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One of the best days in the hills ever!


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Got an early start yesterday so we could head up Buttermere and do a few fells. Conditions were near perfect, blue skyes, no wind and we nearly had the place to ourselves.


Heading out, the roads were of course ungritted as soon as we left the main road






As we passed Loweswater, we looked over to notice that it was completely frozen over. I wasn't about to make the News by going out on it though!




Parked up near a farm just passed Buttermere village.




We headed up out of the valley towards Seat, and then Wainwrights favourite, Haystacks. The snow was amazing, just feet of pure powder. I've never seen it like that in the Lakes, it's always icy and slushy. This was like being in the Alps.






We had a conversation with some locals:






And then a quick pose for the album!




We pushed on in the difficult conditions. (actually there's a couple of steep bits on Haystacks that were proper tricky with all that powder about)








We reached the tarns on top of Haystacks, they were solid as a rock.






Walking on towards Honister Slate Mine.








Ski tracks:




Past the mine, we picked up the Honister pass road back down into Buttermere and the car.






Overall, a classic winter day in the lakes, hopefully It'll hang around for next weekend too. We may do something bigger!



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Glorious pics - thanks for sharing then with us B)


Is the Panda 4 x 4?


Oh yes Colin, its Frans pride and joy!




Nixy - Yes we have all the gear. We spotted a couple last week going up Scafell sharing a pair of crampons - one foot each! :headhurt:


Waylander - The silence is amazing, just the odd plane going overhead and Herdwick baa!


Plunged my axe in here up to the head, so its at least 60 cm deep here:



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look great :) have to say when i did hills in scotland at xmas it was like that and i had EVERY layer on it was soooooo cold :cold: and i would have killed for some crampons :surrender:and a panda 4x4


Yeah, whisper it mate :lol: . But if the're good enough for all the italian farmers in the Alps and Dolomites...

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Global warming has a lot to answer for :wacko:


this is russia's weather technically as mr gulf stream hasnt worked properly ;) now that sounds familiar :snack:

BUT it gives us this awesome weather, now i know the times up and we will be in the eternal winter by next year i will begin collecting all the snow survival stuff :lol: i have some already. as inspired by this thread crampons are getting closer to the top of the list :thumbs:

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Global warming has a lot to answer for :wacko:


Wish the press would stop using that phrase. In the science community its "Climate Change", as not everywhere is getting warmer. Some place are getting wetter, drier or colder.


As it happens, the UK probably will get warmer on average, because of greater cloud cover (caused by evaporation over the sea) throughout the year, not because we're going to have blazing sunshine every other day. We wish!

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Global warming has a lot to answer for :wacko:


Wish the press would stop using that phrase. In the science community its "Climate Change", as not everywhere is getting warmer. Some place are getting wetter, drier or colder.


As it happens, the UK probably will get warmer on average, because of greater cloud cover (caused by evaporation over the sea) throughout the year, not because we're going to have blazing sunshine every other day. We wish!


:lol: i had this argument years ago with a manager. I said god the weathers rubbish, global warming isnt a myth anymore, she told me i was an idiot and that its hardly getting hotter so it must be bollocks. argument followed. :bang::bang::bang:

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Another brilliant walk Andy and Fran B)


They need to get you on BBC HD doing Wainwright's walks in the snow :teeth:


Haha, yeah. Except unlike Julia Bradbury, we would'nt make every wee fell sound like it was like climbing Everest! :lol:

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Another brilliant walk Andy and Fran B)


They need to get you on BBC HD doing Wainwright's walks in the snow :teeth:


Haha, yeah. Except unlike Julia Bradbury, we would'nt make every wee fell sound like it was like climbing Everest! :lol:

Too right I can't stand her and she needs to seriously eat some pies!!! :lol:


I keep forgetting lakes are only 1 hours drive for us , must try to get up there this

year ? If only we knew someone that lived there so we could pop in for a cuppa? ;)

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