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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. I too think VBH would be brilliant on Top Gear, but then the show would actually be a half decent car Programme with proper tests and stuff !! To give it another Marmite taste - how about Jason Plato or Chris Evans. Stephen Fry who I think has been suggested before - would be hilarious.............
  2. It did suddenly become all very light as the sun peeped through, then a strange misty eerie haze. Everything went deadly quiet, no sound from the birds and its like everything stopped. Apparently it really freaks them out. The 99 one was much better though.
  3. Re Paddling Pools - not sure. My last visit was either 2006 or 2007. Didn't realise it was that long ago. Where did those years go ? !!!
  4. Yes, 4 times now- It's brilliant. Don't expect any sleep. Consider purchasing Grandstand seats - if it rains you will be dry -ish, if its hot - you will have shade -ish. EnRoute - Cops are about, be very careful with your speed especially in villages - if not going by Autoroute (Motorway) On Motorways - they did have Average speed camera's between tolls, so take a rest break between toll stations. Presuming you are camping - Paddling pool essential - to keep you and drinks cool. The Ice Man comes round the site daily for top ups ! The biggest Water Pistol you can by for antics on local roundabouts !!!!! As for the more practical stuff - Get your Ferries booked now and Camping Reservations asap. I will have loads of other stuff/advise. What sort of things do you want to know ?
  5. Would you ask the organisers if they could move this back a week :lol: - annoyingly busy that weekend and not yet been to Trax, despite being just down the road !!
  6. 11 Finishers not 13 - Shows at what point I gave up then !!!!
  7. I hate to say this, but sadly I think you have got to try somehow to keep Ethel in. Would help of course if your neighbour did not feed her- perhaps you could request this. I do not have any experience though in how you keep Ethel in though. How do you keep her/them safe from Foxes though ?
  8. Well, I did not dare read several pages of this until today as I had not watched Qualli or the Race and didn't want it spoilt. Should not have worried.................. It has to get better - surely ? Certainly hope Alonso is back for the next race and McLaren get it together. Bit scary with Bianchi still out of it, head injury,Michael Schumacher's head injury(I know skiing). No wonder they are being cautious !! So many newcomers, almost all scoring points on their first race. I know not hard given 13 finishers !!
  9. I wonder how many heated arguments there are in work places up and down the country this morning. As someone said earlier -its the Marmite thing !
  10. I think I may have found a half decent replacement - Chris Evans. Although I only give him a few years before I will have bored of him too , as he is bound to turn the same way, similar enough character.
  11. How awful, so sorry to hear your story and from a so called mate that you had already given your time and out of pocket expense. There is hardly anything worse to make you really mad. I am right in the midst of seeing Bodyshops as I think you already commented on. So I am currently going through all the pain of trying to ensure I know what i am getting for my money and in writing, as Garage No 1 kept backing down on what was covered on their said price, so I took my car back. I was fortunate, no work had been started and has made my very cautious now. Good Luck with getting it all sorted, I will willingly share the information I am gathering on the Bodyshops I have visited in this area.
  12. Personally I cannot stand the man and have not watched Top Gear in Years - he does really grate. How he has kept his job so long goodness only knows - except of course its al down the money he brings in. Hoping he disappears from Top Gear and we have a new presenter who is not so far up his own a%SS. !!!
  13. I certainly hope to make one of these too. Good Luck.
  14. Happy Birthday Ian. Hope you have a super day.
  15. I bought from Greg at Tradelink. No issues, Helpful etc. He is a bit of a nervous passenger though - on the road test !!!! Good Luck.
  16. That's the only bit of The Ring I don't like, so would have found that scary as well and interesting and fun !!!!
  17. Did you read the final section....................... ? He obviously likes small spaces !!!! What happened next Reg Spiers disappeared from Adelaide in 1981 after he was charged with conspiracy to import cocaine He was arrested in Sri Lanka in 1984 and sentenced to death for drugs offences He successfully appealed against the sentence and spent five years in jail in Australia
  18. BeefyZ - Hope you don't mind me crashing in on your thread - I am also after a Bodyshop near ish to Banbury. I reckon with 75 miles, I am after getting my VW Corrado fully resprayed and want to be able to visit it fairly regularly during its time in a Bodyshop hence needing it closer. I think restorers are perhaps more the thing I am after due to 4 small bits of rust that need treating. BeefyZ - I am visiting Manhatten Motors in Coventry on Saturday who have been recommended, I will let you know how I get on. I have also visited C&N Customs in Middle Aston, Oxfordshire OX25 5PP 01869 349080 again recommended - who are currently one of the contenders for the work on my car. They came out to me to quote and then I visited the workshops unannounced, very good customer service and appear like they have huge care to detail. I would visit them.
  19. Thanks for this, Couldn't think where Black Forest was, so google maps, its Germany - of course ! !! Much easier to get to for me, especially with some of my Nurburgring friends in Stuttgart. I can see my next trip over including this. Oh yes !!! Still love Scotland and will be back mind................
  20. I organised a 10 day Car Trip in Scotland in 2011 for another Car Club, but we didn't get that far north. Due to timings we missed off that section of Scotland, which I would love to both visit and drive. it looks stunning. I love Scotland, one of my all time favorite of places................. If only it was not so far from all the General Motorsport and Tracks that I can easily get to from Banbury area, I would have moved there years ago..............
  21. I deliberately bought a wood-burner with a flat top, so I could cook on it if need be due to the amount of power cuts. Regularly use it too - even if there is not a power cut. Usually have hot water in a pan on it, works with my type of thinking. Have done Boiled eggs, steamed vegetables, toasted bread. Proper Scout me !!! Even bought a reciprocating power saw last week to cut up the branches from my trees for the fire. Brilliant bit of kit............ Think I may have become Proper Sad !!!
  22. I agree with the kind hearted tradesman. It is quite amazing how many local self employed people are like this. They are always fully booked, never have advertised and go out of their way to help in a crisis Does help that they usually drawl over my cars. Have been known to take the odd one for a burn !!!!
  23. Thanks for the replies. No idea what make the Timer/Controller is and can't check until back home tomorrow evening. Hadn't thought about battery back up for when the power is off to operate the Controller. Makes sense. Also these batteries have been in for over 14 yeas and there certainly have been many power cuts in that time. Not noticed a Flashing battery indicator. I do find it frustrating when the electric power goes off that the Oil powered central heating does not work, as it needs electric to fire it up. ?? !!! Shame there is not a battery override for this feature too.
  24. So, my Central Heating cut out Wednesday evening. It had been on when I arrived home and got chilly through the evening. I checked the radiators, cold, so went to the Controls, no lights on showing the heating was on, so I switched it all off. The Boiler was serviced 9 days previously and I knew I was low on Oil, but thought I had enough for another month as indicated by my Watchman. It was pitch black, cold and the boiler is situated in the garage. . I had the Log burner going, so stocked it up, no worries, I could check everything in the morning in daylight. In the morning - I checked the Tank, plenty of oil. Didn't even go to see the Boiler - what was I going to do - kick it ? !!! So I rang the Engineers - same company I have used to service the boiler annually for the last 14 years. They came out this morning, sadly I had to leave keys with neighbours, as I am in London today. They rang me, to say, no problems, the clock had reset itself to zero ????? How ? Yes the electric was off for hours on Wednesday, the Electric Board were doing some mains work. But in this village we regularly are without electric, like at least monthly it will go off, sometimes for seconds, minutes, even the odd hour but this has not happened previously. He reckons there is probably a battery in the controls, although I may need a new controller if not. These are both minor things that I can resolve if needed, it is now working as he reset the clocks. Yes, I feel like a fool for not checking this element, but then why would I with my previous experiences. Annoyingly not the usual chap who comes out, but then as they were only at my house for 15 minutes - they are not charging me - How Kind is that ! Anyways - Can anyone explain better what has happened here as I really am not understanding. Thank you
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