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Everything posted by GC350z

  1. GC350z

    who's who

    So long as the electrics don't come from a French manufacturer I don't care. Or German. I really hate seeing cars with rear lights out or brake/reverse lights that flash with the indicators. Renault tops the bill followed by Volkswagan with inheirent electric problems that have never been addressed. (Early morning rant over. Time to go to the RC track for the nationals.)
  2. GC350z

    who's who

    Correct me if I'm wrong but is the 3.5 lump in the Z not from a Renault?
  3. GC350z

    who's who

    Guy Always find it a pain to think of screen names when signing up to stuff so end up using initials and numbers.
  4. GC350z

    GOT ONE!!!!

    Well done nixy. I would service as soon as you can. Don't know anything about price. When I looked at importing to Ireland it would actually of cost me the same to buy a 2003 incl tax as a UK 2004. The external spec of that car is higher than UK spec as you got the mud flaps and is way about the JDM stock spec. Even the rear wing isn't on their base model. Immobiliser isn’t normally an option on JDM cars and may only come with one key. Colour's not for me but you'll be so happy in may when you first set eyes on her. Definitely the first thing to do once you take ownership is get her serviced. Importers service doesn’t count. With mileage that low and her age she’ll need a full service as it’s highly likely that she’s not done a lot in the last 3 years.
  5. That's one messy web site.
  6. I think the deal with supercars is that they must be driven well by pros who can react to unpredictable situations and repect the conditions. In this case it was driven by a muppet at thought to be a 100 in a 40, clipping an astra resulting in loss of control and binning it. Not my car but I'd still want to deck him if I met him. What a waste. Also, just spotted Sky news have pulled the crash pics off their site.
  7. No such luck. I paid €250 for the car and engine from a mate that ran the car last year. Rebuilding it now with new parts and the engine has already been broken in and tuned for me so I can floor it from the start. By the way the engine runs at 32000 RPM
  8. The SLR is found lol http://www.autoblog.com/2006/03/29/crazy-enzo-crash-guy-loses-another-whip/
  9. Not sure if anyone here noticed this but they found the dodgy provider. http://news.sky.com/skynews/video/videoplayer/0,,31200-fuel_p3227,00.html
  10. http://rc-mushroom.com/product_info.php?cPath=35&products_id=11674 Are you sure??? The car alone from that site is $475. Then you have to factor in the tires, servo's (2, I got the best at $95 each), receiver, controler, engine ($250 - $700) and fuel. Expension hobby.
  11. More info. A tad more reliable than the Sun. http://news.sky.com/skynews/picture_gallery/picture_gallery/0,,70141-1254419-1,00.html
  12. Yea, doesn't every episode end like that? Last night was 24 night aswell. Tonight I'll watch prison break.
  13. I'll wait until it's on TV and then I might go out to the pub instead. Watched episode 18 of Heroes last night. Only 2 left I think.
  14. This case is so messy. At one point the two cars were reported to be assets of the company so having declared brankruptcy the cars should of gone to whoever. Except they disappeared and were report to Scotland yard as stolen. That was well in advance of the crash. I think the SLR is still missing and originaly it may of been involved in the crash as the initial report said they were racing but no slr was found. It's a great road where he crashed.
  15. And now it's raining. Will just have to go buy one.
  16. I could but I'm good at my job. Fixed the problem so I never have to go back.
  17. Nope, I called the apartment owner as soon as I saw it and he said he'll contact the residence committee. Not a lot I can do. Ironic that I order a set of PIAA off BigPhil a little while ago.
  18. Not my apartment complex. I have CCTV in mine. This place is one of the richest areas of Dub and it was a resident.
  19. Was round at a managers this am sorting out his VPN access. Dumped car in two spaces as I was in a rush. Came back out to find a note saying "Use One Parking Bay" and my passanger wiper broken. The is in a private apartment complex. Wealthy people. And only 3 or so cars using about 15 spaces. BigPhil where's me new ones???? If it rains thee steels strips will pop out of the blade and scrap along the glass. Guy
  20. :yahoo: I'll keep quiet. I enjoy is as it's like all those comic book stories that are being made into films (constantly). The films really suck as there's only 2hrs or so to condense the lot. Heroes is following the individuals awakening to their powers and the confusion that follows.
  21. Worth noting... Do you remember that guy that wrote off his Enzo on the Pacific cost highway about a year and half ago? Ferrari said for x amount they would re-build it. There wasn't much car left. If the veron is insured I would expect them to pay out, take ownership and sell on.
  22. With cars like this your no claims bonus means nothing. You could probably buy another car or two with the premium. Orrrrrrrrr you don't insure it. Cheaper buts theres a risk.
  23. Nitro season starts here this weekend so I'll be entering it for the laugh. New car arrives this week. http://www.kyosho.com/eng/products/rc/detail.html?product_id=100238 Comparing this one to the Team Associated I started this thread with is like comparing an Ferrari F1 car to the 350Z. I'm never going to grow up.
  24. GC350z


    Yet another excuse for me to visit my brother in England. Really should get my act together.
  25. Ohhhhh that’s bad. Does anyone else think it looks like its hunkered down on the road at the rear? They way it does when you turn the key in the door sill to make it go faster. Either way I’m sure the owner can afford the repair bill.
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