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James B

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Everything posted by James B

  1. Can't say as mines a GT. Speakers arn't invisible so I'd suggest having a good look (you have eye's? ) Its the extra units you will need that will cost you about £100 by the time you've paid for postage. I'd advise spending a week watrching double dins on ebay and seeing what they go for.
  2. Not a chance buddy. Not for £200! A second hand double din from eBay will probably set you back over £250 on its own, though if you're lucky maybe less (i managed to snag one for £175 after 3 weeks of hawking). A professional ICE installer like road radio will charge you around £60 to plug the head unit in and that won't include any speakers or amps. Just the HU. If you don't have the BOSE speakers and are installing the HU then you'd be mad not to upgrade the speakers as well, especially if you spending that dosh on a decent head unit. A pair of half decent co-axial fronts for your door mounts are going to set you back at least £150 and may require some mountiong work. If I'm honest mate just doing the HU is going to set you back at least £350 before you touch a speaker after all the nick nacks you will need. The link below from Rob_Quads is essential reading for anyone considering an ICE replacement. viewtopic.php?f=27&t=16403 Good luck!
  3. Hot toddy as suggested. 1 Drink with ALOT of booze then sleep. Don't stay up drinking or you'll feel like shite (more so).
  4. RIP fella! Sunny skies and clear roads forever now matey.........................
  5. Same .I'll have one at £100.
  6. Sorry you had such a bad experience. I actually have a fairly similar rant to supplement yours............... Went to look at a house with the missus over the weekend (we're looking to buy our first place together). Agreed to meet the agent there and arrived on time to be met by a greasy haired boy, shirt untucked and tie ina knot, who had arrived in a a truely battered, filthy mondeo. Tried not to judge the book by its cover and let him show us round. Now when I say 'show us round' I mean he opened the door and grunted one word responses at me. Didn't offer information or ask what we would want to do with the place. Dont get me wrong the house was battered but a great opportunity as a 'do it up in your own image' opportunity but try and get me excited for god's sake. I'm a sales consultant and it really irks me when I come across sales people that clearly don't give a @*!# about what they do. Really made me feel like I had ruined his day by coming to look at the place. I'm done........................
  7. Yeah. Sorry to agree and burst your buble but the Cayman S is gonna poop all over you! Straight line fairly similar to the 313 Zed but he will leave you in the dust on the twisties. Don't regret my Zed and love it just as much as a Cayman. Just saying which is faster but thats not the only thing its all about. Owning a car is whatever does it for the individual...................
  8. Whoa - thats a serious change of pace! You're like the alcoholic that found god..........................................
  9. OK can someone explain this paint hardness thing to me. Why is it important? What does it do etc?
  10. Had to share with somone. I'm so hungover I feel like I'm dieing! Not a big drinker but was totally hooned last night, drinking lager, then rose wine, then long island iced teas and finishing with snakebites. Why, why would i think thats a good idea. Anyway, my missus is being very unsypathetic so I thought I could rely on you guys as a fall back
  11. So you think your wheels are worth £6,000 for a full set?!
  12. If Nurrish says don't do it then you can take that to the bank! He's added everything up and (and including) an Acme rocket to his Zed............
  13. Its more acurately romanised as 'Wing Tsun'. Martial arts types can get a little funny when you can't even spell the name of the art you're studying. FYI You'll find you need to train / practice 4-5 times a week to develop anything thats slightly usable (i.e in a fight). When somone throws a punch at you, you need to be 'unconscious competant' or you (like me now) end up flinching like a spaz or throwing windmill punches. Link explains all http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_stages_of_competence Enjoy grasshopper!
  14. "only 60 miles in UK" - is it an import then?
  15. P1 -Still an awesome looking car in my opinion. Really has ages well and such a cult classic! Your is pretty too mate.
  16. James B


    "What means bananna bar?" Loved this thread - My face hurts from laughing too much!
  17. Trust me its the start of further problems. Essentially a lose connection in the motor so dont rush out and spend all ur dosh replacing it. Just use the fix it guide and do it urself. Takes an hour or so but worth it. Did mine last weekend and the whole windows back to normal.
  18. Havnt read and article about it yet but I had it on fairly good authority that the stig is actually 2-3 different people. Makes sense since its unlikely that any one pro driver would be contantly available................
  19. Funny you say that. For some reason I only remembered and put tyre dressing on after I took the photo.
  20. hmmm for some reason its snipped the front of my car off. Was in the original but you get the idea.........
  21. OK - that is weapons grade cool!
  22. Washed with Zymol car shampoo, clayed with Meguires clay and quick detailer, waxed with Nxt Generation from Meguires and finally altered in 30 seconds using Coloursplash on the iPhone (awesome app). I challenge everyone with an iPhone to submit a pic of their Zed coloursplashed!
  23. I wouln't sell your mum - she's awesome!
  24. Sorry but I flat disagree. Think it looks freekin awesome! Great way to spend £60 if I had it...................
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