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Would you report bad driving?


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Just popped my dad back home after a visit to the hospital, on the way back to my house i have just witnessed a nutter in a Renault Clio and yes it was a young girl who nearly rammed my rear end twice and she was swerving all over the road and drove in a very erratic manner! :surrender:

I took her reg with the intention of ringing the police to report the idiot. Now i am no big fan of the police and i fear i will be wasting my time reporting her. But i am not joking on the craziness of her driving :surrender:



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think its worthwhile reporting to the local police - dangerous driving is a crime right??



But how serious will they take my complaint? :shrug:


You never know until you try, responses seem to vary by region.


+1 :thumbs: what can you lose? only takes 2 mins

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I would report driving like that, if they do not take you seriously then so be it. If the said driver has an accident and tries to blame an innocent party the police will have a record... and you have done a throughly good deed for the day :thumbs:


The less prats on the road the better...... especially this time of year when drink driving seems to be much more common. :surrender:

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If I noted down every morons reg on the journey to and from work I'd have an accident myself. So many moronic drivers who feel the need to get from A to B 8seconds quicker by pulling out on you/up your arse/flying through red lights.

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I would report driving like that, if they do not take you seriously then so be it. If the said driver has an accident and tries to blame an innocent party the police will have a record... and you have done a throughly good deed for the day :thumbs:


The less prats on the road the better...... especially this time of year when drink driving seems to be much more common. :surrender:



Reported and they have put her reg out for observation. :thumbs:

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I would report driving like that, if they do not take you seriously then so be it. If the said driver has an accident and tries to blame an innocent party the police will have a record... and you have done a throughly good deed for the day :thumbs:


The less prats on the road the better...... especially this time of year when drink driving seems to be much more common. :surrender:



Reported and they have put her reg out for observation. :thumbs:


Well done, hopefully if there are a few complaints they will take it seriously and at the very least have a word. If it makes the driver think and stops an accident then brilliant, if it does nothing then at least you tried :thumbs:

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I would report driving like that, if they do not take you seriously then so be it. If the said driver has an accident and tries to blame an innocent party the police will have a record... and you have done a throughly good deed for the day :thumbs:


The less prats on the road the better...... especially this time of year when drink driving seems to be much more common. :surrender:



Reported and they have put her reg out for observation. :thumbs:


:thumbs: Nice one.


I see no end of loonys on the road but never report them and afterwards wonder maybe I should have in case that loony then goes on to later cause an accident.


What do the police actually do as "observation" ? Do they dispatch a car to her house and keep an eye on the way she drives to work in the morning? Or, is it just a case that if several people report it they then investigate. As unless they see evidence of the dangerous driving its just one persons word against anothers.

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If I noted down every morons reg on the journey to and from work I'd have an accident myself. So many moronic drivers who feel the need to get from A to B 8seconds quicker by pulling out on you/up your arse/flying through red lights.


There are people being morons, which I can put up with ..... and then theres the damn right dangerous, the latter get what they deserve if you ask me :thumbs:

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and then theres the damn right dangerous, the latter get what they deserve if you ask me :thumbs:



This was right up there for the utter stupidity, i think she knew i was taking her reg when i pulled over to let her past. I did end up ringing my brother who's a copper anyway to take advice! :blush:

And he gave me a number to ring for my area.They took my complaint seriously though i did stress that i only really want somebody to have a word with her, if it leads to something else then so be it :)

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Report it every time.

Yes it is something that is often at the bottom of the priority list of things to do and is dealt with on it's own merits.

As a rule of thumb, compaints will only be followed up by sumons if there are independant witnesses to the incident who are willing to give statements.


But in my exprerience if asked, the police will visit registered keepers address to give words of advise regarding the standard of driving. This generally carries a strong enough message, especially to the younger ones on the road.

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If I noted down every morons reg on the journey to and from work I'd have an accident myself. So many moronic drivers who feel the need to get from A to B 8seconds quicker by pulling out on you/up your arse/flying through red lights.


What I sometimes do to break the boredom on the 40 mile drive home from work is to count everyone who I see committing a driving offence. Whether they are speeding, or driving dangerously, or talking on their mobile, or have a car which isnt roadworthy etc.. etc... The other night I counted 30 offences! Id love to be a traffic cop. I could have done all 30 of them and bought in a nice bit of cash in fixed penalties.

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They took my complaint seriously though i stress that i only really want somebody to have a word with her, if it leads to something else then so be it :)


... and if she was on here way back from a crimbo lunch :drunk:


That should be more than a word or two :angry:

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Whilst I am pleased you reported them, and even more surprised that the cops did something, the tragedy is that when all comes to all, the one thing the police are interested in (as far as driving is concerned) is speeding, yes its important in the town, but is it really more important than cars in poor working order (i.e. lights out) arse-hole drivers that don’t drive sensibly in poor conditions, folks that cause road rage through selfish road use, or in this case straight out dangerous driving?

Yes, your example is hard to prove if it went to court, but a knock at the door could save someone’s life in the future. :shrug:

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Is it possible to get someone prosecuted if you film them on the phone whilst driving? When I'm walking back to the car after work I probably walk past at least half a dozen people on their phone in slow moving traffic, on a hugely busy road with pedestrians everywhere, really grinds on me!


It's always nice when someone acts like a complete tool on the road and obviously forgets they're driving round with their business plastered all over the car/van.

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I would report it but to be honest I doubt anything will come of it. For example, a customer of mine picked up her daughter from school last week and whilst walking along the path, some inpatient boy racer mounted the kurb and drove along the path a fraction away from her daughter, all because he couldn't be bothered to wait behind another car whilst waiting for them to turn right. She got the reg and reported them to the police. They told her she needed a witness and needed to fill in endless amount of forms etc, otherwise they couldn't do anything about it.


Worth giving them the reg, but don't expect too much from them.

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I had to make the same decision a couple of months ago when i saw some idiot on the m25 driving like a maniac, even threw something out of the car at me when i wouldnt move out of his way (no where to go).


I decided to report him, went in and gave a full report. Police at the desk really didnt seem too bothered. The PC even said throwing things out of a car isnt illegal....sigh.


Still had a call a week later sayings thankyou for reporting it and they are following up but heard nothing else.


Still glad i did it. If there is ever an issue with them in the future hopefully this will go down on their record and have an influence to get them off the road. Then again perhaps thats just me being totally unrealistic

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Has anyone noticed in the last 2-3 years its the young females that are getting worse as far as bad driving , it is in the north west, as far as the cops are concerned my bro is also 5 o and he tells me that as far as priority's go there's not a lot they can do, and it would'nt even register a word in his beat, he's in devon&cornwall by the way!! :thumbdown:

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i know of people who have received letters from the police after having their reg reported. i know one was from a person who didn't like being over taken.


would i bother myself to report another driver, to be honest no, there are so many now i'd be on the phone all day. :dry:

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