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Everything posted by manphibian

  1. Yeah, that's what i've used. There is a version included where all the tracks are combined into one track, which fits on a disc, but I want it separated
  2. He was always wandering around Blackpool chatting to people Saw him not long ago. Great bloke RIP
  3. [pointless rant] Saw a new Trance Nation album was out, mixed by Cosmic Gate (losing most of you already ) So i thought... i'll like that, i'm actually going to support the music industry and actually pay for it on itunes So i buy and download it (2 CD's btw) and go to put it onto CD's to play in the car..... Go to burn disc 1.... "This playlist is too large to fit on one CD, do you want to split over multiple discs?" Well, no. I don't. It's CD1, why the f**k does it not fit on a disc???? No wonder nobody buys music any more.. I certainly won't bother. [/pointless rant]
  4. Definitely do-able. I wrapped my Audi Badge on my TT. Now that was a killer to do. The nissan badges will be much easier
  5. Yeah, the wheels look like a cack roulette wheel
  6. Looks awesome I have been procrastinating about those Satin silver Z badges ever since i got the car, and they look so good on yours i thought, right... i'm getting them! Went to eBay.... There aren't any First time in about 5 years they haven't been on there FML!
  7. Just done mine today with Elephant. 32 4y NCB, no points or claims £665 Not bad i think.
  8. Here's a photoshop i did of mine a while back
  9. haha, i linked my album on facebook His were rubbish I have a few more but this forum is pretty annoying for posting pics, i'll have to resize them sometime so i can post them, can't be bothered tonight
  10. :O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIBeiwfwkmY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  11. Do your shopping online. Not worth it mate. It really is very poor in the snow.
  12. Weird rain in Blackpool that is almost frozen. Like a slush puppy.
  13. Agree. I watched it with an open mind... but it was utter toss I have a theory about the mighty Boosh too... I think it's one of those programs that people tell their mates, oh watch it... it's sooooo funny..... Then they tell their mates and so on..... But nobody really found it that funny It was cool to say you liked it.
  14. Looks fantastic, really aggressive
  15. For sound, the JWT Popcharger is amazing No noticeable loss of power here, even in the summer
  16. Good stuff! I really rate Chorley Nissan so far. Had the same result with my claim from the Blackpool branch
  17. I was the the 350 that passed you
  18. They look really, really good
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