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Everything posted by MattMe

  1. MattMe


    they are so good i don't even need to use them. when combined with the PIAA fluids i only tend to use the wipers when doing less than 40 mph, after that the water just falls off in tiny beads. so i don't even have to wipe. usually in heavy rain i wipe the screen once every 5 minutes. where most normal cars are doing it twice a second. But isn't that more to do with the fluid you've put on the screen (and can buy seperately) rather than the wipers themselves? I don't know, but that's what I'd imagine. Does sound good though!
  2. Somebody's knicked your pasanger front wheel!
  3. I heard if you buy enough stickers and stick them directly to your hub they are quite effective wheel spacers. That'll be 100 stickers per corner, please...
  4. He's a good, helpful chap in the world of the 350z, but outside of this I hear he eats puppies. Puppies covered in honey nut cornflakes. Wouldn't stop me buying anything fro him though...
  5. Because I've posted 235 VERY informative posts, often clever, and frequently funny (as well as modest) - can I have my sticker earlier? Please?
  6. MattMe


    Really? Over-double-the-price-amazing? The AeroTwins I have remove water from my windscreen - can't get much more amazing than that in the world of wipers, as far as I'm concerned! Seriously though, I've had bad na daverage wipers before but I'd say the Aeros are the best I've had. Not tried the PIAA so I could be missing out on a whole world of water free windscreen motoring (as well as £30)... I personally think the Aero wipers look a lot better too. Less fussy.
  7. Didn't join in on your original post after having it painted (enough comments without me joining in) but I'm loving the matte orange look. I just love orange cars. Have you thought about a black tinit on your rear light cluster? Could look good, suit the colour cding you've got going off already. Wheels loo too. I'm jealous!
  8. MattMe


    Ayup. Search is quite useful for queries like this, but: viewtopic.php?f=64&t=35434 Is a recent discussion on it. I personally use the Bosch Areotwin wipers and am really pleased with them so far. Don't skimp on them is the general opinion...
  9. This really gets me. In the Midlands you can ask for any of them and you get a Bacon Cob, easy. Anywhere else in the country and they look at you gone out, as if they've no idea of this 'cob' of which you speak and refuse to sell you anything until you lower yourself to refer to it in their terms. Surely people must know what I mean when I ask for a cob? 'You mean a barn cake?' they ask. No! I mean an effing cob, now feed me!
  10. I think that would work if the R8 didn't exist... The way the black 'panel' fits to the rear window looks alright, but the fact it's a pathetic attempt to make a car look like something it isn't does detract from that some what. Bit like a Nova with a Mitsi Evo bumper grafter to the front. Only not quite as bad.
  11. How strange, I had a 'scrubs' dream thiks morning about a panda and some nuts and an infected martini. It was almost as good as the real thing. Quite a disapointment to wake up from it (it also had a fit nurse)... I was thinking it's a shame JD was leaving and how it would 'survive' without the main character. Turns out it won't! As for the others, never watched them really so big loss
  12. MattMe

    Power Gains

    I was looking at a ITB setup on a 2.0 Pinto tune once, got rid in the end. But I know a guy who did do it using motorbike TBs. Loads cheaper, get better gains and smoother ride too. All quite cheap but they're really basic engines. Surely you could get 6x 600cc motorbike TBs on a 350 engine? Obviously still incur the ECU costs and everythign else to go with it, but you wouldn't be spending £4k on TBs alone! Out of interest, what kind of gains do you see with these ITB setups?
  13. I quite like it actually, and I'm not a massive fan of mods like this usually. One criticism I would have is the front arches look bigger than the rears and IMO it would look better if they were the same, or smaller on the front. Difficult to get a real feel for it in the pictures though. THink a look in the flesh would be better. Or more pics?
  14. My MD has one. I think they're nicer in the flesh. I'm not a huge fan of the looks of any porsche to be honest. I think these look alright depending on how you think about it. If it looks like a fat 911 then it's quite horrid but when you think of it as more of a DB9 or something they look okay, if you know what I mean. I wouldn't pay for one.
  15. Despite the cars having many similarities, they're two completely different purchases. Obviously the 370z is going to cost a lot more to buy, wether you finance it or not but you'll end up with a new (or nearly new) car and all the benefits that go with it. The 350 will be cheaper to buy, easier to fix/maintain (with the knowledge and experience on here) and if you're into modding then there are more options. Obviously it'll be second hand, likely have higher milage and therefore the history of it could be more uncertain. Either cars are great - I've not driven or owned a 370z but from what I hear they're just as good, only better interiors... Get hunting and keep us posted on what you decided...
  16. I've never wanted to give my Zed an STD, I'll keep the AIDs to myself, thanks Funny how posts often turn into grammer/spelling tests...
  17. I thought this was going to be a toilet humour thread...
  18. Can I just say, I got half way through page three and gave up. I will read this all another day when I'm in the mood, but for now I just wanted to say I had almost exactly the same conversation with someone at lunch the other day and her response was pretty much 'you can prove anything with facts'. The thread feels (at page three) it's going this way. At least in science (the religion of science?) has some kind of logic, reason, rationality and evidence behind it. She also said to me 'you can't prove god isn't real.' So Santa AND the toothfairy are real after all? Mega! (No disrespect meant to anyone, by the way, just I personally get quite frustrated at some people when the blindly follow a religioon without consideration or ever taking time to consider any other explanation or alternate religions.) Peace and love, peace and love.
  19. My girlfriend has a 2002 TT Quattro 1.8 225bhp and TBH I don't think the build quality is much/any better than the 350z. So far, within a year, she's needed new bottom ball joints, top mounts, the parcel shelf brackets are she-ite and snap regularly (making getting hold of second hand ones near impossible), both rear number plate lights rusted, snapped and fell out, the dash rattles and squeaks almost as much as the Z, there's horrible wind noise through both front windows above 60mph, the leather is cracking quite severly (common)... And the list goes on. All that and it drives like a proper girls car - push it any harder than your mum would and it'll understeer like a bad 'un - TC on or off. Quite poor IMO. She likes it, it looks good in her eyes, it quick in her opinion and is fairly safe so I'm happy. But they are quite expensive (as expensive as the Zed) to run/maintain, aren't very economical and she & I look after her car but it's showing it's age at 70k miles. Yeah, the Zed has it's faults, so does every car. Like pretty much everyone's said - for the price you can't beat it. I had some niggles in my paint work - a few hundred quid later I'm happy as ever. If it's that bad pay to get it sorted either painted or get a pro detailer to quote to sort it out. Black is the worst colour for showing up imperfections on any car, and requires the most work to keep looking tip-top. Loads of advice on here already (use search) for best methods to keep on top of it. Otherthanthat - Happy Zedding
  20. I didn't this time around (Bosch Areotwin) but I've always thought that after using them for a few weeks it'll come off with use anyway, surely?
  21. Sorry to bring the thread slightly more in line I think I'll be getting a remap at RS once I get my plenum spacer on later in the year (car otherwise standard 2004 GT with '06 airbox) and was contemplating cats. But they're about £250 (or are they?) are they worth spending the cash? How much power would you expect? I'm assuming 5bhp in which case I'll probably leave it...
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