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Everything posted by Juggalo

  1. Loving the drop top, can't beat the sound with the roof down. Nice Mig-21 too.
  2. Most of the parts aren't too expensive if you run through the list. I'm not usually a fan of bolt on tat, but yeah, I do like that quite a lot.
  3. Depends what you want to do. Photoshop will do everything, but it's a big install and learning curve. Bit of a waste for quick touch ups, crop and resize. ACDSee is good for most things Irfan view is like ACDSee but free and better I think. Coral Graphics Suite is like Photoshop, so there's a learning curve there. Gimp. Like a free alternative to PS. Really good too.
  4. Rubber perishes when it's "stood for a while", which is one of the reasons I don't put exceptional value in 'barn finds' with 'low mileage' - unless it's a rare car; they usually need a lot of seals and bushes replacing, an in some cases, a complete engine rebuild. I'd have it thoroughly checked out
  5. Doesn't matter how new your house is, it's how modern the exchange is and how far away. Copper - slow, Fibre - fast. They don't have broadband in the village where I live, so had to go with fibre. Bummer Yes, I'm 7kms away from the exchange so it's pretty slow down the copper wires. Mind you when broadband first came to our exchange in 2003 the engineer who came to assess my suitability for broadband said "no chance". They relented in 2005 and I got half a meg which after some 12 years of dialup seemed like paradise. Later on in 2006 I got upgraded to 1 meg and after BT replaced the old aluminium cables with copper in 2010 I was left with 2.5 meg. According to Sam knows, BT are assessing the situation (have been since 2012) but there seems a very small chance that they will lay fibre cable for 4kms from the nearest Infinity cabinet to our local cabinet to serve a handful of houses. Even if they did It would only increase my speed to 4-6megs as the last 1km would be copper wire. My only real hope is that the council who have their transport HQ right next to our local cabinet can tap into money set aside by the Welsh Assembly for remote households like mine, I'm not holding my breath though. As far as new houses go then the more houses on a new site the more commercially viable laying fibre will be, it's just a matter of being patient. Pete You could get a petition going. If you can show BT that most people in your area would be up for fibre, it'll help tilt the decision in your favour. We did the same a few years ago in a village we lived in. Everyone signed it. A year later we had fibre installed.
  6. https://www.carthrottle.com/post/volkswagen-is-recalling-500000-cars-after-it-faked-pollution-tests/ I didn't know it was possible to install a device and cheat the test like that. Can I get one for my Z with sports cats lol
  7. You have a zed imported from Japan. These are limited to 112. Pete How do I remove the limiter? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Remap I believe.
  8. Doesn't matter how new your house is, it's how modern the exchange is and how far away. Copper - slow, Fibre - fast. They don't have broadband in the village where I live, so had to go with fibre. Bummer
  9. Haha nice one. I learnt to drive in a V12 XJS, fresh out of the show room. The power of the car doesn't really matter. I learnt the rudiments of driving, before BSM polished me off for the test.
  10. if Kwik Fit offered free balancing, I still wouldn't go there. Too many bad, and sometimes costly, encounters from when I worked in the trade.
  11. So he's installed a vegan who wants to see the end of Animal farming as shadow farming minister. An IRA sympathiser and "More welfare" advocate as shadow Chancellor Wants to scrap the Armed Forced Scrap the nukes Pull out of NATO Re-Nationalise almost everything Thatcher privatised. Tax the hell out of the rich. Give the Unions more power Ditch the Monarchy if you feel like voting for that, then you should seriously consider emigrating to 1979. And you can bet your last dollar it'll be a wide open immigration policy.
  12. If you do have an accident again, the insurers may ask to see your medical records. So be careful. DVLA seem to have an automatic right to your records if I'm reading it right. When I had a suspected stroke they told me not to drive for 6 months. Luckily the tests finally came back that it was a aura migraine (thank Odin!)
  13. That's not the case any more. The AA made a public stink about it and the insurance companies said it was bad advice from the call centres. Nowadays... http://www.churchill.com/car-insurance/tips/winter-tyres
  14. Warranties, warranties, warranties bah! The trader is on the hook under the Sale of Goods Act. He has to fix it, or refund. If he refuses, reject the car, return it, and take him to the small claims court. It's a slam dunk.
  15. He's a commie, cut from similar cloth to Michael Foot. Which is a ridiculous ideal to hold in this day and age. When the Tories are signing up to vote Corbyn in for Labour leader, then you know Corbyn was the suicidal choice for Labour. Good news for Conservative and UKIP and me. I never want to see Labour in power again after last time.
  16. Got this myself in 2nd. Not so bad when hot. From extensive research, it seems to be because the syncros are made of cheese, and lose teeth. Tried molyslip and it didn't work. In the end I drained a litre of oil out of the box and put a litre of 5w30 in which helped a lot, also quietened the box. I'm rebuilding the gearbox next spring so I'll post pics of the old syncros when the time comes.
  17. I feel that between Tesla, Google and Apple, the death of driving is looming on the horizon. And it looks like a cross between Insignia and a A7
  18. Great job that Mark, looks perfect. Must have had blisters rubbing that down
  19. I used matt black plastidip on mine about 3 months ago and it looks completely OEM. First time I've used it, I was more than a little sceptical, but It's good stuff. Just wish it was permanent I didn't rub it down though, just degreased it. If I was using permanent paint then yeah, I'd rub it down and do it properly.
  20. Wut?...your post is wrong from start to finish. No its not. Sure, the inside of the tyre will wear more than the outside but very slowly - if they tyre is good for 10K miles then its still going to do pretty much 10K miles, but the outside isnt going to wear down as quickly. "Wearing in front of my eyes" is not going to be due to camber, it will be alignment. Hes also right on the ride quality, preload is preload, it doesnt change depending on height. My old Zed was lowered 55mm but rode better than a lot of standard cars due to decent quality suspension and proper setup If you have excess +/- camber than standard, you'll receive more tyre wear at either edge. That's just physics and common sense. And no, preload doesn't change, but spring rate does because a shorter spring has to do the same job as the OEM springs but with less travel allowance. For instance, if you extert 100KG on a OEM spring and it travels 3 inches, then that same 100KG on a shortened spring, with 1.5" of travel can only be done with a tougher spring. Hence the much firmer ride. And yes, you may have lowered 55m on your vehicle and have it ride better, but there is no way you can lower your suspension 55mm and not have a much firmer ride. Again, that's just physics. You can't have the same travel on a shorter spring, it's impossible.
  21. Wut?...your post is wrong from start to finish.
  22. Why leave. I've been a member on a Vauxhall forum for 12 years. Haven't owned a Vauxhall in 10 years lol
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