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James B

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Everything posted by James B

  1. Do you have EBC discs by any chance?
  2. Yeah I agree. I develop as part of my job, and the IP for all my code belongs to the end company/client I work for, I dont get to keep it and then say "oh if you want to keep the code, then that will be £5k per piece". F's me right off, as you say you pay for the time, and you should own the copyright when they are done. Saying that, you will as part of the contract take ownership, which is effectively what you are doing when you get the DVD in the package, they should be signing ownership of all the material to you. What then makes me more sick is that some refuse to then give you the RAW images. If you have ownership of the material, then the RAW is the original Cheers for all the posts guys. I'm feeling a lot better about it today and totally vindicated! The more I think about it, even from a legal ownership point of view the less her position seems to make sense. Given that we live in a digital world it feels like the transaction is me paying money for specific intellectual property. The missus actually wasn't too bad when I got home. I was properly geared up for a major barney but she didn't push me thankfully. Shes on the case already and has found a few more photographers she likes (thanks for all the recommendations btw), although (like most women) she does seem to go straight for the most expensive one's. I'm staying well out of the whole process this time though I've reserved the right to Vitto based on daft costs.
  3. OK rant style thread coming up.................. Me and the missus are tieing the knot in April next year and had found a photographer we really like. Being the man it came down to me (she asked me to as well) to do a little negotiating for price. The package we had selected was nigh on £2k for the photographer and our choice of album. When checking the price list I saw that a CD / DVD of the images wasn't included and cost an extra £350. Now I like to think of myself as a reasonable chap and wouldnt expect a person to necessarily do extra work for no extra money, so when I spoke to the photographer I did a little probing to find that all the editing work in Photoshop was done already in the package and that getting the DVD (work wise) would just require her copy and pasting the image files to the disc. I asked that, seeing as we had picked a large package, didnt have much money and it didnt require any extra hours work for her if she would include the CD backup in the cost, which the woman refused, saying it's they are still her images and thats how she makes her living. Said we needed the DVD and may need to have a look at which package we went for (i.e may have to get the DVD instead of the album) and that I would discuss with the powers that be and get back to her. Flash forward to today, one hour ago. I call her to say we just want the DVD package with no album as we dont have any more money - long and short of it is she now doesnt want to do our wedding because she didnt like me questioning her prices......... SERIOUSLY WTF!!!!! Major headache as the missus loved this womans work but am I seriously wrong from asking for a discount on somehting that requires no work form someone? She basically told me that the right to the photo's was her living. SO WOMAN - WHAT THE HELL WAS THE OTHER £2k I WAS PAYING FOR IF NOT THE RIGHTS TO THE PHOTO'S?!?!?! As I see it the cost of the photographer (whatever it is) is paying for their unique skills. When it comes to a tangible item which can be measured with nil material or man hour costs, I don't like to feel like someones trying to pull my pants down. The biggest headache of this is going to be dealing with a frosty woman for the next 48 (or 148?) hrs. I need a little blind support but feel I need to know. Was I an arsehole for asking (politely) for this discount? GOD WHAT A SHITE END TO THE DAY..........................
  4. You're gonna pay dearly for that my friend! If you want an awesome ring at cost price I can give you the name of a contact in Hatton Gdn london. He makes jewelery for shops and did posh and becks ring. He'll make you up a ring exactly how you want it. You pick the diamond (cut and size etc), the band style and material etc and he makes it up. If your missus knows what she wants take a sly pick and he can copy too. You'll save a small fortune! PM me if you want his details
  5. I know people that do just this and they make very good money although they dont do quite the same thing. They buy cult cars like old M3's, Audi's and then make then very pretty. Apparantly there is quite good demand (and money) for these older, high powered cars restored to good nick.
  6. Awesome gesture and rare as hens teeth in good condition. I'd planned to switch seat to Alezan but coulnt find what you've got .
  7. Looks interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong but from the look of their website the whole course and test is £135?
  8. Yeah Mezzanine was an amazing album. But FYI the track is called 'Unfinished Sympathy'
  9. Opinions vary. I've got a 53 and seen a few facelift interiors. It's a little nicer but not that noticeable in my opinion.
  10. Got all of their stuff. They are genune geniuses!
  11. Stuff by Fischerspooner is good too.
  12. Yeah - forgotten how good Leftism is. Think that will be on my iPhone very shortly. Rythym and Stealth is good too!
  13. James B wrote: I got a little remote helicopter for xmas and its awesome. Just charge it in the USB slot and its really accuate to fly. Not saying I'm good at flying it - just that if I was it would be accurate. my housemate has a round one, it isnt entirely clear how you make it move anywhere, it just goes up and down. i think its meant to be weighted at one side so it tilts that way but between wildly spinning in circles, hittting the ceiling and smashing itself into the walls it doesnt really seem a precision instrument. Yeah you get lots of diff small elec helicopters. Sounds like your mate got a cheapy one like I got last year with stop and go. One I've got now has got trim control and all sorts. It's brilliant and the cats scared shitless of it so I just chase it round the living room with it! Got it here http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/10065138.html £35 well spent boys, take my word for it!
  14. Feel really sorry for you fella. Its the last thing anyone needs to pay for somehting like that, but you're not alone. My neighbours garden wall fell down just before christmas at it cost them £10k to fix. They are a young couple and its their first home, not even someone loaded. At my first property I owned a flat that was in a block of 6 that were owned by a housing association. They decided the roof needed replacing for £16k and asked me to pay 1/6 of it. This timing was great as they decided to do it exactly 1 week after a for sale board for my flat was put up outside. Share your pain buddy!
  15. Sorry to reinforce but your talking several thousand. Its a bit of a wild stab at a price but £2k if its a very short flu (i.e just the thickness of the wall its in) and a lot more if it runs for a serious length. If it's short I'd say you're better off doing it yourself. Just rent proper breathing equiptment and hammer the stuff out. Having said all that I'm famous for talking bollocks so you're better to get a pro in to at least quote.
  16. I got a little remote helicopter for xmas and its awesome. Just charge it in the USB slot and its really accuate to fly. Not saying I'm good at flying it - just that if I was it would be accurate.
  17. Already got Virgin 50Meg which is smoking fast. Brits are already waaay behiond the rest of the civilized world. Sweden has an average consumer broadband speed of 100Meg. ON AVERAGE.
  18. Just got the OST for the new Tron Legacy film. Film itself OK but not great but the soundtrack by Daft Punk is sweet. Lots of orchestral stuff overlaid by filth electronic beats. Love it. Anyone recommend some more really grumbby bangin electro music?
  19. I've got an unfortunate problem with rust on my roof, at the front edge where it meet the windscreen (about 3x3cm). The rust is under the paint (which is still watertight). Chaps at Abbey think it was probably some clubsy mofo who changed the windowscreen in the past and when cutting the seal cut the paint letting water creep in. Sure ZMANALEX will be along shortly but wondered if anyone has had this, any suggestions for best way to fix? I have a creeping bad feeling that this may require a new roof panel and a spray but though I'd put this out to all you fine gents and ladies collective wisdom to see whats what. Cheers all!
  20. If you're near Northampton you should. They gave me a number for somone that skims the discs for them for free. Surprising they should have that relationship with someone if its such a rare occurance?! Only problem is its way too far for me to go so I'm getting Abbey to do it for me. Either way I dont think I'll be getting EBC next time.
  21. Here's the response. The vibration may be caused by the discs being fitted with more than 0.002†runout initially. The only way forward now is to have the discs skimmed on the car. Please read the information about Pro-cut lathes on our website www.ebcbrakes.com So yes it was runout. Being largely clueless its not a term I had heard before.
  22. Know its been a while but I've found out whats causing the noise and its not good for all those having the same problem. It's caused by uneven brake runoff, which is basically that the discs have been put on badly. Now I have to have them skimmed which is gonna cost £150 for the front 2. I've learned a lesson about being cheap and getting mates to help me with them. From now on the car will just be going to Abbey or any other mechanic I can hold accountable for **** ups. Great lesson in buy cheap, buy twice. - or maybe it should be be cheap, pay twice Hope you dont suffer but cant halp but feel you're probably in the same boat as me. For anyone just joining the thread the noise is a ticking sound that present even when brakes not applied.
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