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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. Not short trips but on average only 20 miles a day? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hopefully the f-type will bring XKR prices down to what I can afford, supercharged V8 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Had mismatched tyres on the MX-5 although it is a much less powerful and much lighter car you could definitely feel it in the corners, especially with no TC etc. never bothered to change them as it was only really a commuter car for my missus Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Makes me glad I don't have a Zed anymore, luckily there are more Zed owners that cherish their car and their own and others safety, but there do seem to be more and more bellends... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Some people have fitted them where the reflectors go, looks better on an HR as the reflectors face a bit more forward Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I have had issues with my XFS but I bought at the bottom of the market, one of the first ones made in fact, easy to find negatives for any marque or model. I have been in a GTR and an F-type briefly and I can honestly say neither felt poorly put together at all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. What's led you to believe the build quality is questionable, chap? Number of things:- An ex-GTR owner that bought one and then gave it back after a week or so Jaguar Land Rover...... Having had a new Range Rover, the thing spent more time back at the dealer than at my house Seen quite a few on the roadside and on the back of flatbeds Quite a few posts about issues http://www.jaguarforums.com/forum/f-type-x152-72/ Recalls http://www.autoblog.com/2014/12/09/jaguar-f-type-electrical-recall/ Mainly, it comes down to my personal experience with LRJ as a company (that includes the individual franchise and LRJ UK).... the sales service is great, follow-up service is shocking and after-sales was just appalling. A 5 month old recall for America Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. great fix! I have all 4 ps setup in my living room, gonna go home play cod right now I think. I'm not really in to retro gaming, each console has substantially bettered the previous one, I have tried emulators but get bored after a couple of minutes...
  9. I've just ordered a 20m HDMI so I can play my PS4 in both rooms, and use it as a BluRay for both TVs too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Oh and stick to wired, my ethos is if it is mobile like a phone etc then WIFI, if it stays in one place like a console or a PC then it should be wired Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Glad it worked, sometimes the easiest or simplest thing works best I consider myself a PS Guru, have had every single one since the first, I used to chip and repair PS2 & 2's back in the day too, happy days Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. How would that help Dave? Sorry not 100% computer savvy so just wondered. In theory it shouldn't, but... you never know, updates can sometimes cause all sorts of issues, just a simple enough thing to try so thought I would mention it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I would put the game save on a memory stick and reinstall the game too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Yes I thought it would be. The thing that's strange though is I have never had a problem like this before Dave and the PS3 has always been setup for wireless use. Have there been any PS3 software updates recently? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. The last series was much better, it's not terrible but like you say could do with a bit more 'hands-on' detail
  16. Yep they will sell a fair few, I still think it is underwhelming in terms of looks though Now if they make a 2 door version... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. One that will work with PS4 according to the above CSR Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Of course it is, just in reverse! And the ni question, possibly yes, if you are a non smoker and non drinker like myself then why should I pay the same ni as someone who smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish At the end of the day the NHS is what it is I guess Of course it is, just in reverse! And the ni question, possibly yes, if you are a non smoker and non drinker like myself then why should I pay the same ni as someone who smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish At the end of the day the NHS is what it is I guess So nothing like it then, health tourism is tourist travel for the purpose of healthcare What about fat people, why arent they subject to huge duties to compensate for their drain on the nhs. Anyway, doesnt really matter, you cant even be bothered to vote so cant bother you that much Nope won't be voting and really couldn't give a toss who wins as it will make feck all difference to anything really... all as bad as each other Surely someone that lives and works in the UK (whatever nationality) that visits a foreign country for health care is classed as a 'tourist' What about a UK national who lives and works abroad coming home for treatment? Not a case of not being bothered to vote, it isn't mandatory so I choose not to as I don't vote I don't complain about anything political really apart from in general, same with religion... I actually think the health tourism issue is valid although not really a huge drain I would think, and I think most would agree immigration needs a shake up as well as the welfare state, but none of the parties will have the funds or the balls to tackle any of those areas properly... Anyway I will leave you all to it, play nicely, hopefully this thread will stay polite and courteous
  19. Of course it is, just in reverse! And the ni question, possibly yes, if you are a non smoker and non drinker like myself then why should I pay the same ni as someone who smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish At the end of the day the NHS is what it is I guess
  20. Nah, if I go faster I'll be driving for less time so that means less pollution With the amount of torque you will get you will be able to spin the earth backwards and therefore regress global warming
  21. I was just googling around looking for specs required for PC version of Project CARS as I want to be able to use my Fanatec wheel.... I found this PS4 compatibility for Fanatec wheels http://www.projectcarsgame.com/beyond-reality.html
  22. Having Ady around to help is enough to give anyone grey hair Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Great choice Ady, I test drove a blue one and loved it... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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