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Ha ha...


No, funnily enough a mate of mine approached me asking if I wanted to sell electric scooters...


I was a bit scepticle at first, then I saw one, then I had a go on one B) ... They are the way forward mate ...


Top speed 15mph, charge time 6 hours, battery life 20 miles. No tax, No petrol and no need for helmets. Fully road legal and ideal for short commutes.


They are in the shops for a grand but I can sell them through him for around £650 depending on the model.


Not sure if im going to go for it or not but either way I might get one for work and back. They are definately going to be big next year though as people can't afford the ridiculous prices of fuel and parking etc etc.


Only problem is I might look a bit of a knob driving one, you know what they say about mopeds and fat birds - fun to ride and all that. Would be great for the Southerners in and out of London though, or paddocks etc..

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Dave, I think you might find the Mr Cameron has a lot do with the price hikes mate, Oil prices have fallen so why do pump prices rise? Hmmmmmm TAX.....

Didnt someone work out once that you only have 2pence which is untaxed for every pound you earn? Might as well give the MPs all your earnings and they inturn pay us our salaries.


I can forsee another Thatcher Era. :bang:


Why dont these muppets tackle the real problem of the UK and stop cutting everything they possibly can to re-coup thier billions of lost cash.


It will be interesting to see when VAT goes back down to 17.5% after they hike it up to 20% on the 4th Jan2011.


I think,,,,,, NEVER..... :rant:

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Dave, I think you might find the Mr Cameron has a lot do with the price hikes mate, Oil prices have fallen so why do pump prices rise? Hmmmmmm TAX.....

Didnt someone work out once that you only have 2pence which is untaxed for every pound you earn? Might as well give the MPs all your earnings and they inturn pay us our salaries.


I can forsee another Thatcher Era. :bang:


Why dont these muppets tackle the real problem of the UK and stop cutting everything they possibly can to re-coup thier billions of lost cash.


It will be interesting to see when VAT goes back down to 17.5% after they hike it up to 20% on the 4th Jan2011.


I think,,,,,, NEVER..... :rant:


i think the last 3 terms of labour put us in this situation; hence the big cuts to recoup the mental spending age.


70% of the fule cost is Tax, just like it was when the last government was in; can;t blam eone political party for this; they are all as bad a seach other.


and as for the thatcher comment if i remember rightly she ended alot of the crap that labour let the unions get away with.



no ones perfect no one makes perfect decisions, i'd be intersted; if you were in charge what would you be doing?

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i'd be intersted; if you were in charge what would you be doing?


I would


A- pull out of the EU to stop being controlled by zee gremanz.

B- Stop all immigrunts coming to UK and claiming any benefits.

C- Throw out all non working immigrunts.

D- abolish speed limits on motorways.

E- Raise tax revenue via the "NHS" holiday makers.

F- Stop wasting thousands of £s on people seeking asylum, put on plane back home straight away.

G- Instant lifetime ban for drink/drive, using mobile phone.

H- Bring back severe punishment. An eye for an eye.


Too much to mention....

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A- pull out of the EU to stop being controlled by zee gremanz.

How is the EU controlled by The Germans? or as you put it 'zee gremanz'?


B- Stop all immigrunts coming to UK and claiming any benefits.

Immigrants do a lot of the job workshy English people won't. And although some do claim benefits, the vast majority work in crappy low paid jobs barely scraping a living. Don't believe everything you read in The Daily Mail; immigrants put a lot more into this country then they take out.


C- Throw out all non working immigrunts.

Those bloody immigrunts again :rant: On the same merit, why don't why throw out all non working people regardless of where they were born?


D- abolish speed limits on motorways.

This will never work in the UK, our motorways are simply not designed for it.


E- Raise tax revenue via the "NHS" holiday makers.



F- Stop wasting thousands of £s on people seeking asylum, put on plane back home straight away.

It's clear you have some sort of problem with those who aren't born in the UK. Did your wife run off with a Polish builder? :lol:


G- Instant lifetime ban for drink/drive, using mobile phone.

The drink driving thing kind of makes sense, but at the same time, not really. If you are unknowingly only very slightly over the limit and were unlucky enough to be caught out, are you saying you should be banished from the roads forever? And being banned for using a mobile phone while driving? A few years ago no one batted an eyelid about this, it's only when the new legislation was brought in did people start getting uppity about it. To ban someone for life for being on their phone while driving is just absurd. There would be no van drivers left for a start.


H- Bring back severe punishment. An eye for an eye.

While I agree that some crimes do go unpunished or the criminal gets off lightly, sever punishment won't deter people. America has the death penalty and other strict laws yet the prison population there is much higher as a percentage in comparison to the UK. If every crime resulted in prison time where would all these inmates go? You'd have to build more prisons, and for that you need money. How do you intend on raising this cash? Also do you plan on bringing back the cane?


All I can say is, thank God Zugara is not in charge of the country. :wacko:

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NHS holiday makers? Never heard of them? Obviously not.


Ok then,


Mr European comes to the UK on a "holiday" knowing full well that he has "a serious illness" and knowing full well he cant afford any medical treatment in his homeland.


With me so far?


Mr European whilst on holiday "feels ill" and attends a local NHS hospital.


Getting the picture?


When in hospital they "discover" Mr European has "serious illness", Mr European suddenly becomes more ill.


Get it now?


Magic NHS hospital treat Mr Euopean for "free".


Mr European becomes well again and buggers off to mother land cured of illness.


Ahhhhhhh, all becomes clear.


NHS Holidays.



Immigrunts. They come here and "claim" benefits for the family they have "left" behind in their homeland. Didyou know that?


Why should they be "entitled" to anything. As a tax payer, if you lost your job and had paid into the system for X amount of years, you could claim nothing for a minimum of 6 weeks.


Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against immigrunts coming here to work in what ever they decide, what annoys me is that they bring their crimes and rotten ways with them and start all that shat here. These are the grunts that should be booted out.


Yes I do have a problem with Non UK born people, When you have lived with Africans for 17 years in Nigeria, you sort of become aware that "life" is very very very cheap, They have little to no morals and care less for their fellow brother let alone a "white honky"

Then they come here, and bleat about "my human rights", Oh, suddenly forgetting that they were quite happy to rape, murder etc in their own land.


When at the age of 14 you get an AK47 stuffed in your mouth and being threatened to have you face blown off all over the streets of Lagos, with an over zealous trigger happy nigerian policeman who hates white folk, you kind of remember that for the rest of your life. So some 30 years on, its still kinda vivid in my head.


So yes mate, my hatred runs deep, very deep. Although I am NOT a racist, but no doubt, this will be turned around on me.


All I would like to add is this.


When in Rome............

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i'd be intersted; if you were in charge what would you be doing?


I would


A- pull out of the EU to stop being controlled by zee gremanz.

B- Stop all immigrunts coming to UK and claiming any benefits.

C- Throw out all non working immigrunts.

D- abolish speed limits on motorways.

E- Raise tax revenue via the "NHS" holiday makers.

F- Stop wasting thousands of £s on people seeking asylum, put on plane back home straight away.

G- Instant lifetime ban for drink/drive, using mobile phone.

H- Bring back severe punishment. An eye for an eye.


Too much to mention....


D- No, raise it to 80 though :)


G- A bit too severe. The way to stop mobile phone use is to a) Increase the points to 6 and increase the fine to £500, B) confiscate the phone or c) both of those and d) anyone caught texting while driving, a 12 month ban It's a very dangerous practice that needs to be stamped out Drink driving laws need a bit of tweaking for sure....


H - Yes, I wouldn't mind paying some extra cash to get the scum off the streets. I'm not keen on the idea of capital punishment though. The main problem is that the traditional flog 'em, hang 'em party don't really care, saving money is now more important than protecting the public.



severe punishment won't deter people


That's very true, criminals operate on the premise that they won't get caught. We need stiffer sentences to keep them off the street. You see, one of the problems we have is our justice system. You can break into peoples homes, steal their cars make your neighbours lives a misery and you'll get 6 months (eventually) but if you dare to swindle an insurance company and it makes the headlines (canoe man) you get 5 years.



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zugura, i can't say i know where your coming from as i've never had to experience anything like that when i was growing up. I agree there are medical tourists in the Uk as well as immigrants who claim benefits and do nothing. but i don't think they account for as large a % as you think.


Points i agree with; but with minor alterations:


- If you are an immigrant and you commit a crime - you should be deported

- if your travelling in the uk from abroad you should have health insurance same as we do when we go abroad. no insurance no payout.

- agreed borders should be controlled - do it like the ozzy's if we're short on specific trades or needs then those people have priority for working in the UK. if you have nothing to offer you go to the bottom of the list.

- visa's should be policed better; if it runs out you go home; or reapply for a new one as long as you have skills to offer.


my feelings:


- if you want to claim benefits regardless of race or origin you need to have paid into the system for a minimum of 12 months. and you time limit for claiming should be limited by how long you have paid in. i.e. if you've paid into the system for 10 years, you could theortically claim for 5 years maybe (not really thought the practicallities out).


- if you go to prison you should pay your debt to society, maybe not chain gangs, but there are lots of jobs that require labour and if they were working for free it might help to pay into the system.


- we maybe a multi cultural country; people are welcome to come, visit, stay; worship their own faith etc, but this is a "chirsitian " country and our laws are based around this; if you don't like it don't come here. if we can abide by foriegn laws when we're abroad same rule should apply here. eg. abroad middle east, women wear long sleeves etc and cover up a little. minimal public displays of affection; in south america you don't traffic drugs same as in thailand if you do you face a very long prision sentence. (i'm not christian, but i still repsect where i am)


current issues:


as i teacher i tend to see a lot of the future generation and their "parents" and most of the kids i see who are difficult and/or have dole claiming mentality are white. BUT their are difficult people form all walks of life and culture. my honest opinion is if people want to be like that then fine; BUT if you don't put into the pot; you don't get to take out of it either.


personally some of the benefits should be given out as coupons or maybe a food stamp book; you limit what people can and can;t spend their dole on. if they want alchol; fags, booze, sky tv etc they have to pay for it out of their own pocket.

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Mate, put down the Daily Mail. The cases where these immigrants commit crimes are always widely publicised because it sells newspapers. If you read of a robbery in the local paper and the name of the culprit was Joe Bloggs, you'd hardly give it a thought or remember it. If, however, Mohammed-Bin-Salaam commited the crime, many people would latch onto this, and all these things do is add fuel to the anti-immigrant fire which seems to be burning ever stronger now. The amount of immigrants commiting crimes is still a very small percentage as a whole. I definitely agree that if they do commit crimes or partake in illegal activities, that they should be deported with no thought given to their 'human rights'.


Also in regards to the NHS holidayers, how many of these cases do the NHS deal with? Very few I'd say. If you're concerned about the ever increasing burden on the NHS, why not have a go at the drunkards and junkies who cost the NHS a lot more than immigrants from Romania? It seems to me as though you're looking for a scapegoat for this countries problems, and immigrants seem to be easy picking.


I definitely don't agree with mass immigration, but the amount of people that think they can solve this countries issues with hardline policies astounds me. Think of it this way: Nigeria has very strict laws and look at the state of that place; it's one of the most corrupt and horrible places on Earth.


England is not as bad as most people like to make out, it's certainly not some kind of fairytale utopia, but it's better than the vast majority of the world. We have good schools, free healthcare, a decent public transport network and an excellent welfare system. I put the blame squarely at the feet of the media for turning everyone into cynical, paranoid and resentful buggers.

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England is not as bad as most people like to make out, it's certainly not some kind of fairytale utopia, but it's better than the vast majority of the world. We have good schools, free healthcare, a decent public transport network and an excellent welfare system. I put the blame squarely at the feet of the media for turning everyone into cynical, paranoid and resentful buggers.


you make some valid points and i agree with alot of what you say. i hate the daily mail with a passion, my mum reads it and she is terrible for thinknig the worst. i take what the media says with a pinch of salt. its always better to read the facts and make your own mind up "newspapers do not write fact" they write opinions based around some facts.


but i have to disagree with your last paragraph; for me i don't think we get value for money; our transport netowrk needs an overhaul. it works but its not designed to cope with the volumes we now have. our schools are over populated and we need more of them to reduce the class sizes. and our health care system is extremely inefficient; its working but its on its last legs. and our welfare system is exaclty that; well fair; and to be honest to fair, its being abused.


thing is things are only going to get worse for the next 5 years as we try to claw back the money, so its going to be a case of pay more get less. i can deal with this as long as it gets us out of the crap, and in the future our money is used more effectivly.

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Another thread destined for the green room / deletion due to quite frankly racist comments.


I realise we are all entitled to our opinions and politics is a hot bed for discussion however I think sometimes people should get facts together before getting on the soapbox. Also, sometime it's better to remain quiet. I'm not the worlds most politically correct person and understand people can't always put across their point without appearing racist.


Think before you type fellas! :thumbs:



Oh and the petrol prices are a joke! It wasn't long ago we were worried about the £5 gallon! :scare:

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