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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Dunno. But that's what happened. Yep, my sister works at land rover and they had the same deal (with ford not land rover) people would buy new cars every year with the 25% discount and then sell them on. I don't think they get any deals with Land rover. Not sure if they had to keep them a year but if its not used and kept in a garage its not going to lose 25% of its value. Yeah, depends on what we buy for what discount we get, but it is well known you can run a 2k profit if you don't put too many miles on an eco fiesta as they retain their value well. the minimum ownership period is 9 months. Most people will buy it on finance with zero deposit, which is £100 a month, then after 9 months trade it in and get back the 2k. the 2k will b e put straight into the next one so your monthly is lower, repeat until your car is free When the mrs sorts out her new job we'll be doing this with two of them EDIT: Oh, you can't do the same with LR's or Jags really, the fiestas hold their value a bit better than them Also we only have limited access to vehicle types. Customer comes first and at the moment we have waiting lists for some of the nicer vehicles.
  2. Lovely bit of kit! good job on the build and good luck on the sale
  3. You got a username for him? I'm on gt4oc, wonder if he'd be on there as I want to get the faff flocked. I'll take a look, thanks. Do you work for JLR as I work at Whitley so might see you around. I'm at JLR Just moved to Gaydon though.
  4. I misread that as "It logs your weight and times your periods in it" :lol:
  5. Well done mate, doing better than me! Still happy though, down from 14stone to 13.5 stone. You'll blow away!
  6. Done it exactly as it was shown, I'm not an idiot I've done plenty of workouts/gym stuff other than that. I warmed up as per the warmup in the routines, we were keeping to the full scheduled calendar of workouts. I was doing it because the mrs wanted too, in all honesty I didn't like it right from the word go, it involved a lot of stress on your calfs with lots of jumping and bouncing. The stretching is all of what? 3 minutes at the start? Not enough. In my opinion, you should do a 10 minute stretch and warm up routine before even pressing play on each video, their idea of a warmup is ridiculous and is asking to hurt yourself. My calf tore pretty badly, I do push hard when working out and that is indeed what's encouraged by the trainer. And the whole "check your heart rate" bollocks he does is irritating, you can tell some lawyer has told them he has to say that periodically. It is not set up to be able to take breaks properly, because it is so intense, taking a break means you miss a large amount of training quickly meaning your workout is massively unbalanced. It's been shown by professionals that his form and definitely that of the people in the video is not good enough to be a safe example to follow. When he says "check your form", again, another lawyer induced phrase from him. Did I lose weight? Yes in the short term, no in the long term because i could do naff all for 3 weeks resting my leg, limping in pain. From what I've read, insanity is an ok workout for people who are already quite fit, it is simply not for people who are trying to lose weight and get in shape from being a chubby git. Ugh, I'm ranting. Honesty, you'd be 100% better off just going for a run, then you don't have some stupid woman called tanya (or whatever her name was) making overacted faces like she's even finding it difficult. I hate that woman!
  7. Interesting read guys, keep at it I was 15 stone 3 a while back when me and the mrs started a low carb diet. I lost a fair whack quite quickly but not weighed myself in ages. I've been doing a massive amount of heavy gardening and as always I put on muscle real quick countering the fat loss as far as the scales are concerned, so i've been going by belt holes instead. The low carb diet has been an interesting thing to do and yes it does work if you properly stick to it. I'm not talking zero carb here, I'm talking about mainly reducing processed crap, so no sugary stuff etc. I think I'm on about 25-30g of carbs a day atm which is a really good place to be for fat burning. the principle behind it is that when your body gets so low on carbohydrate, it switches it's main fuel source to fat instead, combined with exercise you burn it real quick. Also you pay attention to how your body reacts to certain nutrition at times of the day. For instance, eating a chunk of carbs in the morning gives you a huge insulin spike, it brings the fat burning your body does while you sleep to a grinding halt, and also stimulates production of new fat cells. So I stopped eating any cereal, tbh I never bothered much with breakfast anyway, but if i do have something, it's a cup of tea and if i'm really dying, a bit of cheese. For lunch today I have sausages with mozzarella and red Leicester cheese, spinach, cucumber, hard boiled egg and carrot. That's pretty much my staple for lunch at work these days. For dinner I'll probably have burgers cooked with cheese (no breadcrumbs), a side of some bacon, a pile of spinach, cucumber, carrot, and whatever other horrible green stuff we have in the fridge. If i get peckish during the day I'll have some cheese, but I can tell you, I utterly love cheese but you get really bored with it eventually, and you find just staying a little hungry more appealing. You think "oh that's a lot of fat", yeah, it has to be, it's what my body is running on with barely any carbs kicking around. The first week utterly sucks, you would basically lick a rice crispy off the floor your body craves carbohydrate so much, but once it's got over that hump and you are in Ketosis you are on the easy road. Worth having a read about it, like any diet there's negative reviews and positive but for me anyway it has really worked. As for the insanity work outs, honestly find something else, if you read into the reviews they show that it is dangerous and has not been approved by many health and fitness institutes. I can tell you from experience it's not great as I tore my calf muscle doing it, that took 3 weeks to heal. They don't warm you up properly and a lot of the form shown in the video is bad causing injury, even stuff the instructor does. Just get out and do something instead like running, swimming, walking, digging, climbing, anythinging
  8. Why the hell should it [5%] be charged at all! Because they aren't raking in interest from holding the amount for the full year? Disgraceful. It's a tax, paid monthly or yearly should make naff all difference!
  9. Get good grades, go to uni, do degree, get a job only partially related to degree, never use any of it again, forget it all, may as well have never gone. I wish I'd just gone and been a joiner/carpenter; I'd have skills transferable to any location including other countries, have the opportunity to really be my own boss being self employed, the list goes on. As it is, I'm stuck in a corner of specialism meaning I have to follow the work if I want a decent pay. There is far to big a push on university as the be all end all of peoples transition into a successful career in adulthood. It's done too early for kids to have the first clue of what they really genuinely want to do with their life, and it's so permanent costing lots of money and time, you can't exactly go redo it. Having sat through 4 years of university and got the subsequent job from the degree, I can say it wasn't for me and I wish I'd done something else. I'm not a money or career driven person, and I'd rather be in a job paying half as much with more satisfaction than the one I'm in, but I'm now overqualified for those or would have to completely retrain taking years and lots of money. I'd just say it's worth looking at what a kid actually wants to do and if university is the right environment for them to learn before pushing them down the overly trodden sheep path.
  10. Pro's Much nicer taking pictures of the car without a crappy thing in the windscreen ruining the shot. No stupid bit of paper to rip out of another bit of paper, which you will inevitably screw up and tear the disc in mostly in half. No need to remember to actually put the stupid bit of paper in your car, it's like saying if you dont have the reciept for your shopping stapled to your forehead, tesco will treat it like you're stealing all the food you just bought. Con's Your pretty metal engraved tax disc holder is now a worthless posh coaster for your mug You're going to have to spend ages scraping the residue off your windscreen left from the holder Stupid points of note: Why the hell does it need to rely on cameras catching you, your car is either, taxed, not taxed or SORN. If it lapses you get fined instantly, end of. It should be automatic direct debit until you say otherwise.
  11. ^ this, it'll only cost you a few quid for something simple like that
  12. i did the alpha DayZ thing, same as you bought Arma for it. it was... ok, it just sucked as a multiplayer, the concept was great but; the day night cycle was irritating as hell, the lack of control of spawn location (grouping with friends) was terrible, and the absolute defeat on death was harsh.
  13. that only lasts so long before they get inevitably annoyed
  14. Find a gamer lady, life becomes so peaceful
  15. if at any time someone says "here's some money for the gaming you've done" I'd throw the stuff at them and take the money!
  16. Imagine what you could have achieved with a year of awake/active time. Being an epic Priest Healer was not good enough? :lol: Keep talking...... Hmm, joined as premium member way way way back, was good times got to know people, got asked to be moderator, did that, demographic of Yogscast really shifted to kids as things like the YogPod dropped off the radar, forum changed to be more like the minecraft forum, got annoyed, quit.
  17. Yeeeeahhhh, so i tried this for 1 week, played a lot and then quit, vowing never to play it again. Reason was twofold; one, I didn't actually enjoy it all that much, it was just kinda consuming time plodding around doing random things that weren't that interesting. two, the reports from literally everyone that it is heavily addictive, linked in with reason one that I didn't actually find it all that rewarding play experience meant I didn't want to get hooked on a game I wasn't 100% on. Instead I accidentally managed to get hooked on Minecraft, running servers, moderating for the Yogscast, making videos, spending WoW amounts of time playing basically. But hey, I met many friends, actual friends I meet up with in the real physical world, including my fiancee... who is trying to get me to play WoW!! Noooooooooo i say!
  18. Ahh, we are looking to move out to Canada eventually. Was looking at property there with the mrs this week and dreaming. need to convince the parents to uproot and head over there I reckon, pool the money and buy a fricken massive house with a big chunk of land with a lake side view. Was the move pretty painless?
  19. I'm holding these before you edit and make me look like a fool I thought he was giving the holding breath idea a go and hit the keyboard.
  20. You sir have an ability I lack, to zone out and just deal with it.
  21. Here's a genuine question Mr Ricey, do you find you work a feck ton harder now you aren't some paper shuffling, stapler thumping office monkey? I'm long term planning to go self employed to get away from the large company / office environment as I find it really doesn't suit me one bit!
  22. I think the office would be better by being more honest with itself. Geoff: "What you up to there Jebadiah?" Jebadiah: "Oh, I'm spacing out for a minute on my Rubik cube so I can be mentally refreshed" Geoff: "Nice, that work will be to a much better standard than the usual fecal scrawling you do while not paying attention" Jebadiah: "Yeah, tell me about it! Any idea what's going on with Bernard over there?" Bernard:
  23. Vodka is your answer sir! Stick to vodka and vodka will not stick with you. Think of it like a lady, treat her nice, give her lots of attention and she'll be good to you, cheat on her with with the dirty whores whisky and beer and she'll s*** down your throat the next morning.
  24. Might be buying a Rubik cube tonight... I had once thought of practicing holding my breath, it's a transferable and useful skill to have and worse case is that I pass out at my desk.
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