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Anyone gone from Apple to Microsoft


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So my wife's MacBook Air (2008) is in its having some charging issues, and we're thinking of its replacement.


For the last 20 years I've always used Apple computers (Mac Plus and Apple II were the first computers I remember using) but I have to say I'm not overly impressed by the current range. I've got a Retina MacBook Pro, and we've looked at the new MacBook but it's just a tad expensive for what it is, and the form factor is a bit boring now.


The new iPad Pro looks great...BUT with no proper file management system on iOS it's a no go. She uses the Air to produce 4000-5000 word long scientific manuscripts and needs to run things like SPSS/R/Endnotes. The manuscripts get sent to 10+ different authors and usually goes through the 10 different versions before final publication. So a proper file management system like Mac OS or Windows is 100% needed.


Than the unthinkable happened, started playing around with a Surface Pro and really liked it!! It biggest advantage over the iPad Pro is the fact it can run a proper operating system. The Air is connected to a 21 inch monitor+wireless keyboard at home - so essentially used liked a desktop at home. The surface pro has the same mini display port so can do the same....and it work like a tablet on the move.


I never thought I would move away from Apple, but the Surface Pro is tempting us. Even on the phone front, I have to say I find nothing in the new iPhones tempting, and quite happy with my 5.


Has anyone else used a Surface Pro or similar?? Anyone gone from Apple to Windows?? - I suppose it's not that big deal, all the work computers run Windows 7.

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For the last two weeks I have been forced to use a surface tablet due to my Mac having an unexpected shower.


Windows 10 on a Surface Pro ...... My review is very short...... It's a pile of shite.


Looking forward to my new MacBook being delivered on Monday.

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I happily switch between the two without issue. I've a Win10 laptop at work, an Win10 PC at home, an iMac for Jo, and we use iPhones & iPads when on the go. Really, there's very little in it any more, and both have their good bits and bad bits. The bad bits on both are so few though, I'd go with whatever is cheaper and 'feels' better.


Surface Pro isn't a cheap bit of kit any more either though, however as you say it has the benefit of using a proper OS so I see no reason not to go that way.

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Windows 10 on a Surface Pro ...... My review is very short...... It's a pile of shite.



In what way?


Our computers are used daily for 'work', as the main applications are Word, Excel, SPSS, and Endnotes. These applications run fine and pretty much identically on my work Windows 7 PC as on my home MacBook Pro.


The file management on MacOS is easier, but our current workflow see the most active files been managed using drop-box which makes life easier.


I've NEVER actually spent my own money for a Windows OS to run as the primary OS before on a home machine. But the Air is currently been used 99% of the time for work...and we've not come across any issues at work with Windows 7.


Might have a longer play with Windows, but I always find you cannot really tell how your get on with something till you used it at home for a bit, though I suppose the fact I'm happly using a Windows 7 machine for 10hrs+ of writing/data analysis at work answers that question.

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Surface Pro isn't a cheap bit of kit any more either though, however as you say it has the benefit of using a proper OS so I see no reason not to go that way.


No not cheap, but coming from Apple, seems 'reasonable' :)


Going to the states in Jan so might pick up one whilst there.


What other decent Windows machine are out there. We like the Air mainly because it's light, but fancied a change in form factor - which is the appeal of the Surface Pro. The iPad Pro is really nice, but it needs a proper OS to make it into a 'pro' machine - If Apple put Mac OS on the Pro, that would be the ideal Air replacement.


The Chrome machine are very cheap, but not sure if they are powerful enough.

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I use Windows 7 on my Mac because I have to to run my accounts prog. Never had a prob with 7 but know a number of people who have had huge problems with 10 and on that basis alone I would wait if I was having to do it, I understand that that might not be an option for you though. On the other hand Mac has served you well since 2008 and if you get another 7 years from your next MacBook that has to be worth thinking about.



Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear

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Is there a massive difference between 7 and 10?


The new MacBook just doesn't excit me or my wife. It's just another thinner Air. The prospect of been able to have tablet that can convert to a full desktop is really appealing - Just such a same Apple have crippled the iPad pro by keeping it on iOS.

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You mention writing 4-5k word documents, if this is a regular thing then I'm guessing the feel of keyboard is probably more important than having a more exciting form factor? Before she orders anything, a trip to an old fashioned shop might be worth it, to get hands on.


I'm running unning Windows 10 on Bootcamp, seems pretty good for the light stuff I use (Office, Uprev cable, the odd executable), except the two finger scrolling is the wrong way around!!!


The only other thing I'd consider is how integrated is your wife's activity into iCloud? If she regularly uses, iMessages, Calendar, iCloud Drive, Apple Music then Windows will be a bit of a pain compared to her Air. iTunes has always been a pig on Windows.


If the iPad Pro floats your boat, doesn't iCloud Drive provide a "proper file system"? It's got folders and you can move stuff around, email documents, save them etc.

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Is there a massive difference between 7 and 10?


The new MacBook just doesn't excit me or my wife. It's just another thinner Air. The prospect of been able to have tablet that can convert to a full desktop is really appealing - Just such a same Apple have crippled the iPad pro by keeping it on iOS.

I can't answer that personally :surrender:
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10 is the best OS I've ever used. 7 is great, but 10 improves in every single area.


This. Anyone who says otherwise either hasn't given 10 a proper go, or has vested interests to say otherwise. It really is everything Windows8.1 should have been, and the seemless upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 was an impressive job too, i haven't had another OS upgrade so cleanly before.

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10 is the best OS I've ever used. 7 is great, but 10 improves in every single area.


This. Anyone who says otherwise either hasn't given 10 a proper go, or has vested interests to say otherwise. It really is everything Windows8.1 should have been, and the seemless upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 was an impressive job too, i haven't had another OS upgrade so cleanly before.


It's normal for the latest OS to be the "best ever" for Android, iOS, OSX, Ubuntu, it's only Windows users who fear upgrades (Windows ME, Vista, Windows 8) and rightly so :lol:

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Why are you trying to turn this into some Anti-Microsoft topic SuperStu? No-one has slated Apple in here yet you seem to struggle to hide your fanboi opinions.


No its not normal for the latest OS to automatically be the "best ever". SteamOS for example is currently getting slated for being a performance downgrade and thats Linux.

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Calm down, I have paid for and run Windows at home and at work. I prefer OSX but am happy to say Windows 10 has been very good for the limited things I use it for (post 9). If me poking a bit of fun at some of MS less than brilliant releases is upsetting, I'm sorry.

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Had a play with all the options at the local PCWorld.


Surface Pro 4 came out the winner by a long way. The touch screen was fab, as was the detachable keyboard, and general feel of the device. It was cheaper than the iPad pro, and without been hadicapped by a OS that is best on the phone.


The MacBook was nice, but in reality it's essentially a thinner version of the Air, the Surface Pro is lighter, and cheaper, with the added tablet/touch screen functionality that makes traditional laptops feel a bit.....old fashioned.


To be quite honest even my 1 year old Retina MacBook Pro looks outdated next to these fancy tablets that are able to run the same processor/memory/functionality.


Never thought the day will come when Microsoft out innovates Apple, but the Surface Pro is a job well done!!!

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Let us know how you get on with it after a few weeks use.


Started to see these popping up around the office, where previously it was only iPads. Nice to see software companies having closer tie in with the hardware side, can only be good for the consumer experience.

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Let us know how you get on with it after a few weeks use.


Started to see these popping up around the office, where previously it was only iPads. Nice to see software companies having closer tie in with the hardware side, can only be good for the consumer experience.


Not getting one till Jan, when we're going over to the states....Hopefully Microsoft will be doing some discounts on them post X-mas :)

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The more I see this thread, the more I'm tempted to make a Tesla related comment.






I think I've done well to last this long, to be honest. :D


...I'll let you know about Model X if they are in the US show rooms by than, I'll be quite happy with a S but wife is now really keen on seeing the 'Falcon doors' in real life, and willing to pay the $5000 premium the X has over the S. Shame you cannot just bring a car back with you from the states via check-in luggage :lol:

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