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Everything posted by Husky

  1. ...When your mind can no longer take the strain of actually doing work. They say that after 15 minutes of someone lecturing us we just switch off and need a break to regain our mental agility and focus. I feel that a similar time limit exists for doing work and that for me the time limit is quite short So, when your mind is wandering and you enter that zen like vegetative state, what do you do to keep yourself from going nuts? Mr clicky mouse finger go on an adventure? Go for coffee? Build a matchstick model of the Mary Rose? Does anyone manage to actually achieve anything productive in this time or does a large portion of the human race basically spend half it's day staring bored into space?
  2. That means it isn't at the correct compression Thus doing not much to help the car
  3. I gave up on shedding a while back tbh. I found i just kept using the car anyway, like a crack addict. My daily is the Celica until it gets put in storage and we buy an eco fiesta
  4. If they are fine, when you put them back in remember to slap some copper grease on the back of them.
  5. take tension off of bar (big adjustable spanner would do it) disconnect wiring harness clips that are in the way. use socket extension to reach the nuts holding to chassis. have big magnetic thing handy for when nuts come loose in an awkward spot you cant reach them. I've not pulled a strut bar off in 2 years though so my memory may be bad There are plenty of reposts of the workshop manual kicking about if you search or google.
  6. If you got a tent, and camped out here You might see one as it goes in for it's service, as it's the only place that will do an official one.
  7. It's difficult really, the main thing that holds it back is the willingness for people to accept the different style of vehicle. The technology is coming on really fast, so fast now it's hard to keep up, but it all only happens if people buy them. This is why governments offer incentives on low emission vehicles, because left to decide themselves the public would not plough enough money into these types of vehicle to fund the development. Low capacity turbocharged hybrid vehicles have been shown to be very capable, even on the track, unfortunately the "milk float" perception of that market sector by many holds it back.
  8. Advances in the way engines operate, specifically in the region of forced induction (turbo chargers mainly). Essentially we can get the same power out of a 1.0 now that we could out of a 3.0 years ago. A 1.0 has the ability to run very economically, it is light and has a small capacity, off boost it will be quite economical if designed that way. A large engine with no boost has far less control over it's fuel consumption. 3 cylinder turbocharged engines are to become the norm soon, accompanied y hybrid electric enhancements. The hybrid electric parts aren't all about eco rubbish though as electric motors have great potential for providing substantial extra power on demand.
  9. There was a silver one in for a service few days back, wonder if it's the same one getting some attention before going out to play.
  10. Does that mean you didn't enjoy mine that time the exhaust valve got stuck open?
  11. Says the man who bought a weights set from Argos
  12. There's a few tidy examples hanging around, it's getting harder and harder to find one though! I wanted a specific colour (not black, white or silver) so it made it even harder. In the end I settled for one with some potential issues but I was fairly happy to deal with them.
  13. I'm not even allowed to fricken vote for my own country, it's ridiculous, although best not let this degenerate into a discussion about politics... Would be nice to get up there and have a house bought before god knows what happens with the border Since I bought the GT4 I have managed to miss every single snowfall for the last two years aside from 1 single day. humph
  14. you know, I wrote shelve, then doubted myself for some reason and googled it. Google refused to accept shelve as the correct use, damn you Google.
  15. I've never thought of her as a particularly pretty car, but she's grown on me through ownership and I now really love the shape.
  16. I bought some extra bits of hose from Viper performance to fit mine to my Celica GT4. I also had to get a custom pipe put together, but I doubt you'd have to do that in a zed. The filter is supplied as just that, a filter and I think it's fairly DIY to get it fitted to the car. It is however the best filter on the market
  17. How did I not see that announcement about BBK? Tbh Huskotronicus, I'd be happy not to see that ugly @rse celica anyway. Sorry dont like the look of them, as long as you do though! Good luck with BBK, I think he's high maintenance. Hey! best not click that then
  18. As his male mistress I must do my duty and follow.
  19. Haha, you try living in coventry! It'd make you want to move back to hell.
  20. Should have said Celica GT4, I've as yet not looked into the organ black market but I'd still take the same route I think. I can afford to keep the car, but withuot it around I speed up the whole house renovate process and thus get home sooner. Once home I can pull the cover off and play all I want
  21. Well, in some form of adult like decision (I say "adult like" as in reality I am an imposter posing as an adult). I have decided to put the GT4 on hold, and by "on hold" I mean under a car cover at the parents house. Essentially I have a long term plan to finish up everything down here (west midlands) and head back home (scotland). I have a house to renovate that costs money and needs a more practical car. Thus I shall be buying a brand new fiesta eco thing with work discount, it works out about £100 a month for the car and after 9 months i can trade it in getting about 1k back. Warranty, cheap insurance, no surprise repairs, 3x the mpg, can lug cement bags around, less power, struggling to join a motorway, never overtaking anything, crying softly into my pillow at night at the lack of whooshy sounds. I just thought I would share the depressing news with people who would understand :'(
  22. Husky


    I literally have no idea what MPG my Celica does, why the hell do you care?
  23. What happened to your avatar, Sandwich man?
  24. I was in the red celica at the roundabout. I can understand why you wouldn't have expected anyone to be there, I have a heavy right foot. Your zed sounded pretty good
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