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Everything posted by Juggalo

  1. You doing the old epsom salts trick? As for the car, there shouldn't be a problem. Radio will likely lose it's settings.
  2. Sounds like a severely loose timing chain tensioner.
  3. You can't turn the traction 100% with that switch. Some people put a switch in the centre console that cuts out the Yaw sensor (located under the console), which cuts out the TC and VDC completely. Or pull a cable under the bonnet by the brake fluid reservoir, Or there's a fuse you can pull, but that turns off ABS too. EDIT: Ugh, just re-read what you said. Just got out of bed. Apologies.
  4. Shoot 'em up - Clive owen black comedy. Loved it. Cube - Probably the best low budget film ever made. Almost entirely character driven too. 12 Angry Men - Best movie ever made in my opinion. 100% character driven.
  5. Same here. But for me it's the looks. They all look the same. It's like BMW and Audi found a formula that sheep like and they stick with it. The Old 6 Series, the new 6 Series and the E89 are the only ones I like. Not sure I'd own one though. E89 maybe.
  6. Sell the coupe and put it all towards a Roadster. Easily the better model by far
  7. That's nice that. Want a wine coloured one myself.
  8. Can't believe how small the oil filters are on Zeds. I always use Fram or Mann filters personally.
  9. Various good calculators here http://www.tyresizecalculator.com/
  10. Good job, or a lot of nice classics would be taken off the road.
  11. Good idea. Or stick blu-tac or some such over the open end at the other end. You live and learn.
  12. My car was registered 11 days after the new rule
  13. I'd wager the majority are strongly against the flood. Speaking to the Germans I know, none of them are too happy about it at all.
  14. Think that's what happened. Soon as you undo the OEM line, it all floods out. Pity you can't pinch the hose further up to keep some pressure. Would be a nice mod that actually.
  15. Wish I knew how much of an arse this job was before I started. Replacing the hardware was easy enough, but getting pressure back in the pedal was a total nightmare, getting nowhere fast. Had to use an old Land Rover Series trick and G-Clamp the slave cylinder shut before I got any pressure back. If you're planning on doing it, get a garage to do it. I'd have happily paid 50 quid for someone to take on the problem.
  16. Kajaki - British war film located in Afghanistan. I like British war films because they're the polar opposite of American war films where they're losing, they'll always come out on top. The Lone Survivor is a typical example. The Soldiers got hammered....but America kicked ass at the end. Watch Kajaki for a good raw war film, with no flag waving to make you feel better at the end. The Lone Survivor - Despite my 'typical American' observations, it is a very good film. Letters from Iwo Jima - cracking film by Clint Eastwood told from the Japanese perspective. Public Enemies - Johnny Depp and Christian Bale playing John Dillinger and Melvin Purvis respectively. Very good film.
  17. Very nice, I like. But 350 for shiny things is a bit much. I'll wait for the Chinese to rip them off
  18. I'd have expected you to know better, then. Why on earth would you write that it's "best to stick to same make and model", when actually it's bloody critical you do? That's just about the most ridiculous thing you could possibly have said. Maybe you just didn't think before writing so you phrased it badly, but you can be damn sure I'm going to jump on it and make it absolutely clear that mixing tyres on an axle is a no-no just in case the person who asked the question literally has no idea you can't do that. Not everyone is an expert, and I'd rather someone thought I was being condescending than give misleading advice. It's not critical at all, it's advisable, and that's what I advised. If it was critical, it would be illegal to fit different tyres across an axle. It isn't illegal because it isn't critical. The only legality is ply and radial, where you can't mix them in any way. Stop over blowing it
  19. I think main stealers keep their prices so high to deter any one from buying their stock. They're all mad.
  20. 6 years as a tyre fitter for a main dealer. And your experience is? Master of the obvious. I credited him with at least some common sense.
  21. Juggalo

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    I'd not considered plastidip, as I don't have a garage either. Luckily I was allowed to use the valeting bay at work, otherwise I was going to just do it outside. Can you get gloss plastidip these days? I'll definitely sort the door handles, just got a few more things to finish up first. I think they use something called a glossifier for plastidip. I think it's basically plastic laquer.
  22. Juggalo

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    Yeah, does look incredibly good mate. I wouldn't mind having a go myself now..alas, no access to a garage Did you give Plastidip any consideration before this? EDIT: I'd do your door handles black too. Would set off the white nicely...in keeping with the roof, lip and wheels.
  23. Mines a 2006 GT DE. Cold it idles at 950ish for a couple of mins.. Then settles to 650ish
  24. You can replace one tyre. Best to stick to the same make and model.
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