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The G Man

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Everything posted by The G Man

  1. The G Man

    TPMS is on.

    If you’re confident re pressures, just reset them and monitor any ongoing issues. All sorts can affect them, heat, cold and of course, low pressure. If the car has recently had new tyres, it could well be a broken/‘dodgy’ sensor.
  2. Good choice sir. Lobo?, the wolf that changed America, after all it’s Coyote powered
  3. The G Man

    Bit puzzled

    Check the glove box or the two compartments behind the seats for the wheel nut key, I’m pretty sure they don’t come with a jack IIRC
  4. Just for clarity, the Mustang was cheaper to service than any of my Z’s. FWD Focus? No idea, my Mrs Mazda 3 was more expensive than the Mustang to service, in all but one service, when we used an independent for the Mazda. it all comes down to main dealer labour costs, some charge £90+ plus VAT ffs. But if you want a Maserati, get one, it’s your dosh Nothing else matters, but better than a layman’s guess is an experienced owners experience of two out of three of your choices. If I could afford it, I’d buy a NEW Maserati over any Ford (other than GT 350/500 or Bullit) or Nissan.
  5. My AVR was well dated, an old Technics one, connectivity was the failing on it, had DTS but was not up to modern HDMI connections. The Sony one is an entry level one but had fantastic reviews compared to the competition for the price. I like the ARC from the AVR to the tv, so all the inputs go in the AVR and out to the tv through a single HDMI to its ARC input. Speakers are similar to this set https://www.teufelaudio.com/uk/home-cinema/columa-300-easy-5-1-set-l-p18197.html, Looked at Kefs Atmos speakers but couldn’t get the definitive answer as to whether it was crucial for them to sit directly on top or could be used just placed on the unit in front of my tower speakers. All the stuff I’ve got is probably entry level and I’m not able to bi wire any of the speakers. The AVR can put out a ‘phantom’ set of surround to push out 7.1, adding the two Atmos speakers should give me 7.1.2 capability. you're spot on with the lack of atmos sound through most media sources, BT Sport 4K put it out and some sky channels. Mainly it’ll come from 4K blu Ray. Haven’t wired up the Atmos speakers yet, ran out of banana plugs so need some more. I have got good quality cable from Teufal though. From what I’ve read, the Atmos can be very subtle, or non existent if not set up correctly. The more I read into it, the more I was taken down rabbit holes by the techy geeks on AV forums and you tube reviews.
  6. To be fair, the GT was just as noisy, tyre roar wise, I think they’re both poorly insulated. You will get more than 6k out the P Zeros, however they are shocking when temps are low (like most summer tyres really, rated down to 7C) or it’s a bit damp. MPS4S are a preferred option for most and getting rid of the P Zeros ASAP. i line locked mine to death before getting MPSS all round outside the tyre shop
  7. What’s the objective? Only asking because the last photo is confusing, as in, looks like a pile of untidy stones I admit I haven’t read all the thread ....and that fence looks like damp is affecting it im sure the grammatical and engineering principles are sound and I’m missing something?
  8. BTW, I’ve no idea what I’m doing!
  9. Well, I’ve recently invested in a Sony AV receiver and, I’ve invested in a basic set up to compliment my teufal 5.1 home cinema system https://www.teufelaudio.com/uk/accessories/reflekt-p16570.html. Has anyone, and I appreciate that I’m a latecomer to this technology, got any pointers and/or recommendations, bearing in mind that I’ve just laid out, however have no fears for improving, an Atmos system, or any tips to improve sound? Room size is 40 sq m
  10. I’ve had both. The 370 Nismo, is a great car, there are some compromises, No1 being the cabin drone. If you’re planning any long Euro/UK (?) tours , keep off the motorway , the tyre noise will drive you mad. That said, the Rev match is a neat trick, loved it . It’s relatively practical as well, being a ‘hatchback’, never did a Euro trip in either the 370GT nor the Nismo, however, I believe they would be pretty good, motorway driving aside. Mustang, for little money, massive mod capabilities, massive power capability, practicality, presence, affordability (3rd year service £220), V8’ness, comfort, bulletproof engine, floor to ceiling, back to front bullet proof warranty (on new-3 years old), comfort, heated/cooling seats etc, etc,. The facelift model is a direct lift from the Ford owners community regards modifications, now includes active exhaust and suspension (magnaride) as an option, tri-bar drl’s, etc, etc,. Compared to a 5-10 year old Maserati, who knows, neither do most who whore this as an option, most have never had one, neither have I, so I can’t comment as much as the “never have owned mob”. i have owned and continue to own one of the two options you’re looking at, given the choice? Hands down, Mustang 5.0GT, I’ve got a manual, but would have the auto in a heartbeat. Good luck with your choice, whatever it may be
  11. Been reading your cleaning threads, if that counts?
  12. No, I’ve changed my mind, it’s Brazilian The Ford Focus (first generation) is a compact car that was manufactured by Ford in Europe from 1998-2004 and by Ford in North America from 1999-2007. Ford began sales of the Focus to Europe in July 1998 and in North America during 1999 for the 2000 model year. Manufacturing in Argentina continued until 2008, and it was still on sale in Brazil until 2009.
  13. Yes, well done, you got there.
  14. No, it was produced in America eventually. No need to apologise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Focus
  15. .....And are not American
  16. Just watched this at a break, it’s a bit funny and a bit tragic, but sums up, for me the madness of this Brexit exercise. I’d honestly never heard of this guy, far less seen any of his material. Not too safe for work, as it’s a bit sweary, enjoy
  17. Regarding Col’s point 4 above, I can’t find mine at the minute but my Mrs paid £12 of her tax in 2018/19 to be a member of the E.U. you should all have had your tax codes/where it all went in by now, IIRC mine was @ £62 (I think), about £1.25 a week, wow, what a cost. as for whether I did or did not love my country, as a common weal type person, it was more than pleasurable when HM gov called on me tae help them oot, when despots/terrorists were throwing bombs and terrorism at our way of life. Auld Lizzy herself, threw a couple of badges at me for helping oot! theres a striking absence on this thread, as Col has highlighted, mainly among leavers, of an understanding of first past the post system when quoting “the will of the people”, just hilarious.
  18. right pal, you had no idea what Brexit was all about, you voted on a whim, you voted on what some flash Harry said. before 2016, no one knew, or cared about leaving the EU. Below is from a 16 year old, below is what it was all about, you were duped, you were sucked into what you had no idea was about to happen. It’s a pure pile of unadulterated pooh! Your pooh, not mine, not anyone’s but those that voted, without a clue, what was about to happen. If you loved your country, you wouldn’t have subjected it to Brexit “David Cameron made the referendum policy because he didn’t want to risk losing 10 or 15 seats to Ukip. “And look where it has got us. “This has always been because Tories are playing party politics with issues that are going to be huge generational changes for all of us. “I am 16 years old. I didn’t get a say in Brexit and I won't get a say in it, because there is not going to be a second referendum on it as it stands. "Either way what we have to face is this is not an issue of parties coming together, this is not an issue of direct democracy. “This all comes back to a party putting itself before the country it’s trying to govern.”
  19. No advice from me, but loads of cars have this, BMW Mini, Ford (My Colour) etc., In my head it’s pretty complicated electrickery. Not any use to you, but neither are the last three posts
  20. Got an email from my insurance company today, regarding having a green card for eu driving in the eu. That’s more to do with proving you have the minimum insurance requirements for pootling about in Europe rather than licence requirements. Brexit? Pile of unimaginable pooh, designed by David Cameron to avoid 10-15 seats lost from conservatives to UKip.
  21. I’m completely confused now ffs , what’s the best ‘street’ tyre? MPS4, or the MPS4S? Need some rears for my summer set, which has MPSS on at the minute (fronts and rears have @ 4mm tread, fronts probs more actually)
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