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Everything posted by Kev

  1. But they are not a fast car really, modern hatchbacks are just as quick A e92 320d can beat a e30 M3 in a straight line. It has no bearing on which one is a classic car.
  2. I don't think they will become true classics. But look at how much old escorts are selling for. They were hardly rare or well built. They seem to be selling for better money than tt's and z4's. I think in a few years original, low mileage cars will increase in value. Due to all the track cars, modified cars and write offs. I also think it's design will age well compared to the 370z. This guy claims to be honest http://classics.honestjohn.co.uk/askhj/answer/40607/nissan-350z---future-classic- Many "experts" tip them as future classics. As for the post saying "it can't be a classic if it's been replaced". Try buying a e30 m3 for the same price as a e46.
  3. There is a azure roadster breaking on eBay.
  4. This is what I'm in the process of doing now. Just spent £5k having earth removed.
  5. Go to the doctors mate. The last 4 years have been pretty shitty to me. Doctor helps
  6. I've just bought a 2005 roadster with 38,000 miles and FSH that was sat in a multi-storey for 9 months. Other than being very dusty and having a few bumper scrapes it's perfect. Although it did require new pads, discs and tyres all round. The roof was also a bit stiff at first. I can honestly say its the best buy I've ever made. The body shop that repaired the bumper offered me double what I paid. The guy I bought it off had owned it from new, but left it in his work car park space when he got a new e class cabrio last august. Some people have more money than sense.
  7. Love my roadster on days like today.
  8. These are a much more common sight than Z's in the US.
  9. If you say that the exhaust doesn't increase power and was fitted as it as a cheaper alternative, you might be ok. I'm with swiftcover. They initially said I couldn't fit a "performance" exhaust, I responded by saying it comes with one as standard and that aftermarket are cheaper than oem. They then said as long as the exhaust didn't increase the power of the car, I could fit whatever I wanted. They confirmed it in writing. I'm only going for a cat back though, don't want to push my luck.
  10. The ATM has probably just gone mental. Sometimes they will not return the card if it's damaged. I had the unfortunate pleasure of managing a Halifax agency and the ATM was a constant pain in the ass.
  11. You could always wrap Aidan's car and remove it before you sell? It'd protect the paint and azure seems to be the favoured colour on here.
  12. Kev

    Nismo Front Bumper

    Just had a look pm 14m.
  13. Kev

    Nismo Front Bumper

    I can't remember who but someone mentioned they had one. It was in response to a thread about nismo v2's.
  14. They have little plastic tubs you can put sauce in for takeaways.
  15. Might be better off finding the best roadster you can and wrapping it white.
  16. Not at all mate. I rarely get mad, but when I do I admit it's usually football or road related.
  17. He's no friend of mine. Are any of you lot members of the local neighbourhood watch? Do you take photos of dogs fouling parks to send to the council? Report your neighbours for loud music? Judging by the reaction you'd think the op drove a micra with a fish on the back not a skyline. Reminds me of the "complainers" show that was on TV the other night. A 4 page thread because someone got tailgated and undertook? I'll say again. I see much worse numerous times everyday. From idiots on their morning commute, to tunnel vision mums who don't use indicators on school runs.
  18. I agree the guy in the 350z was a dick, I just didn't agree with the op's response. I don't doubt he's a responsible driver. Worse happens to me on a daily basis. If you drive a certain type of car, idiots will try to race you. Phoning the police is a pointless waste of time. Imagine if we all did it everytime we got cut up or someone undertook us. I think he had his chance to make his point at the lights if he was so offended. I don't want to argue. Just offered a different opinion and thought it was a bit rich the op calling this guy a "coward" when he went home to call the police to tell em someone flashed their lights and called him a ****er. Personally I would only contact the police over a more serious matter and would have made my point to the idiot in the Z at the lights. The police won't be interested anyway.
  19. Hilarious over reaction. So a guy tailgated you, undertook you, called you a ****er and youve called the police and posted his details on a forum? I see worse happen daily. Then you call the guy "graham norton" for not looking at you at the lights? Did you want him to get out and fight you? You weren't exactly brave yourself. If someone done that to me I wouldn't be pleased, and I'd let them know at that time. You say you will if you see him again, so why not at the time? Instead you go home, post his details on a forum, call the police and say "if I see him again......." IMO that's as pathetic as his behaviour, if not worse.
  20. This is quoted from the top gear review. Seems we will be seeing nismo micra's soon. "Time to set the record straight: Nismo isn't the equivalent of BMW's M or Audi's RS divisions. Those are the words straight from Nissan's very own mouth. No, the buzzword over there is now "accessible performance", which is why this new 370Z Nismo isn't a fire-spitting, spine-shattering loon. Disappointed?"
  21. g35 and g37 are a much more common sight on US roads.
  22. If I buy a 370 in the future it will ne a nismo. At first I preferred the 2015 model and that put me off the original. But having seen the other 2015 nismo models with the same style bumper and red splitters, I'd definitely prefer the current car. The nissan marketing dept will end up pasting the nismo badge on every model. Like m badged bmw's with 2.0 diesels and "amg" mercs with 1.8's etc. The car in the pic looks like it's been modded by a kid buying bits from halfords.
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