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Everything posted by manphibian

  1. Link would help, people on the internet are verrrryyyy lazy
  2. Had to pull over like a big geek to take this pic on the way home
  3. haha, the thing is January 2013 is in the current calendar, so none of these can go in the next one anyway
  4. Good work chap. Nice write up. But i have to ask.... How can you do so much research into it, and still spell pedal wrong?
  5. Until you come crawling back for a new ink cartridge costing as much as 50 graph paper pads
  6. Woke up stupidly early today, so i got up and had a drive up to the Yorkshire Dales From M6 Junction 34, across A683 to Ingleton, then up and down the B6255 across the dales. Amazing drive, deserted roads, perfect weather, ice not too bad, the car was a joy to drive. Loved it Here's a few pics along the way even made a couple of new friends
  7. £70 for a hdmi cable?? God i'm glad you didn't buy it Something should be done about these stores trying to rip people off on these things > It's a digital cable.... it either works, or doesn't... places that try to claim their cables are better quality should be locked up
  8. oooh good tip, i'm gonna do that thanks
  9. £9k ? Really? Good news for me then, my 05 GT with 54K was £8k 6 months ago
  10. Sorry, rude of me. Your pics are top notch as well. Looked on your FlickR site and they really are excellent. One thing. A lot of them have heavy vignetting. Have you added this or is this being caused by your lens? I added it, i know i do it too much, i just can't help myself I like moody looking pictures Still not quite got my head around how you managed to desaturate the buildings inside the bubble...
  11. Sorry but I would say it sounds more like it was driver error, as in you were probably too close to the car in front. I am sorry to see your car like that but lets not have any BS. Ever thought about becoming a councillor? Sorry to see that mate hard luck.
  12. Awesome shots Cap'n The bubble is brilliant :
  13. I saw this thread and thought it said 'tug job'
  14. You could have told me... I could have been waiting around the corner with a big baseball bat and ran off with the cash He wasn't a big guy.... i contemplated running after him myself
  15. Thanks guys Yeah, really pleased with it The pics never need any processing in photoshop, the camera has some good modes, the first two were using the sunset scene, and the 2nd two were just on full Auto mode, with a bit of manual focussing
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