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Everything posted by Sargara

  1. How are they even related to the fault you took it in with unless you missed a step in the story!? Yeah I bet he did. You could have sourced a Flywheel and Clutch kit for that! Stop using Nissan dealerships for starters! On a car this age, the costs of having "full Nissan service history" far outweight what little bragging rights they add when it comes to selling.
  2. Why are you trying to turn this into some Anti-Microsoft topic SuperStu? No-one has slated Apple in here yet you seem to struggle to hide your fanboi opinions. No its not normal for the latest OS to automatically be the "best ever". SteamOS for example is currently getting slated for being a performance downgrade and thats Linux.
  3. This. Anyone who says otherwise either hasn't given 10 a proper go, or has vested interests to say otherwise. It really is everything Windows8.1 should have been, and the seemless upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 was an impressive job too, i haven't had another OS upgrade so cleanly before.
  4. How did you pay for the car, cash of finance? It will impact what options you have available. Otherwise have a read of: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1979/54 https://www.gov.uk/make-court-claim-for-money/overview And from the sounds of it so far this will not be a quick process, or a cheap one im afraid.
  5. Japspeed system potentially going cheap by the looks of it: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-CAT-BACK-T304-STAINLESS-STEEL-EXHAUST-SYSTEM-/131649180812
  6. Its baaaaack! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ferrari-Cali-Replica-/321921829990 Guess it didnt sell first time, who'd have thought?
  7. I've just insured with Chris Knott and mentioned I was from the 350z forum so hopefully that was recorded. They were able to beat my previous best quote from Greenlight by £30 so I took them up on it and so far so good, I even got a callback when requested too
  8. I have EXACTLY the same issue so interested to see what the outcome is. I notice it at the end of journeys or after getting stuck in traffic (warm) that it starts creaking when engaged. I hope its a cheap "just lube this" type response!
  9. ^ Looks good but go into the sale with your eyes open. Threre is more than kerbing on those, wheel 2 seems to have damage? And at least 2 seem to suffer from bubbling on the paint.
  10. DE and HR refer to Nissan's codes for the engines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_VQ_engine Have a read about halfway down the page.
  11. Id just buy the best example in your budget regardless if that is facelift or not. Id rather have a well kept, good DE than a ropey no service history HR for example
  12. Wow nice find. Thats like a 60% saving on the other replicas I've seen being sold: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/350z-2003-2008-DURAFLEX-INGS-STYLE-REAR-SPOILER-/121806573668
  13. Those discs have seen better days! Do you not drive the thing?
  14. Offtopic but what spoiler is that out of interest? Seems similiar to the one I see alot on eBay but smaller?
  15. Nice collection of parts! I bet you cant wait to have them fitted
  16. Maybe I am being too trusting of people but I doubt someone would steal just 1 exhaust baffle! And with the coincidence that you removed them 2 days before it disappeared for cleaning I'm more inclined to think it wasn't reattached properly... unless you park on a traveller site lol
  17. I'll await the bump of the Junction17 topic with the latest tale of woe then
  18. For the sake of what, ~£120? buy a set and see what it looks like. If you don't like it, take them off and sell them again as nearly new. Worst case scenario you are out of pocket by £30
  19. Seems very good value to me with those mods. mileage and FSH for that price. He could sell the wheels separately and probably still get 6500 for the car for example.
  20. You and I have different definitions of "very easy fix" lol. Using a soldering iron (which i dont even own) is not an easy fix Mines knackered too but I just live with it.
  21. What a generous offer M16RYF thanks for the gesture, just a shame there is only 3 products to chose from unless im mistaken?
  22. They wouldn't need to know if the parameters have been changed though surely? they could just see the ECU had a write date newer than the manufacture date. Unless you have a Nissan appointment to backup that then its pretty obvious its been remapped I would have thought? You'd have to do something pretty serious/life changing mind for VOSA or anyone else to go to this level, being involved in a fatality would be life changing enough without worrying about petty stuff like this.
  23. Whats the decision behind Toyo, is it price or just based on recommendation? O/T slightly but Camskill have good prices on Rainsports at the moment and they would get my money over Toyos: http://www.camskill....:_2_Noise:_72dB - £80
  24. I meant 350 as in, its a Ferrari rep on a 350z
  25. This cropped up on my usual eBay trawling: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ferrari-Cali-Replica-/321902392495
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