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Everything posted by ATTAK Z

  1. We have a Tyre Guru in the club who is a great asset for those looking for tyre specs and info, but we haven't, until now, got a thread where you can specifically post nice pics of your tyres and wheels. So I thought I'd start one. Here's my offering, I've just bought four of these: to be fitted to four of these: to go on this:
  2. Can't beat a good looking tyre !!!
  3. ATTAK Z


    These look nice Sorry it's not a Zed
  4. ATTAK Z


    ... maybe google 370Z stripes rather than 370Z stipes
  5. I don't see any ducktails and what's that image all about ?
  6. ... and those fangs on the 370 ... argggghhhhhh !!! ... the 370 did get better, especially in the later Nismo versions, but it was a styling disaster compared to the 350 ! In my humble opinion the addition of a bit lot of retro is good, and that's why I like the new Zed. The 260 will always be my favourite from a styling point of view though.
  7. Hello and welcome to the best 350Z/370Z club in the UK
  8. Yes Dan, my thoughts exactly ... keep it under £40K without any extras to add taking the price over the threshold.
  9. Has it got about 400 PS ? - Is it <£35K ? - I'll take one in Midnight Blue please
  10. Well I've finally made up my mind if this is it ... I like it ... apart from the wheels
  11. I don't believe that the OP owns that car, he/she probably doesn't own a car at all. The absence of further posts from the OP indicates to me that he/she is now back in the classroom. Whilst looking for a suitable smiley I came across this ... does anyone know what it means ?
  12. Do you mind if I leave this here
  13. Hi Martin I'm still here (remember you at Clumber Park a few years ago) ... swapped cars a few times since though ... your 370 looks nice, as did your GT4, and it's the best colour too ... Cheers H
  14. @ShortPaul I think it's the dash mounted tell-tale light he's referring to.
  15. But it's like tyres Dan, 4 doors = ugly, 2 doors = cool
  16. I always thought the 370 had a big arse compared with the 350, but that looks OK
  17. 74 years 6 months ETA but I don't think he drives a Zed
  18. GLA here ... can we have an apostrophe after the "s" in "members" in the thread title please ? Many thanks. @ShortPaul IMO anyone of retiring age and over can be classed as having an old member.
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