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Everything posted by CrumbMC

  1. CrumbMC

    Toyota FT-86

    Yeah maybe on super smooth roads it would be better but you should see where he lives and the road he takes to work. Dont need any of this stuff on the new FT-86 though. Would rather they spend that money elsewhere
  2. CrumbMC

    Toyota FT-86

    Are you Chris Harris?????? No. allthough i did read that earlier this month. probably fueled my rant. i'm just tired of sitting in the likes of my mates A3 s and getting my teeth smashed whilst he tells me its the sports model. he doesn't like it when i then say, "no, the S is just the boggger, if its sporty why does it handle like a hovercraft?" I think a lot of people think that having no suspension makes their car faster round bends when on the roads it often makes it worse. but the uninformed will allways believe what some all-knowing salesman tells them. Similar thing happens in my mates scirroco. he drives it everywhere with the magnetorheological (i typed that from memory, quite impressed with myself ) set to sport and i can feel it skitting across bumps. i dont think its a sport seting, more of a penis extension switch.
  3. My Gemini is getting fitted on Thursday. im so excited. it got delivered to my workshop and i have had to put it at the back behind a load of pallets so i don't keep catching a glance of it don't have Berks fitted but the long term plan is to get them installd and an Uprev at the same time. I will try and persuade my brother to lend me his HD compact camera and get some before / after vids.
  4. I would 2nd that. i just bought an exhaust off tarmac after months of picking and chosing. sure he wouldn't mind answering youre questions. This is a quote off another formum that pretty much sums up most (not all) of your choices: "Every HKS I've ever seen has been beautifully thoroughly put together and finished. Mind you, the 5Zigen's had a lot of plaudits too, but, as Tim says, they have gone a bit quiet of late. Worth a look though. Motordyne know their way round a Zed very well too. Milltek are popular. Gemini are good." "I love the rawness that the 5zigen and Motordyne generate, or seem to. The Miltek and the Invidia Gemini seem the most muted and the HKS sits somewhere in the middle, only going off the clips tho." People seem to like the scoprion system too As Coldel said stay away from the unbranded stuff. bad quality metals that erode quickly, porrer quality of welds. Also, as most of them are replicas they will not have had the Propper R&D put into increasing HP and having a nice engine note. I would also avoid japspeed, especially the K1. They are very loud (not a nice loud) and drony. They seem to come up for sale a lot which suggests that people tire of them VERY quickly. Make sure you are familliar with the different parts of the OEM exhaust as well. you might think you are getting a good deal with a system, then find that it is Y-pipe back. but there is plenty of info on the exhaus forum about that. Also remember that you're induction system and Cats, (whether they be stock, Hi-flow cats (HFCs) or decats/test-pipes) make a lot of difference to the sound aswell. good luck chosing and Dont rush into it!! Chris
  5. CrumbMC

    Toyota FT-86

    TBH i don't really care how powerful it is (within reason) we just need some cars with a decent ride and feelsome steering these days. everyone is just making boring numb stodge these days with so-called "sporty" (ie backbraking) suspension that crusifies you over drain covers but still wallows around in the corners and for some reason, the general car buying public are lapping it up. ARE YOU LISTENING JAPAN, DON'T LET SOME MARKETTING TOFF RUIN IT!!
  6. First of all i have to congratulate Micheal Krumm and Lucas Luhr on wrapping up the title of an Amazing GT1 season just a few minutes ago. i don't think anyone deserves it more than them after the results they've had. I can't wait to watch them on a glory race tomorrow when they also try to pip the constructors chamionship from young driver AMR. you can watch it via the autosport or GT1 world website tomorrow at 16:45 uk time. I took delivery of Micheal's book "Driving on the edge - The art and science of race driving" this morning. I'm only a few chapters in but allready have come across some fantastic tips and information on how to get the best out of my car. If you're interested in driving quickly then i would definately recommend it. It will supposedly help you whether you are a complete novice or proffessional racing driver. It is very clear from his attitude in racing, and the feedback of his colleuges in motorsport that Krumm is one of the hardest working racing drivers out there and it really shows in this book. - Well worth a read.
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/formula ... 579228.stm What a load of Twaddle. how can they call the team Lotus when they are mearly a sponsor and have no say in the Chassis design of the car. Chapman would be; Still welcome to formula1 to Caterham lets hope they can annoy the midfield this year
  8. CrumbMC

    Toyota FT-86

    All against you on this one Ekona! A sports car can have a roof. Saying otherwise is just your own opinion im afraid. Don't get too wound up about it
  9. CrumbMC

    Toyota FT-86

    Nice precision and loose set-up, just not mental fast. I'd say its sporty, more so than an MX-5 and that seems to be the benchmark for small roadster sportiness. They are driven by posers a lot of the time though
  10. Cheers, I am in the same boat really although I will be working different shifts this year so if the weather is bad I won't HAVE to use the Zed I guess if you always worry about curbing the wheels you would never get them done, I am also wondering if I should get some rim protectors, the clear ones don't really notice much do they? I meant curb them as a result of snow on the roads. have a look at these. black ones look fairly descreet in pics i've seen but never seen them in real life
  11. There's another film called boiler room about stock traders v good too that's the one i was on about lol
  12. 'Boiler room' is a good film. some of you may recognize the big bald headed guy in it. Also i watched 'Hanna' the other night. It was in the cinema earlier this year and just came on to Zune on Xbox live. i didn't hear much about it when it came out but it is one of my favorite films of the year.
  13. viewtopic.php?f=61&t=40982&start=30 look at the last post on here. his seem to be fine I was in the same dilemma but for me i may have to use my Z even when it's really bad weather and if i curb them i'll be gutted. also mine aren't that bad so i'm waiting.
  14. Does sound a bit harsh. if he's not starting at the front then he will no doubt end up in front of the stewards after the race aswell
  15. Haven't watched it yet but he was quickest in P1 Untill he stops acting like a bellend i'm not supporting him.
  16. She's gonna have seen her arse about that for sure. are you from barrow-in-furness? Never heard anyone use that phrase outside of there
  17. Perfect thanks I was thinking about a polished lip! WOW! they're stunning. think i'll be getting mine done like that come spring
  18. Looks like a really good job. Mine have a tiny bit of bubbling. im going to wait till after winter though. i think if i got them done now i would start crying everytime i saw a gritter on the road.
  19. I couldnt stop stroking my car after i clay barred it. I have also found myself patting the top of the instrument binacle when i come out of a nice squirming / slight drifting 2nd gear corner smooth as you like. Is that not why we all bought a 2-seater sports car. Because it makes us happy
  20. you see the biggest weight saving by not brimming the fuel tank. probably the easiest and least intrusive weight saving mod you can do
  21. yeah. i find it tends to be people who dont really know what theyre looking at who like it the most
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