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Everything posted by Stutopia

  1. This stuff sounds good. Is it the 2001G?
  2. That leon spliter is pretty cool, but I think I'll be going V1 with Tarmac.
  3. Ha, I knew I'd fail on one of them, I thought I'd checked but just goes to illustrate the level of knowledge I'm working with. Don't judge me too harshly please! Tarmac, I'll be in touch.
  4. Over the last month or so I've acquired a Circuit Sports carbon rear diffuser and also some fibre glass black side steps. I've not had these fitted yet as I'd like to secure a front lip first and get them all done at once (as well as a front bumper respray) so the car has a reasonably balanced look all round. I've narrowed down my lip hunt to the three pictured below, but, as modding of any sort is totally new to me, I'm hoping some of the experienced and knowledgable people here can help me out with some learner questions please. 1) The difference in quality between the carbon and fibre glass is huge, I've seen some lips in urethane, where does this fit on the quality/robustness spectrum? Is there anything that can be applied to the fibre to make it feel a bit stronger? 2) As you can see form the lips I'm looking at I would prefer to have something with ends which taper in and covers the bit of bumper under the grill. I'm not a massive fan of the huge steps which stick out on the corners on some lips. Are there any others which I should consider that aren't below? 3) Can you fit the stillen splitter without the metal support struts on the bumper? I'm not a big fan and I'm doing these mods for the look rather than the aero gains. 4) I've been googling but not had much luck find uk based suppliers, does anyone have any suggestions? I'm a bit too inexperienced to just throw a load of cash at ebay. I'm sure you're all too familiar with these products to need the photos (I've probably grabbed the wrong ones from google images anyway) but I thought I'd include them for a visual reference to what I mean. Mines - I really love this, but my wallet says no. V1 Stillen As ever, thanks for any tips, they're always appreciated.
  5. Jesus that's a right going over. I don't know what I'd do if I caught someone doing that. I'm absolutely screwing about what appears to be a small animal related scratch on my bonnet. When it's done, sit and wait all night long with a chainsaw, see if they dare return.
  6. Thanks. I'll give it a few mixes til I get something good.
  7. Consensus seems to favour the inch of snow foam plus 2-3 shots of shampoo approach (presumably topping the rest of the lance up with warm water). Is there any benefit in adding a shot or two of some kind of citrus degreaser? Or should I say, is there any clear and present danger in doing so? I picked up some Dodo Juice Lime Prime Lite in the Opie Oils Mayhem, wondering if it would assist.
  8. Don't know any "real" shops, but I got some Bosch aeros from here that I'm very pleased with. Look cool and shift water exceptionally well. http://www.wiperblades.co.uk/
  9. Stunning engine bay. You've given me something to aim for!
  10. Looks cool mate, kern to know how you get on with it.
  11. I only ordered a litre to give its whirl. Think I'm going o have some fun working through snow products!
  12. You should have a look here mate. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=162466 But also here too. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=267357
  13. It's got to be Goonies surely? Though it could be Gremlins or Back to The Future.
  14. You're having the best birthday! Jaws is a classic, Robert Shaw is awesome. The USS Indianapolis speech is my favourite in Cinema. Here's to swimmin' with bow legged women.
  15. Nothing better than Raiders.
  16. Gave her a run out today, cleaned moss off a mile of path, took two hours or so, took two days last time by hand. Needless to say, I love it! Had a practice on my old man's car too, before allowing her near the Zed. The unit is solid, decent pressure feels relatively sturdy. Joins are all properly water tight. however, I can confirm the Kärcher foam lance and Demon Wash are a dogsh!t combination, churning through product and making milky foam with a two minute dwell time. PA lance and some Avalanche foam ordered!
  17. Tried tap a talk, not a fan. I'll hunt around for that setting SMD. Ta.
  18. It seems when I navigate to the forum on my phone, I am directed to a mobile version. Navigating long threads is a pain (is there a jump to last page in there I have missed?). I know I can scroll down and hit full version, but as far as I can tell this only persists for the session, rather than "remembering" (presumably with a cookie) that I prefer the full version every time I arrive. Is there a URL I can bookmark to force the full version by default or perhaps even a setting somewhere for "always prefer full version"? I'm not moaning, the site is awesome, just looking for a possible workaround. Thanks!
  19. I settled on a Kärcher K4, for the very pertinent reasons (1) I need it for the weekend for various odd jobs I've been roped into by the Old Man and also (2) there was naff all choice at the tin pot B&Q, Homebase and Halfords round my way. I'd normally sort this sort of thing online for choice and price reasons but time factors took over. Halfords "the automotive specialists" had precisely one snow foam option, Demon Wash. It looks sh!t, but it was cheap and available. I'll find something proper from your suggestions soon. Thanks everyone for your contributions.
  20. Cheers all, at least I have a couple of manufacturers to target now. Looks like there are some decent options for less than I expected. Dave-350 thanks for the image, super useful. Also, I'm already inside the Waxybox!
  21. If you've got enough to live on and have some disposable plus the added bonus of working somewhere you like the people, then happy days. Don't underestimate how much better you feel going in on Monday AM to see people you like, and working for people who value you, than you would feel going in for a few quid more but with less of a happy workplace. I've worked in a few places and had both ends of the spectrum in terms of happy workplace - so long as you are doing well enough to have a decent lifestyle, working with people you respect and like, and particularly who respect and like you is worth a good few grand a year. IMHO. If you can talk to your boss straight up without any melodrama or ultimatums then I don't see why they wouldn't be reasonable with you. The money might not be there but I don't know why they wouldn't discuss things in an open way. Even if they say no, ask for specific measurable things you could do to improve your chances next year, then go out and smash those targets. Only the very worst places will go back on a promise which you can say you've delivered on. Good luck.
  22. Thanks. Any particular accessories that are useful?
  23. My Zed washing spot is far from a tap. This means frequent trips back and forth with buckets, rubbish rinses plus a wet kitchen floor. I'm trying to sort an external tap round the back, once I get this in I think I want a pressure washer. The sheer volume of gull deposit I deal with each week and sand that whips around the streets on the coast is meaning frequent trips to the garage for a quick rinse. I do a proper wash by hand but need a nice easy rinse option for when I get back from work in the week. Firstly, do they simply connect to a regular tap? Secondly, I'm thinking about £100-£250 for the unit, plus a recommended gadget for making a massive foamy mess. What I'm hoping you awesome peeps can do is recommend a washer you've used, a quality foamerer and maybe even some of the cool foamy stuff. Thanks.
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