is parallel to the valve body. For best performance, the valve should remain closed when ambient atmospheric temperatures are above 55°F but it should always be opened at temperatures of 55°F or lower."
  8. The family goes from strength to strength, ""Today I settled all Family business, so don't tell me you're innocent".
  9. From one Azure owner to another you are welcome. Glad it helped.
  10. The swearing of allegiance ceremony may need you to kiss the Dons ring.
  11. Welcome to the "thug club" keep in touch when you get a z and pics.
  12. Definitely not a good idea, multiple cold starts, loads of wear and tear for nothing. Seems like more mucking about than removing one lead to do the job properly. Not quite got this? is that not what happens every time you start your car up, any way if it was just that it would be fine, but if you read all the other replies he's got a list of hundreds of other suggestions (slight exageration here, 14 or 15) including axle stands, bricks, steering wheel locks, waxing the car, etc etc.
  13. Have you not got a mate that can come round once a week and start her up, saves an awful lot of ****ing about?
  14. Hi Steve Received all your info and I have booked myself in, or should I say the car, for next Wednesday 9th Feb at 1pm. Getting exited now and at my age thats a rare experience I'll report back on the car and the experience next week on this thread. Jeff
  15. I see Mum is all dots and stars!!
  16. Look at our Azure family we are strong while those around us are weak, never forget this " Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me."
  17. JOIN THE DARK SIDE We'll never see you, "your black" us azures might run over you?
  18. And they can take the hits for the pure Azures,
  19. Hello Jez. All the videos on the web are a little old fashioned and and poorly done, hose pipe removals and the identifying of nuts and bolts need pointing out simply with a pointed finger. It doesn't need to be real time because you can fast forward areas such as the tightening up and torqueing of nuts, bolts and hosepipes the video should only be a max of between 8 and 10 minutes, a good commentary will also help, remembering that some may not have any practical experience. Cheers Jeff
  20. Hi All Ordered a plenum spacer kit from this firm last Wednesday at 2pm, received it at 11am the next day, now thats what I call prompt service. The quality of the kit is excellent and equally on par with Motordyne etc, best of all at £149 plus postage it was a steal. The weathers good here today (Lincoln) and so it was time to put the overalls on. Most people who have fitted for the first time (like me) are in unknown territory but I have to say there was some fidddly bits especially one of the rubber hoses at the rear. However in the end it was fitted in under 2 hours taking time for a tea break, an instruction guide is included but I would like to see a concise video of the installation. There is a video on the web from motordyne, but I am sure we Brits could do a better one, Perhaps Horsham Developments might give this a thought, videos speak a thousand words. Next step is an uprev and coming from nearly the Northern area I will be using RS in Leeds as per the group buy on his site a few days ago, Hey Ho happy days are here again. Any way back to the subject I am very impressed by this new trader and from my experience I would definitely recommend them to the members, well done Jez very satisfied with the service, and no I am not an employee Jeff
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