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Everything posted by GC350z

  1. But you could also say adding the M6 wheels to the 650i Sport will just make people think you wish you had the M6. Sorry Kev. You could go round in circles arguing this one. Personally if I were to mod a 6 I'd stay away from BMW kit and make the car mine. But that's just me. Knock yourself out Kev. I'm sure it'll look great. Guy
  2. lol Photo must be taken from the cabin.
  3. Didn't think they had average speed fines in France. Only heard of one in Italy. Guy
  4. Like many appeals it was based around the comment made by the judge. This means that the high court was asked was the comment fair and not is 159mph dangerous. The original judge is at fault for stating his advanced driving skills were “irrelevantâ€
  5. Neatly chopped and placed into official Nissan luggage. Guy
  6. How about de-badging? I see a lot of new merc's over here get it done at the dealers. Guy
  7. How is that ever remotely possible??? Guy
  8. I'll be 31 this month and still feel like shite after 8 hrs. Need 10 to 12 hrs a night. Am late to work most days. I blame traffic
  9. 35hr week, 9 - 5, 8 - 4, 9 - 5, 10 - 6 rotation. Every fourth weekend oncall. 9am to 9pm Sat Sun. Guy
  10. The only time I ever notice the pump is if I turn the key half way.
  11. Having had a Lotus for a few days before this noise doesn't bother me now. In the Lotus it was like being in a race car. The noise was stones hitting the underside of the cabin. I understand what you mean about stereo systems. I like to see what others have done but its not for me. Bose is good enough and I don't mind the stabbing in the spin speaker. Nixy, have you taken delivery of the Z?
  12. Some people get the tonneau as it reduces the noise. That's insane in my opinion. Love the noise. I got it for the more common reason of security. I have my laptop in the boot every day and on weekends and evenings I'd also have RC gear. As for the mat? Not for me. Cargo net is a better option.
  13. Exactly. What more do you want from a 2 seater?? Put simply I want a car that looks as good as it goes. Why else would we buy Z's.
  14. I've always considered the Clio V6 to be a "lets build it for the sake of it" car. Anyone can put a big engine/turbo/supercharger into a little, light car. You sacrifice handling for power. Pure entertainment. Nothing more.
  15. Agreed. Walk away. Plenty of others about. Guy
  16. At €650 to 700 I see no point in buying the PS3 until GT5 is out. Seen a few ads for Forza Motorsport but I’ve been using a mates 360 for a while and he’s not going to buy any more games. He only got it at Christmas and is equally disappointed. He’s planning on trading it in for the PS3 this month. Getting about 50% off with the trade in. I did play PGR online. Spent some time annoying the @*!# out of a motorbike rider from France I think. He was screaming abuse at me. I really should get back to finishing GT4. It’ll probably take me the rest of the year with those 24 hrs races. Guy
  17. The Wii is a great idea and I'm surprised it wasn't done sooner butttttttttt I think the Wii itself is just a quick entertainment and I'd bore of it very quickly. And the graphics remind me of stuff from years ago. The Xbox is a let down for me as well. I only play racing games on consoles as I find first person shooters to be a waste of time without a mouse. I've played two racing games on the Xbox and they suck. Graphics are great but realism is not good. Have used the steering wheel and pedals that are expensive and uncomfortable and discovered that the force feedback update still isn't available for Test Drive unlimited. Without it the game is useless. Project Gotham Racing 3 is probably the easiest game ever. Turned it off after 10 mins. As I said I’ll wait for GT5HD on the PS3 before buying it. Guy
  18. Not yet. I'm waiting for GT5HD before I take the jump. Guy
  19. I'm going to go with Endless this year.
  20. You know in the rules of the road here in Ireland it is ok to undertake someone if they are in the wrong lane and don't pull in when a faster vehicle approaches. This of course assumes you are traveling at the speed limit and they are not. Guy
  21. The author's not a happy camper. I'd buy it. I'd take functional areo over stock bmw looks any day. Guy
  22. GC350z

    who's who

    206cc, what are those two things in the back? I think the manufacturer refers to them as seats. That's my real gripe with these types of cars. Tigra or MX5 would be my recommendation to anyone who's thinking about something in this range. New MX5 has a metal folding roof. I did ask the Audi reps about the rear seat deal at the launch of the new TT. They said that more cars sell with rear seats in them then without even if only an amputee could fit in them. They of course didn’t say amputee but you know what I mean. Guy
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