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Also have a list of intelligent questions prepared for the interviewer too. Also shows interest in the role. Also dress appropiately. Make sure you're shoes are clean (shows pride in what you do). IE, if it's a bit more corporatey than your current role etc.


Most of all, let us all know how you go. ;)

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A wee dab of speed ( spud - trainspotting )


be yourself. Talk crap and pretend you care



PMSL Chris :lol:


Hope the interview goes well John - completely sympathise - I have fluffed a few in my time- its always worse when you really want it and you're being interviewed by people you know. The breathing exercises really do help - either that or half a betablocker ;)

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I'm still alive!!! :lol:


I find out in a week if i get the job but it went pretty well I think :)


I got asked a bunch of HR type questions "name a time" "have you ever" "how did you deal with" etc etc. Also got a techy question which went better than I expected (i think) although you never know how much depth they are expecting in the answer.


I fluffed one question a bit which was the first... no warm up questions or anything, they went straight in with "why are you leaving your old job and what makes you want this one" :scare: bastards!! I'd only just sat down :lol:


I asked them what thier team is like which got a good response. Also asked them if there were many petrolheads in the team :teeth: apparently loads





Big thankyou guys :):thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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I fluffed one question a bit which was the first... no warm up questions or anything, they went straight in with "why are you leaving your old job and what makes you want this one" :scare: bastards!! I'd only just sat down :lol:


Also asked them if there were many petrolheads in the team :teeth: apparently loads


I hope none of "The Bastards" are reading this :lol:


Good kuck, hope it's what you want and you get it, the job that is :lol:

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