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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Really difficult, honestly. It's a bloody long way up! Stables have steps normally as it's hard work on some of the larger beasts. I honestly see it as nothing different from rain water or leaves on the road, it's part of the environment. Gritting does my tits in more than poo.
  2. Oi, I'm a city boy lol! bit of a country side lover though Conversions are possible. You must be baptized in a body of water that's not been through the sewer 5 times.
  3. I'd never leave the house if I had,... oh you mean a picture.
  4. Why should they toss it in the bushes? it's no different than the soil all around you. Everything has been crap from something at some time. You know that farmers spread poo on your food before you eat it. City people need to get a grip on where things come from.
  5. I went from the zed to a celica GT4, never looked back. The zed is painful to mod, you just watch the 4 figure numbers pour out your wallet for single figure numbers going onto the bhp. And it's not guaranteed you get a good zed either, mine liked to break in every common way possible. Granted I've had problems with the Celica, but I knew I would and budgeted for them as the car was way cheaper. I'd say, if you want to mod a car to be pretty, get a zed, if you want to mod a car for speed, get the Supra (or equivalent). At the end of the day it;s a personal choice and the only way you're going to know if by driving them both and seeing which gives you goosebumps. EDIT: I also owned a GTO in the past and would say it was the most enjoyable experience of all the cars I've owned (had a big exhaust, stripes, etc) but it was a bit lardy and drank fuel.
  6. It's going to be cross platform, starting with PC/Mac. https://keepflying.com/ It's supposedly due summer 2014, so should be out soon i guess.
  7. What about a holding your breath underwater contest?! well technically you'd have to dunk your head in the tank whilst tossing the goldfish out at the same time. First to die loses
  8. Oh man, i remember the first 5% of the first level of Flashback. The memories... well, memory anyway. I just found out that Firefly Online is going to be a thing. I'm a massive Firefly geek so I'm chuffed.
  9. So many valuable life lessons here. One from today. If you have pizza the night before and it is using your intestinal tract as a didgeridoo. Go to the toilet immediately, do not delay. If you do wait that extra minute, the cleaner will have closed the toilet and you will have to run down two flights of stairs and across an office to the next nearest loo only to find that it was used previously by an ape who can't flush. Run quickly, flush quickly, sit quickly.
  10. I forgot possibly the best one was when I was in the swimming pool underwater and decided to try and open my eyes for the first time: To my surprise, it was all fine! No stinging, no nothing, just felt normal. In fact, so normal I then started to breathe normally whilst underwater... Yeah, don't do that kids. amazing. Although, not sure how you cope with that, my eyes turn to fire and it stings like a bitch, chlorine or no chlorine. You can't see squat either surely? When I've fought back the stinging agony I just see blurry useless. no fair though.
  11. Because it's not based on any scientific fact If you said, I'm a british white male so I can handle more wine than say, a japanese bloke. I can't see why that'd be a problem either, it's based on the science of genetics.
  12. That's a little bit racist no? It's genetics. The pound coin one. oh man I laughed for a while at that.
  13. Looks like crap And how fricken awkward do you look in that picture hahaha
  14. Arrrrgghhhh that's horrible!! "You know how I got these scars?" Yeah, it's the sound that comes right before a crash. If i hear the words "watch this" coming from my mouth, I think "BRACE BRACE BRACE".
  15. I declare all my mods no matter how small as they are covered on like for like replacement. Just have to make sure every time i replace a stock part it's a modded bit, then I'll be able to build a full extra car out of all the parts
  16. Don't stick a hand saw into the nail of your left index finger. It hurts incredibly ****ing badly. Any tips you want to share, please do! If only there was some kind of "expect wood to split and saw to fly down into finger" warning around, maybe I'd not have cried myself to sleep last night.
  17. Quick google, probs worth going and asking these guys if they have any http://www.ukcorsa-d.com/forum/showthread.php?67638-VXD-badge http://www.vxronline.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?94890-Does-anyone-know-where-I-can-get-some-VXD-badges
  18. I tried using sketchup for some small parts, I was on my laptop and didn't have access to my desktop with Autodesk at the time. As I drew the part I realised that sketchup can't actually cope with curves, not small ones anyway. It simply drew it as a many sided polygon. Now I understand the limitations of a computer meaning it can't cope with the infinite precision of a circles edge but it's handling of this was very poor. What it should do is understand the curve drawn is a... curve. The curve should be represented within the program by it's appropriate equation and the resulting image of said curve should be created based on that equation, this also means that when you reference a point on that curve you get a very accurate report of distance or whatever it was you wanted to find out. All the program is doingis plug in the numbers to the curves equation and out pops the answer. Also, when you zoom in closer and closer to the curve, it redraws it with the appropriate number of plotted points so it appears appear smooth to you at that zoom level, the closer you get the more plotted points that curve would have (I'm talking visually here). So inside the program the curve is just an equation and any manipulation of it is done within the maths before being displayed to the user. What sketchup does it simplify curves by plotting points along it's path to a set precision, and that's it done permanently. So, when you are zoomed out it'll be fine, and if you are taking a measurement in say, cm's you're going to get a perfectly accurate result. However, once you zoom in you notice the plotting, and you also notice that the points are plotted far enough apart you can't get the precision you need in a measurement. Sketchup doesn't deal with the model you are building in equations, it deals with it as plotted points in three dimensional space and vectors that are associated with those points. The solid faces you see are also just groupings of vectors that should be associated to make a plane. The restriction of this is that it gets highly confused when it comes to understanding what is and is not solid, what is the outside surface and what is not. Again it also it comes down to curved surfaces, a cylinder, instead of being a smooth cylinder becomes a polygon tube. You are able to simply delete a face in sketchup and it'll be gone, your part will have an open side and be completely hollow, the part should be solid so in essence you shouldn't be able to do this. you should be able to manipulate the points in space and thus the vectors associated with them, but not the faces that are placed between them. The bottom line is that sketchup is designed to be a lightweight and free to use tool. Obviously a decision was made to make the tool work in the way it does to avoid the computational stress that comes along with normal CAD packages. That decision isn't noticable when you draw an image of a plank of wood, but for the fine details it can make a huge difference. Some examples: this is an assembly I drew in sketchup after many many hours of fighting with it. from a distance it looks fine, the edges of the circles are plotted to enough precision to appear as circles with no issue. however as you loko closer you can see the jagged edges creeping in: When you look at the same part done in CAD at a similar zoom you can see there are no jagged edges as the part is redrawn with suitable precision for the zoom level: Another part as an example: The whole assembly as rendered in Autodesk Inventor: Hopefully I haven't made any glaring mistakes, if I have, some CAD guru can correct me as I'm just a novice. Sorry for going off topic. (if you want to go into it further feel free to quote me into a new thread)
  19. As an engineer who uses proper CAD programs, sketchup makes me cry. As people have said, 3D print it, it'd cost you pennies to get done. There are plenty of geeky people around who have built their own or bought cheap 3D printer systems. The machine to 3D print something that size only costs you a couple hundred not thousands. The CAD wouldn't take long to do if you can find the right font for it.
  20. If i recall, there is a cig socket on the passenger side, slightly under the dash? you can wire into that no problem. or the one behind the seats, makes no difference You can do it two ways: 1) get a 12v to 5v voltage regulator circuit and put a USB socket on it. 2) (the much easier way) get a small cig socket to USB and plug a USB extension cable into it. You will most likely need to include one of thesein line in order to remove the whine. Using method 2, you want to wire a 2nd 12v socketinto the lines of the OEM 12v socket and hide it behind the trim. Then plug in something like this into it, finally put your USB extension cable (or phone charger cable direct) into that and run it to wherever you want. And if you felt really flash you could install something like thisto finish it off nicely
  21. Incredibly late bordering on never happening, him, neeeevvverrr happened before
  22. She's a lady so she's sucking it up and getting along with it.
  23. To be fixed! Eventually...
  24. Euromillions? Not quite, but for us thinking how best to address a deep rooted issue it might as well be.... Delete all Biscuit and Sarnies posts, that'll reduce the load
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