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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. Should be some good games hopefully, sooooo much at stake for whoever goes up!
  2. Yep that is true but the one thing I remember at the time was thinking how the movements of the guy were so life like. Nothing like todays games but coming from a BBC tape computer etc it was amazing. Yeah the way he ran, jumped and slid along was jaw dropping back in the day...
  3. Schoolboy error I went for the middle option and it seems about right, might be the better option?
  4. Will add you next time I am on, or add me same as on here spursmaddave
  5. Oh man I forgot all about desert strike!! Flash back city! Flashback was awesome, good call I just had a flashback remembering playing Flashback. That game was fantastic in it's day. I remember how flipping hard it was, you had to time every jump and sprint or you were toast!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Well I am finally a happy chap as I got my wheel working perfectly with Project Cars Needed a firmware update, a correction of user error (wasn't turning off the PS4 controller so it wasn't recognised ) and finally a bit of googling to determine why the clutch was constantly engaged!!! But now all working great, although need to affine tune, not used my Fanatec for ages really and had forgotten what a quality bit of kit it is, I am sure newer models and makes are even better now as my CSR is a few years old but it still rocks As for the game, it is great although the UI really feels clunky and not at all polished, played a game against a mate online and found the online 'matchmaking' really quite poor, was like going back to the early days of online racing games, maybe I am dumb but I couldn't see any of my friends online or a way to just have a race against certain people
  7. It was a tough as you like but rewarding and nothing else like it at the time. On the Mega Drive.... Happy days!
  8. Exactly, if it was a micra then you would maybe notice it but on a lardy, lazy V6 Zed not a bloody chance!
  9. Good point! I ran my all year round in my Zed, the back window in particular was a nightmare without air on!
  10. Oh man I forgot all about desert strike!! Flash back city! Flashback was awesome, good call Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I loved desert strike and soviet strike.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Only if the sun is out, remember you can't polish a turd Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Saving 1% of weight, pointless imo and I agree would devalue the car more than it would cost to get fixed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. It reminded me of M13KYF I think....
  15. Doubt either will be out of the public eye for very long...
  16. Yeah that reg rings a bell...
  17. Might be a bit over the £40K budget still Stu I'd guess ~ had a look after me, SMD and ATTAK Z were chatting about them & they were around $45K+ used. Personally I'd go for the GTR especially as I've heard prices for them seem to be going up rather than down for the most part so could be a good investment. Sad state of affairs yes, the price on the 2009/2010/2011 cars is holding pretty steady (at least for the good ones). They are great cars, but they are expensive to maintain... I have had mine for 3.5 years now (from new) and it runs a little over 600hp. Its the longest I have ever owned a car and have no intention of selling any time soon. I tested a C63 and I found it underwhelming............ the noise was nice, but that was it. Then you have to deal with Merc dealers Technically, yes.... Nissan used the 2 service schedule purely as a method of "keeping an eye" on cars to see if anything was outside of tolerances, parts had excessive wear, etc. Considering the miles you are doing, 1 service a year is acceptable, but I wouldnt go as far as recommended. Personally, I like the fact the Sly sees my car at least twice a year. Even if its just a small oil change. I dont know the cost of servicing alone as I have never had just a service done there is always other parts going on changing, etc. I have had 4 adults in the GTR, but its not comfortable and I wouldnt go very far like that.... we were all quite short as well. I plan to remove the rear seats and put in a small rear half cage............ eventually. Not necessarily, you really need to speak to a specialist and see what they about servicing. My car is tracked and its not that bad on the tyres and oil, its the brakes that take a beating!!! Usually my red one, right? Car spends way too much time there.... Most definitely.... Sly has been servicing my car from day one and is fantastic! In fact, I am collecting my car from him tomorrow morning. If you are serious about a GTR pop over and have a chat with him and if you are there between 0930 & 1000 I can take you out in my car Have see a red one there yes, didn't realise it was your
  18. Why not give Sly a call? Instead of people on here guessing and regurgitating stuff they have seen/read, he will be able to give you up to date accurate info, every single time I have been there he has 2/3 different GTRs in for work Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. found mind runs rich ? I agree, your mind is very rich
  20. See I'm confused about that one, I've got no idea why someones orientation or skin colour would make you uncomfortable... If however a Mountain Lion came along and wanted to ask questions about your political agenda or sit with you at the pub then I agree, time to feel uncomfortable. Sadly I am not eloquent enough to explain It then, or you just see It differently. I was just trying to perhaps offer a view from how she feels. I dont feel uncomfortable around negros, but do gays, just suggesting it doesnt automatically make you predujice to not feel comfortable around certain groups, but as Ekona mentions, they are both sensitive subjects, i have been called to rights before on here for comments made about Louis Spence. Would you feel comfortable If you wandered Into a pikey campsite for example? How about someone that you have known for ages who 'comes out' would it change your relationship with them? I take it you also wouldn't feel uncomfortable around lesbians (good looking ones obviously) Not having a dig, my best mate is probably the most homophobic guy I know, doesn't make him a bad person he is a family man through and through and he wouldn't be my best mate if he was a bigot... funnily enough his favourite band are Queen, but try and tell him that Freddie was a gay icon and he will argue till he is blue in the face, according to him Freddie never came out and nobody knew he was gay until after he died
  21. Might be a bit over the £40K budget still Stu I'd guess ~ had a look after me, SMD and ATTAK Z were chatting about them & they were around $45K+ used. Personally I'd go for the GTR especially as I've heard prices for them seem to be going up rather than down for the most part so could be a good investment. Lucky to find one for £40k, you could get a mint XKR for that though I agree get a GTR and get it serviced at KaizerMotors (unless you live gazillions of miles away)
  22. From what I have read you really do need a wheel with project cars, I'm sure you can use a controller though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Luckily my wheel has all he buttons my controller has Will probably pick up a copy tomorrow morning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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