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Everything posted by cesc

  1. Golf R32. Fairly rapid, look good in my opinion, lovely interiors, well equipped and sound better than the 350Z. Meet all of your criteria, although the ones under £13k usually sell very quickly.
  2. you've been on here ove a year and still waiting to pick up your zed? Also, why you blushing about being in Crawley? When I first registered on here I was looking at getting either the 350Z or RX-8. I chose the RX8 because I'm impatient Needless to say, I have put it up for sale and have put a deposit on a Gunmetal 350z but I can't pick it up until the bloody Mazda is gone I have friends in Horsham and they have a few choice words to describe my beloved town!
  3. I'm in Crawley Have yet to pick up my Zed, but hopefully will be in the next week or two. Gunmetal too
  4. I reckon petrol prices will never go lower than £1.10 again. After the new rate of VAT comes in the price of fuel will be £1.30 in some parts The thing that annoys me about it, is that when the price of oil drops drastically the subsequent decrease in fuel price is very slow and often minimal. But as soon as the price of a barrel of oil shoots up, they are very quick in increasing prices by 5 or 6p in the space of a week.
  5. I've been to The Plough a couple of times. I'm not too far away from you it would seem.
  6. Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick here but I thought this was illegal? I might have to do this for my JDM in that case.
  7. Where are you picking the car up from? I'm 5 minutes away from Gatwick and a nosey bugger
  8. What's the F900BT like? I've been thinking of getting one as I've only got the bog standard 1 disc non BOSE cd player. Is the navigation any good, and does it have voice recognition?
  9. Great video That driver looked like he knew what he was doing. I have to admit as much as I'm indifferent to the GTR, it's a deeply impressive machine. The noise from that Ferrari was sublime though. Also the Fiat Punto at the end was
  10. Looks good. Sarnie will be in soon I'm sure... I've taken the liberty of posting the full size images here as it's easier and quicker.
  11. Those are some great pictures, snow all over it I thought it looked like the older style OEM sat nav, could be wrong though.
  12. I bought my first car in Haverfordwest, West Wales, which was a 4 hour drive back to Crawley where I live. After that they've been from Liverpool, Bradford, Middlesbrough, Darlington and Wolverhampton, all of which involved lengthy drives which I quite enjoy if I'm honest. It's massively risky but it's worked out so far. In fact I shall be picking up my Zed from Barrow-in-Furness which will be the longest journey yet.
  13. Mate, put down the Daily Mail. The cases where these immigrants commit crimes are always widely publicised because it sells newspapers. If you read of a robbery in the local paper and the name of the culprit was Joe Bloggs, you'd hardly give it a thought or remember it. If, however, Mohammed-Bin-Salaam commited the crime, many people would latch onto this, and all these things do is add fuel to the anti-immigrant fire which seems to be burning ever stronger now. The amount of immigrants commiting crimes is still a very small percentage as a whole. I definitely agree that if they do commit crimes or partake in illegal activities, that they should be deported with no thought given to their 'human rights'. Also in regards to the NHS holidayers, how many of these cases do the NHS deal with? Very few I'd say. If you're concerned about the ever increasing burden on the NHS, why not have a go at the drunkards and junkies who cost the NHS a lot more than immigrants from Romania? It seems to me as though you're looking for a scapegoat for this countries problems, and immigrants seem to be easy picking. I definitely don't agree with mass immigration, but the amount of people that think they can solve this countries issues with hardline policies astounds me. Think of it this way: Nigeria has very strict laws and look at the state of that place; it's one of the most corrupt and horrible places on Earth. England is not as bad as most people like to make out, it's certainly not some kind of fairytale utopia, but it's better than the vast majority of the world. We have good schools, free healthcare, a decent public transport network and an excellent welfare system. I put the blame squarely at the feet of the media for turning everyone into cynical, paranoid and resentful buggers.
  14. They look great, but I'd be constantly worried about ruining them. But having said that I had white leather in my old S3 many years ago and despite being 6 years old at the time (the car, not me) the seats looked great. I suppose it depends on the quality of the leather and how well you maintain it. I suppose dirty Frost leather is better than Alezan anyway
  15. How is the EU controlled by The Germans? or as you put it 'zee gremanz'? Immigrants do a lot of the job workshy English people won't. And although some do claim benefits, the vast majority work in crappy low paid jobs barely scraping a living. Don't believe everything you read in The Daily Mail; immigrants put a lot more into this country then they take out. Those bloody immigrunts again On the same merit, why don't why throw out all non working people regardless of where they were born? This will never work in the UK, our motorways are simply not designed for it. What? It's clear you have some sort of problem with those who aren't born in the UK. Did your wife run off with a Polish builder? The drink driving thing kind of makes sense, but at the same time, not really. If you are unknowingly only very slightly over the limit and were unlucky enough to be caught out, are you saying you should be banished from the roads forever? And being banned for using a mobile phone while driving? A few years ago no one batted an eyelid about this, it's only when the new legislation was brought in did people start getting uppity about it. To ban someone for life for being on their phone while driving is just absurd. There would be no van drivers left for a start. While I agree that some crimes do go unpunished or the criminal gets off lightly, sever punishment won't deter people. America has the death penalty and other strict laws yet the prison population there is much higher as a percentage in comparison to the UK. If every crime resulted in prison time where would all these inmates go? You'd have to build more prisons, and for that you need money. How do you intend on raising this cash? Also do you plan on bringing back the cane? All I can say is, thank God Zugara is not in charge of the country.
  16. In the same vein, is it possible to get LED indicator bulbs to match the facelift clusters?
  17. Does anyone have any pictures comparing the difference in light output of the xenon to the facelift bi-xenon?
  18. cesc

    Fuel Problem??

    Tell me about it Chris! For my last £25 of unleaded I got 49.2 miles and I literally ran out of petrol just outside the petrol station. Once I finally get my 350Z, it'll be like driving a diesel!
  19. I had the original Mark 4 R32 three years ago and that was absolutely fantastic. The noise, the character, the drive; it was a wonderful car. The MK5 is a lot softer and much less exclusive, but the 3.2 engine is an absolute gem. Could do with a little more power though.
  20. cesc

    Fuel Problem??

    I'm currently getting 10mpg in my RX-8, doing all very short journeys when the engine's cold.
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