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So in the same sort of theory, I don't think anyone who works as a nurse is worth the money they're on. All they do is change bedpans, mop up sick and take temperatures: Basically, they're a doctor's bitch. Top whack for them should be minimum wage, no more.


Teachers, on the other hand, are worth loads more. Other people's kids are awful, much less having a whole class of them all day. Actually, you can include defence solicitors in that too, as they spend all day working with the scum of society who have done naughty things. They should be paid more, too.



Too much like hard work. We should all be paid the same, regardless of job.

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Flexib, we heard you the first time :) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and as long as those opinions are put in a constructive manner and are not rude or insulting this thread will remain unlocked.


I do hope that was a true :)

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Got fed up after reading s couple of pages of ranting about employing someone to do a job, agreeing a price and then butching about it :shrug:


Tradesman - someone that has a skilled trade, therefore they do a job you can't or won't do, fair enough if the **** a job up but if they do the job you employed them to do how can you complain about the price?

Edited by spursmaddave
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Man, my profile views has went up!

Honestly, I'm not trying to offend anyone with my comments, but i feel so strongly about this subject. Everyone is complaining about how bad the economy is etc. Then when you try to spend some cash, you feel like your being ripped off.

I do have a decent job, with holiday pay, sick pay etc and it is funded by the tax payers. Therefore I never abuse my position, ie throwing sickies etc.

I also understand that tradesmen have no holiday pay, sick pay etc and that they need to price jobs accordingly. But to charge the same as a consultant surgeon employed by the NHS is ridiculous.

It's a dog eat dog world out there, I for one won't get caught out again and I'm sure anyone with half a brain wouldn't take long to work out that there getting wripped off either.

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So in the same sort of theory, I don't think anyone who works as a nurse is worth the money they're on. All they do is change bedpans, mop up sick and take temperatures: Basically, they're a doctor's bitch. Top whack for them should be minimum wage, no more.


Teachers, on the other hand, are worth loads more. Other people's kids are awful, much less having a whole class of them all day. Actually, you can include defence solicitors in that too, as they spend all day working with the scum of society who have done naughty things. They should be paid more, too.



Too much like hard work. We should all be paid the same, regardless of job.

I've worked in the NHS for 17 years, therefore I think I'm qualified to argue this point. Qualified Nurses are educated to degree level nowadays. Nursing assistants clean patients etc all day, they are paid not much above minimum wage. Qualified nurses are paid about the same as teachers but unllike there teacher counterparts they don't take abuse from kids. They take all kinds of abuse from fully grown adults and there families.

Also I have saw many a doctor getting a good telling off from a nurse. Newly qualified doctors rely heavely on the cooperation of the nursing staff, if the nurses wanted to they could make the doctors lives a living hell.

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At the end of the day it is similar to selling your car, people pay what they are prepared to pay. Stuarty, you were prepared to pay £300 for the floor to be layed and so you paid it, I on the other hand wouldn't not have been prepared to pay that amount.


Same with cars, you might be prepared to pay £10,000 for a prestine low mileage 313 HR 350Z, I might only be prepared to pay about £8,000.


At the same time, your new 350z's engine may blow up 10 miles down the road or you may later find out it's been in a bad accidnet and repaired which would mean you paid more for the car then is seems it was worth once you realised this.

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When I did private work, I used to charge what the market would stand ... sometimes I would earn £150.00 a day and sometimes (for structural calcs for instance) I could charge £200.00 for an hour's work. I was happy so long as I was earning more than I was paying the gardener or the person I employed to wash my cars whilst I was upstairs tapping keys on the computer.

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Started reading and got bogged down, so I've skipped right to the end for my 3 pennies worth (or £300)



We train for a trade, we provide our expertise, our expensive tools (which incidently tend to speed the job up), we pay insurances to protect you and your property, and we pay our VAT and taxes. All this costs momney and has to be passed on.





As I once told a customer about 22 years ago when I was half way though putting the roof on his extension I'd just built, (who incidently at the time worked in the 'City' and was paid (not earned) £60k plus a year), and then complained I was too expensive at £9 per hour.........

'Here are my tools, they are expensive so look after them, and call me to collect them once you've finished the job'!!!


He rang me 2 weeks later and asked when I was coming back to finish the roof as he didn't have a clue what to do!


I went back and informed him our prices had just risen to £11 per hour.

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"How much to lay some laminate"




"Wow that was quick, why did I pay so much for you to do it in just 7 hours"


"Dunno you accepted the quote"


"Ok thanks, do you do guttering?"



Very good :D

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"How much to lay some laminate"




"Wow that was quick, why did I pay so much for you to do it in just 7 hours"


"Dunno you accepted the quote"


"Ok thanks, do you do guttering?"

Lol, he said it would take around 2 days and it was a different dude that done the gutters. Don't start me on the kitchen fitter!

Edited by stuarty
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"Finally, I stand by my comment that individual tradesmen are not worth any more than £150 a day."


I'd love to hear what the tradesmen and women of this world think that you are worth per day :lol: I take it you will abide by their decision and give back any salary that they don't feel you have earned? :boxing::D

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