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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by Payco

  1. Thanks. Will be better after the full respray this winter.
  2. Scratch the paint / swirl marks and condensation. Would rather keep it un covered and clean it.
  3. I had my rear Hakosouka wing fitted today and I realised I hadn’t updated my progress in this thread all the time. So here are all the latest updates and my new lip. Supersonic grill to replace the old one which makes it look much meaner imho and strut brace. Oh and templated a new boot floor from hardboard and carpeted it.
  4. GLWTS you might want to review your spelling of sills…or better still side skirts..
  5. Personally not a fan. All covers do more harm than good imho.
  6. Stunning . The colour makes it for me.
  7. Welcome along. Where are you based ?. I’m near Hayward’s Heath and happy to help if you need a second pair of eyes on a purchase at any point. Martin
  8. So whilst I’m waiting for my trunk spoiler to be fitted next week I needed a project . Purchased some hardboard, templated a fire wall for my petrol tank and also did the floor. Carpeted it today and fitted it all up. Pretty pleased. Much better than the old worn out black hardboard that was all marked up. Photo below. PS Sorry should have posted this on my build thread.
  9. It can be done . I recently brought a damaged trunk hakosuka spoiler for my 510 for £120 instead of £600 from Japan. It was cracked and damaged but I cut it open, fibreglassed it and repaired and painted it. A lot of work but as good as a new one now.
  10. In my experience most aftermarket parts will need some fettling to fit perfectly so regardless of what you pay you need to factor this in although you can be lucky with some parts fitting straight on.
  11. Love it. Love the colour and the whole look of the beast.
  12. Just got back from popping down to Brighton to see Andy and the few that showed up today. Sad to see that once again guys put their names down for a show and never appear or have the courtesy to let Andy know in this instance.. As a co event organiser I can say personally it’s a lot of effort and if you put your name down to attend unless something untoward happens we expect you to attend. A message to Andy saying you could not come today is not a lot to ask. Well done and thanks Andy again. See you at Ace. Martin
  13. No problem. Good luck, be patient but there is a lot of traffic on there. You need to register which is free first. Martin
  14. My tuppence worth. Very nice zed modded to your own taste. Don’t expect mods to add value as I well know. People will price the car on standard spec plus maybe a little more but not even 20% of the cost of your mods will you see in added value. It’s worth what anyone will pay as quoted. I would either strip it back to stock and try and make some money on your modded parts or try and sell on pistonheads or auto trader where the uneducated punter may pay you more based on the cars looks as it looks like a much higher price car than it’s true value. GLWTS.
  15. In Brighton so thought I would wet the appetite of those attending Saturday and show those that aren’t coming what a great event they are missing out on showing their z. Cars will be parked in their club groups as per the cars in the photos just taken.
  16. Can anyone interested in this event please book yourself on the main event thread which is now up under national meets. Thanks. Martin
  17. Have you tried advertising them for free on Driftworks ?. https://www.driftworks.com/forum/forums/wheels-and-tyres-for-sale.58/
  18. Go Japan is worth the trip down to Brands Hatch too and Simply Jap at Beaulieu. Both events are on here..
  19. Welcome. How about coming to the annual Ace Cafe gathering in June ?.
  20. Totally agree. Free parking on the prom at Brighton is a blessing in itself. Great show and location.
  21. Looks over function for me. Lol.
  22. Ok, further to my post regarding interest for this show earlier today I have already had a response confirming we have a club stand for Sunday 25th September. Please book yourself a ticket on our club stand and pay for it using the link below. Our club stand code is 776001 which you must use to get allocated to our stand. Scroll down on the link and go to register your car on a club stand, enter your details and the club code. You will then need to separately buy an admission ticket for £19. Once completed please add your name to the list, copy and paste as usual to keep the list rolling. More details to follow nearer the time. https://www.gojapan.co.uk/club-stands Payco - Datsun 510 SSS Paid
  23. Should have gone for the easy fix like I did and do the rear wiper delete. Lol..
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