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Irn Bru

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Everything posted by Irn Bru

  1. You need to go to this post for all the info mate. It's all there, and if your interested the hotel booking info is there too. Cheers Bri http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/103936-scotlands-route-66-trip-20th-23rd-may-2016/
  2. Hmmmm maybe.........but with the candy blue which is a bit less in your face (as is the sunset orange compared to the bright orange) it might just pull it off ?!
  3. Mines have got quite a deep dish on them so yeah silver / polished dish with the candy blue would look the nuts. How close to chrome can you get with paint these days or would they have to be polished ?
  4. The more I look at that photo and think about it, blue (candy), might just be the route I go
  5. Like this lol. Sadly I quite like that colour scheme https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=photos+of+bbs+wheels+painted+bronze&client=tablet-android-orange-gb&biw=1280&bih=800&prmd=isvn&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&fir=p-XMrorrJb7FHM%253A%252CydJp0EvkNxnd_M%252C_%253BVNWekjcjVomq7M%253A%252CFE1ZRqTGBfHtPM%252C_%253BrlfFmLoLRxaX0M%253A%252ClZEHI4V8XS1L4M%252C_%253Bm7SRa3DwLxZUOM%253A%252CEkRR3Uy4QURPZM%252C_%253BOTfEhFfmzpllzM%253A%252C9sIUWPfOvjWqYM%252C_%253BzphBUR3Z8aRitM%253A%252CkR-a_nEMIslZJM%252C_%253B6lAwtX-d5XdBDM%253A%252Coa5X__BHz_TI4M%252C_%253Btz1DtmTJTXvcOM%253A%252CFLjePu-8wnTmTM%252C_%253BSEF6PDRvxavCuM%253A%252CnBWU8FYS7mSxkM%252C_%253B16gl1hxEF1X4bM%253A%252Cjm7p52zDfy11ZM%252C_%253B8GJwM8cbQr0E9M%253A%252Cq2sAN0JIZRaNAM%252C_%253B70pYjqJdhlaSzM%253A%252CmPv1WoY-PFPWzM%252C_%253BR5NEwliQvlbklM%253A%252CAdSP6q2dkYCzIM%252C_%253Bcb5amCXxoUmunM%253A%252CqUwEDk469i8UVM%252C_&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZ1Zrhi83KAhVG1CYKHRsNAFAQ7AkIRw&usg=__GYdbE0a3WsAehw-5zIkK_0vMSPQ%3D#tbm=isch&q=photos+of+orange+car+with+blue+wheels&imgrc=bVs8R5LYo4xhSM%3A
  6. Red ? I'm assuming you mean the rim tape ?, it's orange and yes it will be going when I get the wheels refurbished lol, although I quite like it actually. Thanks for your thoughts guys. Blue as with the Irn Bru can............. now there's a thought !!!. Well not really, but it would be controversial lol. Maybe stay with the black but with a bronze or sunset fleck through it. Need to upload a full on side photo and ask a ps guru to work their magic for me. Definately not going silver or anthracite though, like them on other Zeds, but just not for me.
  7. Looking to get my wheels refurbished in the spring but fancy a change from the black......but struggling for ideas on new colour, this is my Zed as she is just now. Was thinking of going a deep bronze with a fleck through it, any ideas for me guys ? PS: pic nicked from hensh65's build thread hope that's ok Mods ?
  8. What Hodaka says, really hate you at times Adrian , I'm in, but I'm away on holiday soon so you'll need to keep hold of it till last week in February for me
  9. Received mate, all good...........except I can't fit till I relocate my big ass subwoofer !!!. Cheers Bri
  10. Interesting read Grundy, I remember times like that many moons ago as a young car owner, old age has come now though lol, but it brings the benefits of affording additional cars
  11. seems like a real bad case of Zedititus has struck, as one members signature says.......resistance is futile. ........
  12. As to why some posts have a Z beside the post, just at the left ??
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