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Everything posted by jimboy2

  1. Are you sure? The revs should drop right down when clutch peddle is pressed. But just letting off the gas in gear, the revs will stay the same and slowly drop. Right?
  2. Had a few to many sherbets last night and wasn't safe to drive this morning. Also weather was crap. Stock some picture in here when your all home and dry!
  3. If its raining I will be giving It a miss. Spent 4 hours cleaning it today. Not taking it on the dirty A27!
  4. Will try and be there for 0715 depends how many beers inhave tonight. Also don't forget that McDonald's is EVERYONES favourite meeting place and may be a bit busy. See you in the morning!
  5. There's also one like that of a dinosaur. I'm Sure it's t-Rex lived closer to us than tricerotops. Something like that
  6. Cleopatra lived closer (in time) to the moon landing than the building of the pyramids.
  7. It took them a whole day to replace the brake lines?! I'm sure with my little (read no) knowledge that could be done a lot quicker than that! But hey, what's done is done. Just come on here first and speak to the specialist before booking anything else.
  8. HOW DARE YOU!!!! obviously you have the best looking 350 on the forum! Haha that's very true!
  9. I really want to play it but I'm on a MAC so can't. I watch a lot of people play it on twitch when I'm bored and it looks really good. Some good Mods have come from it too like DayZ
  10. Haha I watched until the first ad break. Was awful! That "geezer boozer apples and pears" dude was doing my head in too
  11. And don't forget most people on this forum have gone what you are going through. LISTEN to them. Some have made mistakes I bet and some have found a good bargain. Don't do what another member on this forum has done and not research properly. You will get stung. This is before and after purchase, you have no excuse now.
  12. That's the spec I originally wanted but they are so rare! Good choice
  13. One of the main reasons we went for the whole day, Is that I know the first couple of hours will be about the equipment and and how to do the very basic stuff. Hopefully in the second half of the day we can get a bit further on with every thing fresh in our heads. We are staying over night and depending on how our legs are we will go again in the morning and have a mess about on the main slope. Defiantly holding off buying my own gear for a while. One thing I will be buying is wrist and ass guards. She had a bad fall on her coccyx a few years ago and has never been right since. I'm not up for that so,will do anything to protect my ass!
  14. What dash cam do you use? Is there a good one out there? Bee good to have something like this for piece of mind
  15. Please don't take this as a dig as it's not supposed to come across as one. Your on this site for a reason. You shouldn't really be paying over the odd for a service. I know it's easier to say now but next time come here and ask the people that have been in there and made the mistakes. Don't do it again! On the plus side bet the car will feel great now!
  16. Hope it goes well. Rather you than me though. I can just about cope with an hour of football twice a week! Haha. I'm not sure how I will cope! Not the fittest of people. Gonna start working on my legs over the next few weeks to try and prepare them!
  17. Last years stuff doesn't bother me at all. We have a outlet place near us so should hopefully get some stuff cheap. Probably the worst time of year to start looking though I guess.
  18. That's very kind. We get pretty much everything included in the price anyway. But will keep you in mind if I need to at another point. Thanks a lot
  19. Six pack??? What's one of them haha. Planning on going to,snow centre at least once a month. And then a snow holiday next year at some point if all goes well and I enjoy it. She can ski already bit has never snowboarded before. Is there a good forum for snowboarders to look at? I like reading personal experiences from people. Currently looking at http://www.snowboardclub.co.uk
  20. Me and the misses have just booked our first lessons at the snow centre in Hemel Hempstead. Never been on the snow before and just wondered if any one had some tips and what I should expect for a beginner. We have a "intense" type coarse booked. It's a day there. We can hire everything we need and I have my own jacket and gloves but that's it. It's very tempting to jump in and buy everything straight away but I'm holding off for a bit. More importantly, for future reference, can I fit 2 boards in the zed? Looks like if I remove the divider they should go under strut and be near our heads. We shall see. Really looking forward to it. It's not something I would normally do
  21. Turned the volume up? I'm sorry but I had to say it
  22. So the 1st real owner won the car? Lucky fu£&ers
  23. I'm from the south. Can you tell me so I don't go there ? I guess that's why most choose a specialist. Like others have said, ask to see all the parts. Not sure what gives him the right to just replace brake discs. What happens if you was planning on changing them yourselves and have bought updated parts? Sounds very dodgy to me but not sure what you can really do.
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