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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Husky

    Y Pipe Exhaust OEM

    Perhaps I'm being blind but a google & forum search turned up nowt and just scanned through till Nov 15 and cant see anything. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106681-garage-clear-out-160316/page__hl__%2Bgarage+%2Bclear He wants 30 squid for them
  2. Been playing Robocraft this week, it's FTP on steam. There is a ridiculously good free code on Alienware if there are any left, basically skips all the grind of the entire game and gives you plenty of stuff for free, I played to lvl22 and it jumped me to 88 which is handy. I don't see me getting too much more play time out of it though, it's good fun but the level design and gameplay require an amount of polish to make it really good, currently it feels too easy to top the board for anyone who's played a lot of FPS games and isn't a moron building. Played Factorio the week before which is good fun, we played on a custom map and nearly end gamed it on our server, but it gets repetitive near the end and my mate got bored, thus it shall never be finished. Not touched a AAA game in a while actually.
  3. Can we agree to stop calling them "Hoverboards"
  4. Woops... I'll file that away with the "don't bring your key knife in your hand luggage" rule I forget about every time, it's been with me on a plane to US 4 times now, big enough it shouldn't be there. I put Li batteries from my camera, GoPro, Phone, all sorts in my case, no one has ever cared. EDIT: I'm not saying it's ok to do here, just that i'm retarded enough to do it.
  5. Herro I thought mine might be lightly spread about the countryside after going through a field or somehting, but according to the tax records it#s alive and well. Check it here: https://www.vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/
  6. I tried hunting on a variety of websites, there are just so very many zeds for sale, it's a needle in a haystack. Much easier to keep track of ST205's though I saw that :S
  7. Husky


    Plenty of people I know are in great relationships and don't want kids, maybe they will change their minds later, maybe not. I don't think it's a particularly negative thing in terms of the relationship though, if you're happy then continue being happy For the sake of the human race however, it's your duty to reproduce to water down the rampant spread of morons! (Unless you are one...)
  8. Ever wonder where your old car has gone? I did today and had a scour about the interwebs trying to find out. Plate was SA04ANK, blade silver, UK GT pack. Anyone happen to see it? Or own it on here? I don't know why I'm curious, just a nosey bugger Has anyone ever found their old car?
  9. You're going to get an earfull for not having matched tyres
  10. On a different topic... I can't start new topics, now I know this is a blessing and after you look upward and loudly exclaim to the sky "thank you to whichever god did this!", maybe you can take a peek at why I might be getting this message when trying to hit submit on a new topic? From work lappy of course.
  11. But this was a Darwinian Award for quad bikes:- http://www.dailymail...0mph-train.html Quads need taken off the road, we have some that drive past us and it's just stupidly unsafe. How are road quads unsafe? They offer the same protection as motorcycles. I believe helmets should be a legal requirement if they aren't already, though. Because Quad bikes and Motorbikes behave very differently in an accident.
  12. Two sets? Am I reading that right as four sproglets? My god, so brave.
  13. But this was a Darwinian Award for quad bikes:- http://www.dailymail...0mph-train.html Quads need taken off the road, we have some that drive past us and it's just stupidly unsafe.
  14. Been playing ARK and Dirty Bomb. ARK: Definately 100% give this a go, it's early access and the devs are working like troopers to make a solid game. Much better early access experience than others I've played, although always bear in mind it could just change overnight, who bloody knows these days. You are dropped on a huge beautiful island with a strange interface cut into your arm, you most certainly aren't alone as the island is filled with Triceratops, Megapiranah, Stegosaurus, Raptors, Brontosaurus, T rex and many more incredible dinosaurs. The dino models are just stunning while the environment is lush and fully interactable. You chop, pick, bash, stab and maul your way through the jungles, swamps, blizzards and beaches, taming dinos on your way. Only so much you can do by hand so you throw a saddle over your tamed dinosaur and get to work. Breaking through the jungle on a stegosaurus, transporting huge mobile buildings on the back of a bronto, flying a pteranodon into a volcano or riding a t rex into battle, it all kicks ass. Oh, you can build too, you're going to have to because there's nothing more fun than an alpha raptor devouring your hard work in those tamed dinos. Or if you feel brave, head onto the pvp servers and bash each others skulls in caveman style, that is until someone takes an assault rifle out and blows you away. Dirty Bomb: I have a big love hate thing going on with this right now. I love the concept, they've taken the character layout from MOBAs and glued it to a fast paced FPS. The game is set in a post biowarfare cleanup london (I think, don't pay too much attention to the story), huge pipes and poisonous gas abound, you have to achieve certain objectives as mercenaries on opposing teams. Team sizes are 8v8 and the maps are designed to really funnel you into head on combat rather than strategically out manoeuvring each other. A lot of people dislike that map design but personally I enjoy actually having something to do all the time, unlike those tedious moments of having no idea where the enemy are in other fps games. You have a team of 3 mercenaries you pre select for the mission, you can switch each death so you have good flexibility in your play style, even mid game. It's a free to play game and for once actually has a respectable business model, you get two mercs for free and 3 are on rotation which changes every 2 weeks. So at any time you have 5 to play with which is great. You can permanently unlock the mercs via in game currency that you earn each match and I'll be honest, it's not that difficult. Each merc has a loadout card they are using, you get these awarded frequently but can buy them with cash if you really want to get the perfect card. The bad side of the game, the devs make retarded decisions, team balance is ****ed so you get pub stomped frequently at peak times, the community (like most fps) is pretty shitty.
  15. So four people dead, Were all 4 on the unregistered quad bike in the middle of the night on a main road? Sounds like natural selection to me.
  16. Did greekman get banned for banging his mrs too loud in the hotel!? Harsh stuff.
  17. Popping my head in while I haven't got any meetings for the afternoon. Just thought I'd wave hello before the work laptop runs out of batte
  18. Spotted a few days back in a layby, I was the childish driver of the red celica GT4 that made a big whooshy sound going past you
  19. Not got any further sadly, between renovating the house and building a palace for our ducks to live in I have had zero time for fun projects! I'm still pondering on it in the meantime, and i'm swaying towards just putting a carputer in instead. My worry is going far down the Pi powered route and then coming to the conclusion that it's just annoyingly underpowered/laggy. I did come to one decision in the meantime though, and that's to mount the screen in potrait format. It means less screen space for a film, which is a down side, but it means it will be really easy to display multiple types of information at the same time by treating the screen as two halves. eg. top half for nav bottom half for climate.
  20. Something like this (built in the car) is fine for use as a vehicle information system (satnav, warning lights, speedo, etc) but not for extra junk. Also, it looks clunky as hell
  21. I get the same thing in my four. you don't often see them on the road, so people come up really close behind, but mine's been de-badged, big dustbin for an exhaust. If people try to drive into my boot I either slow down on purpose or blow them into the weeds. I am a big fan of slowing down a lot by lifting off and then just as they have to change gear booting it back up to where I was. Don't do it so much these days as it isn't the safest thing provoking people like that...
  22. My celica has a spoiler, big jap can exhaust and private plate. It looks like a boy racer car to many people so they treat it differently, they always want to challenge it and it gets super tiring after a while. It has better power to weight than most things on the road as it is modded and easily puts it down due to 4wd, it is very likely that it's going to be faster than their fwd diesel in any circumstance. So what's the point in hassling me! I tend to move out the way and let them get on with it, it's just not worth the hassle (read as danger) of being near to a nob end like that. If they try and cut me off from getting in a lane though, that's a different story, every last bit of PSI brought to bear
  23. I don't know if the dealerships get the same discount as the actual companies? Would be interesting to know.
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