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Everything posted by Arran

  1. Well it's Boxing Day morning and I feel 100% fine, didn't even feel much either tbh drinking sucks lol
  2. So far today I've had 12,15 and 18 year glenfidditch whisky, jd and coke, red wine and right now a magners Not bad going for someone who rarely drinks lol
  3. Enjoy the break mark and team. Looking forward to seeing you work the magic on mine! Happy Christmas
  4. Arran

    BMW M3

    I work for BMW, the E9x M3 is a great machine in any of its platforms. Personally I like the E90 saloon best but wish it would have the carbon roof off the E92 coupe. Excellent cars when working although ten a penny but repair bills can make you cry. Id be after one with warranty if I was in the market for one, as with all M cars. Oh and if you were to drive it hard first thing to do is a big brake kit, it's a heavy car with brakes that aren't quite up to standard when being used hard
  5. Cmw cars in wallington? Orange droptop by chance?
  6. I run mine everyday it isn't really that bad I find, 20-23 round town so £50 lasts me about 8 days doing about 15-25 miles a day
  7. Clearly the bloke knows nothing about 350z's, they are a very composed balanced drive with plenty of get up and go. Looks great, has a great interior setup and quality. Then there's the noise. A Westfield is fine if you want flies in your face but if you want a nice GT car then the 350 can't be beaten especially £ for £ Drive a nice example and you'll soon release he's talking @*!#
  8. Would love to! Although It would never stop there lol
  9. Lol I'm having a remap, 06 airbox conversion with performance filter, silenced decats, plenum spacer at abbey in the next few weeks for the magazine feature so just trying to get every little bit sorted and upgraded so it can all get done in one hit. Not sure what else I can add aswell or wether that's it
  10. Evening all Seeing as I've just won the black samco intake tube on here as I was bored on eBay whilst eating dinner as you do. I know it will look better but do you reckon there's actually any performance benefit? I know we'd be talking minute amounts, maybe along the lines of less heat soak etc but I just wondered that's all Or shall I not even put it on? Lol
  11. I win! If you need my address if it doesn't show on eBay then pm me fella
  12. From what im lead to believe if it doesnt increase performance then it shouldnt be chargeable, and seeing as the 350 needs an Uprev remap to see any gains i cant see why they should charge. Thats what i read somewhere if its just a like for like replacement that isnt OEM becuase its to expensive and uneconomically viable then it shouldnt make a difference
  13. Bilberry wheel cleaner and a 1" detailing brush for the facia and calipers and a vikan wheel brush for the inside
  14. Was just in the middle of telling my mrs I want the facelift led rear lights for my birthday and you drive out the slip lane lol, obviously the best colour and nice to see another one about!
  15. Put a small line of Vaseline or rubber care lube on the top of the seal where the window meets it so it won't freeze shut aswell
  16. Cobra resonated is where it's at! Il be at the grasshopper meet so you can hear it then plus il have my silenced de cats on by then
  17. I'm looking for a set of 370 wheels for my winters wheels next year, they look great on a 350!
  18. Did you have silenced ones or straight through? My exhaust doesn't rasp at the moment it's quite a deep note so I hope the de cats don't add to much noise or rasp
  19. Delivered this morning, thanks Jez! That was quick lol, just one question though mate I noticed one pipe has one lambda hole like your picture above and the second pipe has two, any ideas what that's for? Can't wait to get them on, hopefully won't add I much noise but a nice growl Cheers Arran
  20. Smoothed out my idle on my DE, plus makes the bay look better. Cheap mod to at £30 from Horsham
  21. Looks like a lovely bit of kit but the price is stupid
  22. That's a ludicrous price for an induction kit!
  23. Cheers Jez, I did contemplate picking them up from you guys but its a 100 mile round trip lol, hopefully it won't come on straight away but I plan on getting a map soon anyways after plenum spacer etc Your website could seriously damage my bank account lol!
  24. Hi Jez Just put an online order through for some silenced de cats, it looks like they have an o2 sensor spacer built in already, whats the chances of them bringing a light up? Also are these similar to the silenced japspeed ones? just curious Cheers fella, look forward to getting them on Arran
  25. Still yet to fit my carbon sills from ep but yes the carbon looks very well done!
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