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It's not just calories you need to look at... Look at fat/saturated fat etc etc!

Eating before bed is a big no no either, as it basically turns into fat lol

In simple words, as they say - to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you intake...so replace you energy drinks (loads of sugar) with water, all snacks with healthy food (fruits).

Also, glass of water when you wake up - to wake up your digest system...and eat more often but less...that way you will keep your digest system and your body working all the time - which will digest food faster, without it going into fat and your body will burn more calories on its own.


Basically, less fat/sugar etc, more fruit and veg and more exercise lol

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You're basically consuming a tonne of sugar and carbs... and only undertaking light exercise. That really is a bad diet!


I'm no featherweight either, but can successfully shed a fair bit of mass when I get enthusiastic about it.


I'd recommend you drop the daily intake of chocolate and energy drinks at a minimum and get your heart rate up, there's no substitute.

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im no diet expert mate infact, im all skin and bone myself and im trying to gain weight but strugling hard, but i think the toast before bed is a bad idea and maybe just try and introduce more fruit and veg into your diet and maybe replace the redbull for water? also exercise would do a lot of good

Edited by Rocky4510
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Stop eating so much pasta too, it's sneaky.


A friend of mine recommends having a protein shake instead of the snacks as although it doesn't do anything in terms of building muscle if you're not doing the excercise it keeps you full and isn't half as bad as a redbull/chocolate bar.


Use hazelnut milk too.


Then do the 7 minute work out 3 times a week, download it on your phone :)

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If its annoying you big time then I would recommend the Cambridge diet. My mate was loosing stone after stone in a very short period of time. It wont be pretty and you should get some tablets to replace some of things you will be lacking by not eating as much, like iron.

Then when the weights off just go a run once a week and it should be easier to maintain :thumbs:

Edited by hensh65
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Anyone whos met me in person will know im not a feather weight, and now really starting to have enough of it for a few reasons


anyone got any tips i know the obvious exercise dont eat @*!# etc


but ive been counting calories last two weeks and most week days im pulling the following i know its @*!# food but the calories dont seem high


redbull 120 Kal

Chocolate bar 222kal

Ham and Cheese roll 300kal

Light pop corn 87kal

500 ml of squash/water 50kal?

evening meal like a chicken and bacon pasta bake etc 600kal-800

can of diet coke 1kal?

​magnum white choc ice cream 250kal

slice of toast before bed 130kal



in total i make that 1843 kal which is well within the 2500


​Each day i walk about 2 miles so Google says work on 100kal/permile lost


so im looking at a average daily intake of around 1700kal


WHY AM I STILL PUTTING ON WEIGHT 4 kg in a few months?


First off - caffeine is good for you in controlled doses - swap the red bull for a black coffee (or with a splash of milk). If you don't like the taste start with 1 or 2 spoons of sugar and slowly decrease it until you have it without sugar.


For breakfast have oats/porridge. I usually blend 500ml water, protein powder, 100g oats and a spoon of almond butter and just have it as a quick shake for breakfast.


For your snacks, instead of the rolls and choc bars, get yourself some wholemeal crackers, or rice cakes and you can have them with a bit of nutella and almond/peanut butter.


Switch your carb sources to low GI e.g. sweet potato instead of white potato, brown rice instead of white rice, brown bread instead of white bread, etc. You need to keep your simple sugars to a minimum otherwise you'll just convert it to fat.


Increase your protein over your carbs but try to keep it lean, e.g. chicken breast, white fish, etc.


Also depending on what your take is on exercise, I'd recommend 3 times a week weight sessions with 20-30mins cardio straight after. Resistance training combined with cardio will increase your metabolism and help with fat burn immensely!


I'm in off-season training for competition next year so my diet is just bulking at the moment, which believe it or not is a lot harder than when on diet!


Gimme a shout if you want any other tips or advice mate :thumbs:

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Try to substitute any fizzy drinks with just plain water. After a few days, your body will get used to the lower sugar intake, and it is much better for you! Don't bother with the diet drink crap; they are even worse!

If you drink tea or coffee, try to alternate with a de-caf tea such as red bush (does taste nice black with half a sugar). If you have sugar in your drinks, try to half the amount you put in.


All of these have helped me!


As for the eating side of things, don't just look at what you eat, but also your portion size.

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