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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. There just isn't any beating you sometimes!!
  2. I would bet that the connector behind the dials has come loose or not been re-connected. When I have changed the Sat Nav and Stereo and taken the connector off the blowers just come on full bore if you start the engine. I would start there.
  3. +1 Speak to ZMANALEX for a price on the engine and if you are anywhere near the south, have a word with Mark @ Abbey Motorsport. Sure Mark will have lots of experience re-building the engine with their racing support. Sure I have seen replacement engines on ebay for £2k - £2.5k with a warrenty but never really took much notice so not sure what their reputation is like. Good luck though as sounds pricey either way.
  4. I have also found that at just over 70 you don't get wet unless its massively throwing it down!! I am only garaging mine this early due to the tax running our at the end of Sept and I didn't want to pay a full year when I am only going to get another couple of weeks in.
  5. The bumpers and skirts will fit no problem, the spoiler is different curve on the roadster but if you're not bothered about that then you will be fine!! Hope you're still enjoying the car mate.
  6. A battery conditioner, similar to a trickle charger??
  7. Trust me Vik I nearly shed a tear as I closed the garage door behind the car!!!
  8. Yeah the car is SORN. Handbrake is off, car cover is on. Will I need to run it every so often just to keep everything tickerty boo? I can move it without taking it onto public roads albeit not miles but enough to get it a little warm and get it moving.
  9. Just put the car in the garage for winter, any tips or advice on what I should do to ensure everything still works next year? I haven't ever had to winter a car before so not really sure what I should/shouldn't do. The only thing I am aware of is the battery, but want some information about wheels, brakes, engine etc etc. Any tips welcome. And guess what, bloody beautiful day today in the midlands and could have had the roof down.................its October so be bad weather now!!!
  10. Very true, cant beat the old Microprose Grand Prix games on the PC, technical setups & realistic damage Massive +1. I spent loads of my time on that game and I don't think anything has come close to it since which is shocking really!!
  11. If it was a setting though you could make your car a brick if you don't like it or switch it onto sim for the geeks. Should be simple like the driving aids. Would save them making two copies and you wouldn't be disappointed if you bought the wrong copy.
  12. The only thing that really lets it down is the damage, you seem to be able to hit the car alot without it doing much harm to the car. That should be a setting as well to make it more simulation or none. Seems a pretty fair crack at an F1 game though.
  13. Maybe you should have your post count reset under the new banner, see how long it takes you to get to 10k again................................... my money is on Xmas!!!
  14. Some pretty tasty moves on this.
  15. Good luck John, will hopefully be tapping you out for some services over the winter.
  16. Who are you insured with.... Chris Knott an insurer on here.
  17. My first thought exactly. I love the look of this!! Build me one John!!
  18. Never checked for a coupe but my insurance is only £580 and that covers all my mods and I have plenty!!
  19. Possibly park it a distance away and walk the rest just in case. I think Chris has made a good point about the Zed.
  20. What colour is your car, might give people an indication of whether they have anything that fits the bill. I have a pair of side skirts in GM if thats what you mean by side sills? Also if you have no joy from other forum members then try ZMANALEX, he usually has entire cars broken down ready for next day posting!!
  21. Can't say I have seen that or the front and rear Zed badges with LEDs. Happy hunting and post up some info if you do find it.
  22. Its down to you really, if you like them then fill your boots. Personally not a fan. I thought you had some funky spoiler on your car in the first picture but then realised it was your wheelie bin!!!!
  23. just slightly!!! Presume this wasn't meant for this thread?!?
  24. If its the under strut LEDs on the rear then that will be Husky who is our resident LED/electrical/dog walking expert!!
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